Twilight 10 Movie Or TV Vampires Who Would Be A Better Match For Bella Than Edward

Twilight: 10 Movie Or TV Vampires Who Would Be A Better Match For Bella Than Edward

Bella and Edward’s relationship in Twilight was… weird, to say the least, and here are 10 other vampires we think could take better care of her.

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Twilight 10 Movie Or TV Vampires Who Would Be A Better Match For Bella Than Edward

The successful fantasy franchise Twilight, which started out as books and later turned into films, made many people believe that vampires were much different than originally portrayed. Despite all of its mistakes, it still managed to lure in thousands of fans and provided them with a romance to die for, that being the one between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, her mysterious classmate, boyfriend and later also Bella’s husband and the father of her daughter Renesmee.

However, there are some movie and TV vampires who would have been a much better match for Bella, if only their paths crossed. Some of them might be familiar to you, others not so much.

10 Henry Fitzroy (Blood Ties)

Twilight 10 Movie Or TV Vampires Who Would Be A Better Match For Bella Than Edward

Henry Fitzroy was the unfortunate bastard son of King Henry VIII (yes, the king who had six wives and had two of them killed). He died at the age of 17, unmarried and childless. However, according to the successful fantasy writer Tanya Huff, Henry didn’t die and instead became a vampire.

Huff’s vampires age very slowly, but they still do, so, when the viewers meet Henry in the modern time, he’s a handsome and charming guy in his 20s. Unlike some vampires, Henry doesn’t seem to struggle with his bloodthirsty nature so much and is genuinely gallant, funny, and intelligent, a good partner for any girl—if she can get over the fact that he’s basically dead during the day. Hey, nobody’s perfect.

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9 Mick St. John (Moonlight)

Twilight 10 Movie Or TV Vampires Who Would Be A Better Match For Bella Than Edward

The age difference between Mick St. John and Bella might be too big, but, if she managed to get over the fact that her boyfriend looks older than her, these two could actually be a good couple. Mick works as a private investigator in Los Angeles, and he’s very good at his job, even though he has the unfortunate tendency to get into problems—just like Bella, it’s just one thing they have in common. Mick also isn’t all that sold on being a vampire and sometimes fights his own nature, but most of the time, he’s funny and attentive, albeit somewhat self-deprecating.

8 Elijah Mikaelson (The Originals)

Twilight 10 Movie Or TV Vampires Who Would Be A Better Match For Bella Than Edward

Of all the Mikaelson brothers, Elijah is definitely the most stable one. Everybody who watched The Vampire Diaries and its sequel The Originals knows that Elijah’s half-brother Klaus is brutal and unpredictable, and their remaining brothers are… well, dead, so Elijah it is. Elijah considers himself to be a gentleman, and he acts that way as well, especially towards women, twice more if said women are innocent, just like Bella is. Plus, he seems to have a thing for brunettes, so Bella could even be his type, and Elijah would do his best to protect her from any potential harm.

7 Marcel Gerard (The Originals)

Twilight 10 Movie Or TV Vampires Who Would Be A Better Match For Bella Than Edward

The Originals deserve one more spot on this list. Marcel started out as a villain of sorts but the more the viewers got to know him, the more sympathetic he became. He used to be Klaus’s offspring and right hand, but he later found his own footing and wasn’t afraid to stand against his sire.

Marcel may not be as strong as Klaus, but he can hold his own in battle and controls the entire French Quarter in New Orleans, so it’s likely he’d be able to protect Bella if the situation went south. He can be a bit of a flirt, but when he genuinely likes someone, he’s very kind to them.

6 Aidan (Being Human)

Twilight 10 Movie Or TV Vampires Who Would Be A Better Match For Bella Than Edward

Aidan from the TV show Being Human is slightly more dangerous than the rest of the vampires on this list, and that’s probably because he still has issues when it comes to controlling his thirst for blood, which is something that brought him troubles in the past. Aidan also isn’t that excited about being a vampire but on the other hand, he’s a survivor, a very resilient person, and tries to make his best of the situation he’s in, just like Bella when she moves to Forks, a place she hates. It’s difficult to imagine under what circumstances could Aidan and Bella meet, but they could hit it off if they came across one another.

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5 Stefan Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries)

Twilight 10 Movie Or TV Vampires Who Would Be A Better Match For Bella Than Edward

Stefan Salvatore is a man of many faces. At his best, he’s sweet, gentle, sensitive, funny, and handsome—an ideal boyfriend for any high school student, as Elena Gilbert could surely attest. But, when Stefan switches off his emotions, he becomes a bloodthirsty killing machine who likes to rip people’s heads off.

For Bella’s sake, let’s hope he’d be in his usual friendly mode when they would meet for the first time. Stefan isn’t exactly a crybaby, but he does hate being a vampire most of the time, and his sensitive soul would complement Bella’s well. Plus, he’s still strong enough to protect her from danger, even if The Vampire Diaries vampires generally grow stronger as they get older.

4 Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries)

Twilight 10 Movie Or TV Vampires Who Would Be A Better Match For Bella Than Edward

Just like in Elena’s and Katherine’s case, Stefan Salvatore isn’t the only Salvatore brother Bella could date if they met. Damon started out as the antagonist, but he eventually became one of the most heroic characters, all thanks to Elena whose love for Damon had transformed him.

While it may sound like a cliche, Damon is the type of person who thrives when he’s in a fulfilling relationship, and he and Bella could be good together. He could help Bella overcome her shyness, and she could show him that life doesn’t end when things don’t go the way you planned.

3 Angel (Angel)

Twilight 10 Movie Or TV Vampires Who Would Be A Better Match For Bella Than Edward

It’s impossible to talk about vampires and not to mention Angel who started out in Buffy and then moved onto his own spin-off series. Of all the tortured souls on this list, Angel is probably the most tortured one. It’s almost impossible to imagine what could bring him and Bella together, but, if they did meet, it’s not a long shot to say that they could find one another fascinating. Bella views the world around her in a different way than most teenagers, and Angel is just as special in his own right. Even if they didn’t become a couple, they could still be friends, at least.

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2 Viago (What We Do In The Shadows)

Twilight 10 Movie Or TV Vampires Who Would Be A Better Match For Bella Than Edward

Let’s move to film and the realm of comedy for a moment. Before he played Adolf Hitler and directed the universally applauded superhero flick Thor: Ragnarok, director Taika Waititi filmed a vampire mockumentary called What We Do In The Shadows (2014), and he also played one of the vampires called Viago.

This is by far probably the most bizarre potential couple on this list, but Viago had a wicked sense of humor, and, if he and Bella dated, they would certainly have a lot of laughs and would experience many memorable moments together. Viago lives with three different types of vampires, and, if Bella came to visit her boyfriend, most of them could use some fresh blood in the house (pun intended).

1 Louis (Interview With The Vampire)

Judging by Edward’s character, Bella seems to have a thing for brooding vampires. That’s not necessarily bad, one can sometimes use a bit of brooding in his life. While Louis from the critically acclaimed film Interview with the Vampire doesn’t spend time chasing high school girls around; if he did, he and Bella would probably be attracted to one another.

Bella seems fascinated by the notion of vampires and Louis, on the other hand, tries to stay as connected to normal people and humanity in general as possible. Dating him would be a bit like walking a tightrope, but at least Louis never watched his potential partners when they slept.

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