Where Are You Going Strange Genshin Impact NPC In The Sky

Where Are You Going, Strange Genshin Impact NPC In The Sky?

Gao Fei, we have a lot of questions about why you’re a regular person strolling through the sky.

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There’s plenty to buzz about when it comes to new content Mihoyo keeps adding to Genshin Impact, but that’s not what’s caught our eye today. Instead, we’re focused on a strange clip of Genshin Impact’s Gao Fei, an NPC who has decided the sky is the limit. Literally.

If you’re not familiar with who Gao Fei is, don’t worry, I didn’t know either and I play the game daily. Apparently, the little guy is an NPC that calls Liyue Harbor home, hanging out outside around the Wanwen Bookhouse. He’s not always there, but it doesn’t really matter because he hasn’t been important to Genshin Impact – yet.

In a post on Reddit, Redditor dlgn_ shared their strange encounter with the boy who decided to up and take flight. I’ve encountered NPCs before that float in the air just a bit, and it wasn’t particularly funny, but Geo Fei is strolling through the sky like this is just his usual patrol. His silly little stride makes it kind of hilarious.

Adding to the chuckle, a couple of Redditors commented that his name is pretty ironic if you consider its Chinese meaning. In a comment from Jukker6, they note “gao means high and fei means to fly,” and they weren’t the only one to point this out, either. I guess Gao Fei took his namesake seriously.

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On more than one occasion, we’ve reported on some of Genshin Impact’s most amusing glitches. We’ve seen Ganyu bore the Traveler to death with a story, while a Diluc jump glitch actually worked to one player’s advantage – even if it did look a bit silly in the process.

It’s not all game hiccups and laughs, though. Mihoyo has plenty to keep you busy with if you’re looking for new content out of Teyvat, as the game prepares to add Yoimiya to its five-star ranks. There’s also another food-related event starting up soon in Japan, which hopefully means those of us playing in North America will be able to snatch up those in-game recipes soon.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/gao-fei-glitch-in-sky/

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