WandaVision 10 Theories How Mephisto Could Appear In The Series

WandaVision: 10 Theories How Mephisto Could Appear In The Series

WandaVision has taken the MCU in a unique direction so far. Theories abound everywhere including some regarding the appearance of Mephisto.

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WandaVision 10 Theories How Mephisto Could Appear In The Series

Disney+’s WandaVision may be unusual in the larger context of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), but it hasn’t missed a beat in inspiring lots of speculation and theories among fans about what is happening and what could happen down the line. One of the biggest mysteries in the series has to do with the character of Mephisto.

Introduced as a villain of the Silver Surfer in the comics, the devil-like Mephisto went on to become a major antagonist of the Avengers and to play a cruel role in the lives of the Vision and the Scarlet Witch. Easter eggs from WandaVision suggest a similar fate could be in store in the series.

10 Dottie Is Mephisto

WandaVision 10 Theories How Mephisto Could Appear In The Series

The character of Dottie Jones is one of the most mysterious figures in the town of Westview. She was notably among the residents who Jimmy Woo wasn’t able to identify in episode four, and her appearances so far seem to indicate she is connected to a larger story. One theory is that Dottie, who is nominally in control of the Westview community, is secretly Mephisto.

This comes from a few sources, but principally from her strange mantra of everything being ‘for the children’ and Mephisto’s key role in the lives of Wanda’s children in the comic books. In the 1985 limited series The Vision and the Scarlet Witch, Wanda unknowingly uses fragments of Mephisto’s soul to create Thomas and William.

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WandaVision 10 Theories How Mephisto Could Appear In The Series

Reddit user u/Jellymenn suggested the SWORD logo isn’t actually for SWORD. This theory builds off of demonic iconography, where an inverted cross often represents the biblical Satan. Mephisto isn’t necessarily Satan in the Marvel comics, but more or less plays the role.

This theory has less traction in light of episode four, in which SWORD (Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Department) is fully revealed to be an authentic organization in the vein of S.H.I.E.L.D., though not directly connected to it. Still, anything seems possible in this series.

8 Ghost Rider

WandaVision 10 Theories How Mephisto Could Appear In The Series

Mephisto has actually appeared in a live-action movie already. He appeared in both Ghost Rider movies starring Nicholas Cage, first with Peter Fonda in the role and later Ciaran Hinds, in the sequel Spirits Of Vengence.

Given that numerous non-MCU movie characters could potentially appear in the franchise going forward thanks to the multiverse, especially earlier movie versions of Doctor Octopus and Electro in the third Spider-Man movie, then it’s very possible that Mephisto could follow the same route.

7 Doctor Strange

WandaVision 10 Theories How Mephisto Could Appear In The Series

Mephisto may emerge in the MCU through Doctor Strange. He is a recurring villain for the Sorcerer Supreme in the comic books, and while Mephisto may not actually appear in WandaVision, all the hints might be leading to his eventual appearance in Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness.

Wanda Maximoff is going to play a major role in that movie, which may deal with the fallout of what happens in Westview. If that’s the case, then Doctor Strange could be key to illuminating the true threat in the suburbs.

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6 The True Mastermind Behind Infinity War

WandaVision 10 Theories How Mephisto Could Appear In The Series

Reddit user u/CarniLvr79 suggested Mephisto has been in the MCU all along and was actually the mastermind behind The Snap. The ambitious theory posits that Red Skull from the first Captain America movie was actually Mephisto in disguise, and his experience as guardian of the Soul Stone ultimately leads to his evolution as the soul-collecting devil from the comics.

It’s a complex theory that has some interesting observations on the role of souls in the MCU that could come into play.

5 Falcon And Winter Soldier

WandaVision 10 Theories How Mephisto Could Appear In The Series

There are some interesting hints being dropped in WandaVision regarding Mephisto. There have been some spotted in the upcoming Disney+ MCU streaming series as well. The Falcon And Winter Soldier will debut in March, but some eagle-eyed fans spotted a unique symbol on some jackets in behind the scenes footage.

It appears that the red face of a devil is emblazoned on them. It’s possible this figure on the jackets is Mephisto, but there is another possibility: Ogun, a Japanese martial arts master, and nemesis of Wolverine.

4 The Loki Connection

WandaVision 10 Theories How Mephisto Could Appear In The Series

Mephisto made another surprising appearance in the background of a brief shot in the first trailer for the upcoming Loki series. The horned red devil-like character certainly looks like Mephisto, which is another piece of evidence that the character could be a major part of Phase 4 of the MCU.

Loki has betrayed a lot of people in the MCU, and this Loki isn’t anywhere near as enlightened as the one who died at the hands of Thanos. It’s possible that Loki could engage in some sort of bargain with Mephisto.

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3 Señor Scratchy

WandaVision 10 Theories How Mephisto Could Appear In The Series

Mephisto may already be in Westview. In episode two of the series, Agnes, who may actually be Marvel Comics sorceress Agatha Harkness, introduces Wanda to a bunny. The bunny’s name is Señor Scratchy. This otherwise innocuous name is a play on Mr. Scratch, a longtime alternate name for the devil.

Agnes also makes another potential reference to Mephisto when Dottie Jones tells the Westview planning committee that “the Devil is in the details.” This leads Agnes to say, “That’s not the only place he is.”

2 Agnes Is Mephisto

WandaVision 10 Theories How Mephisto Could Appear In The Series

Agnes’ connection to Mephisto may not be entirely tangential. Agnes seems to have some working knowledge of what is happening in Westview, and it’s telling that she, like Dottie, is not identified as a standard resident of the town by Jimmy Woo.

Agnes is seen politely nudging Wanda toward the act of creating her children with Vision in the first episode, interrupting key moments of awareness like Wanda’s discovery of the toy helicopter in episode two, and she’s very concerned about the arrival of Monica Rambeau in episode three.

1 Agnes’ Husband Is Mephisto

It may not be that Agnes is the devil in disguise, but it could be her husband. So far, Agnes has made numerous references to her husband Ralph, but he’s yet to be seen. Agatha Harkness didn’t have a husband in the comics, but she did conspire with Mephisto.

After Wanda discovered the truth of her children’s creation, Agnes erased Wanda’s memories to help her recover from the trauma. She later restored them, which ultimately led to some of the most devastating moments in all of Marvel Comics history.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wandavision-mcu-theories-mephisto-appearance/

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