Toy Story Which Character Are You Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

Toy Story: Which Character Are You, Based On Your Chinese Zodiac?

Toy Story remains one of the most popular Pixar films of all time. Find out which character best matches your personality, using your Chinese Zodiac.

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Toy Story Which Character Are You Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

The characters in the Toy Story franchise may literally be toys for people to play, but with the excellent manner in which Pixar created those characters, it was clear that they were full of incredible personalities. Because of that, the characters have been very easy to connect with over the years.

There is a fantastic variety of characters in the film and their personalities certainly leap out within the movies. But which character are you most alike within this franchise? Utilizing the Chinese zodiac system, this list will determine which character you would be.

12 Rat – Bullseye

Toy Story Which Character Are You Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

While Bullseye doesn’t talk within any of the Toy Story movies he shows all of his character and personality with his emoting. Bullseye is reliable and is full of energy and positivity, which is usually the case for those within the rat zodiac.

People in this zodiac tend to be very popular and have lots of friends and that is certainly the case for Bullseye. Everyone loves him and his playful energy makes him incredibly popular with the rest of the gang, and it also makes him the perfect rat zodiac.

11 Horse – Bo Peep

Toy Story Which Character Are You Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

Bo Peep proved to be a very popular character within this franchise and that is mainly down to the energy that she brings. Bo Peep is always positive and provides confidence to others with her reassuring messages, all of which make her the ideal horse zodiac.

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However, the main reason that Bo Peep would be a horse zodiac is that those in this sign tend to be very independent. While they work well with others, they also require an element of freedom, and that is something that Bo Peep absolutely needs.

10 Ox – Mr. Potato Head

Toy Story Which Character Are You Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

Mr. Potato Head is another very popular character from the Toy Story world. This is because he clearly cares about everyone within the group, especially Mrs. Potato Head and the Green Aliens. He tries his best no matter what the situation is, even if it’s something he doesn’t want to be involved in.

However, he isn’t an overwhelming bundle of positive energy like some of the other toys. Mr. Potato Head certainly has a grumpy side, but that is a personality trait that many oxs have, which makes him well suited to this zodiac sign.

9 Goat – Wheezy

Toy Story Which Character Are You Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

Wheezy might not be one of the main characters in this franchise, and he isn’t someone who pops up on a regular basis throughout the movies. However, he’s a very memorable supporting character and someone who would be best suited to being a goat zodiac.

This is because characters in this zodiac sign tend to be quite chilled out and are well mannered, which was certainly the case with this popular penguin. He’s a quiet character, and not just because of his issues with dust, but that is just how his personality is.

8 Tiger – Woody

Toy Story Which Character Are You Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

Woody is the leader of the gang and is certainly Andy’s favorite. While he is the true hero of the Toy Story franchise, that doesn’t mean he’s perfect though. He is easily frustrated and struggles with jealousy, both of which are traits of a Tiger.

However, they also tend to be brave, adaptable, and confident, all of which Woody also is. He might sometimes fallout with his friends, but there’s no denying he is popular and well-liked because even though he makes mistakes, Woody’s heart is always in the right place.

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7 Monkey – Duke Caboom

Toy Story Which Character Are You Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

Duke Caboom might only have made his first appearance in Toy Story 4, but he quickly made an impact with his huge personality. He is a tremendous character that has a really over the top energy with his constant posing, which works well with being a monkey zodiac, as they tend to be quite cheeky.

People in this zodiac tend to also be very agile, energetic and sporty, and that is exactly how Duke Caboom is. He might not always believe in himself, but he certainly tries his best, which is why he became so popular.

6 Rabbit – Rex

Toy Story Which Character Are You Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

Rex might seem like an incredibly scary toy who, on the surface looks like he will be loud and aggressive, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. He is the total opposite of that as Rex is actually very shy and quiet, often being very anxious and scared of pretty much everything.

While that isn’t always the case for rabbit zodiacs, they do tend to be reserved and shy in their personalities. They tend to be very kind to others and prefer to avoid conflicts and arguments, which is certainly the case with Rex.

5 Rooster – Gabby Gabby

Toy Story Which Character Are You Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

Gabby Gabby is certainly a very interesting character which initially begins as being quite villainous but ultimately is very heartbreaking and emotional. She’s certainly a complex character, but one thing that is clear is that she’s incredibly intelligent.

She creates a plan and makes things happen to achieve her goal, which is exactly what a rooster zodiac does. They tend to be very responsive and quick to work, which Gabby Gabby showcases during Toy Story 4.

4 Dragon – Buzz Lightyear

Toy Story Which Character Are You Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

Dragon zodiacs tend to be relentless people who will not give up, no matter the circumstances and that certainly sums up Buzz Lightyear. He is very persistent with his goals, even if they are ludicrous, such as his early belief that he wasn’t a toy.

People in this zodiac sign also tend to be really good leaders, and that is another role that Buzz excels in. He has the confidence in his abilities and his knowledge that he is happy to lead the rest of the toys, especially at the very end of Toy Story 4, without Woody by his side.

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3 Dog – Slinky Dog

Toy Story Which Character Are You Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

The main trait that a dog zodiac tends to have is loyalty. Because of that, Slinky Dog is the perfect character to take this slot, as he is someone who is consistently there for Woody, and the rest of the gang, always standing by the side of his friends no matter what.

It doesn’t matter how dangerous the adventure is or how serious the problem is, Slinky is there, no questions asked. On top of that, he is also very calm and cool-headed, not being one to make snap judgments which is something that the group certainly needs.

2 Snake – Hamm

Toy Story Which Character Are You Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

Hamm might be a little grumpy at points, but that’s only because he has the wisdom and intelligence from all the experience he has. He is happy enough dealing with things on his own, but he does work well within a group environment as well.

Hamm is someone who shouldn’t be crossed, with Andy making him a major evil villain as Dr. Evil Pork Chop. However, it isn’t just in Andy’s imagination where he shouldn’t be crossed as Hamm is also quick to question his own friends if he needs to, proving he shouldn’t be crossed.

1 Pig – Jessie

Loyal, consistently positive and incredibly kind. Those are the big traits of a pig zodiac, and they just so happen to be the key traits of Jessie as well. One of the best characters from this world, Jessie really is incredible as a character.

She puts herself into danger when needed and she is certainly very loyal to everyone which really is a commendable characteristic. Jessie is incredibly kind though, always looking to help others and make sure everyone is okay.

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