Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac?

Which Glee character are you based on your zodiac sign? The young men and women of Glee are especially fascinating and have surprising depth.

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Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Ryan Murphy’s Glee was one of those shows that, for a time at least, was a cultural phenomenon. It demonstrated that the genre of the musical was not only alive and well, but also that it could be adapted to fit into a serialized television series about a bunch of teens in a glee club. There was something infectiously optimistic about it, and the characters, while at times frustrating, were nevertheless fundamentally good people who wanted to make it in the world.

These young men and women are especially fascinating (and have surprising depth) when considering the Glee characters as zodiac signs.

Updated on October 2nd, 2021 by Amanda Bruce: Not all music fans love the covers produced by Glee, but that doesn’t change the fact that the series bought a lot of diversity and representation into the world of teen television at a time when it was desperately needed. Amongst the huge cast of characters in Glee, the cheerleaders sang alongside the outcasts, and frank discussions about sexuality added to the emotional musical numbers. The audience could all find someone to identify with in the New Directions glee club.

13 Aries – Sue

Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Sue Sylvester is one of the most interesting characters in the entire series. Part of this, no doubt, stems from the inimitable performance of Jane Lynch, but it also has to do with her relentless ambition and passion. While Aries are best known for their impulsivity, they’re also incredibly passionate people. Sue’s passion lies in cheerleading and, often, in bringing down the glee club.

There’s no question that she is one of the main antagonists of the entire series – Sue has some of the most savage quotes in Glee, after all – but the viewer can’t help but find her impossible to look away from, and her constant scheming against the glee club provides both dramatic excitement and comic relief.

12 Taurus – Finn

Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

This is a show that knows how to create characters that can be both endearing and infuriating in equal measure, and few characters are as exemplary in this regard as Finn.

While he’s a lovable guy, and while he is certainly very loyal to those that he loves (including, of course, Rachel), he can also be infuriatingly stubborn sometimes, and this leads him to take some actions and to say some things that he probably would have been better off avoiding. That loyalty is a hallmark of a Taurus, just as the stubborn resolve is.

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11 Gemini – Emma And Tina

Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Emma is, of course, Will’s primary love interest for much of the series, and the woman that he clearly wanted to be with. Unfortunately for him, she definitely has all of the traits of a Gemini – the good, and those seen in a more negative light. She is sweet and charismatic, but she has that fundamental instability of character that is a signature of this air sign, which means that she ends up hurting Will far too often, mostly because she is focused on her own needs more than anything else.

Tina is also charming once she gets over her shyness. Glee club is part of what helps her with that. The club also helps her make some lifelong friendships as she’s able to connect to people in a whole new social setting.

10 Cancer – Mercedes

Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Even in a show noted for its vocal talents, Mercedes managed to stand out in nearly all of Glee’s auditorium numbers. She had one of the most powerful voices in the glee club, and there were times when she was far and away the best singer.

As a Cancer amongst in Glee astrology, she was very loyal to her friends, but she also tended to have another Cancer trait, namely a tendency to be more than a little moody, and there were also a few times when she could be a little self-centered. While Mercedes was very in tune with the emotions of others and was able to make friends easily, she always put herself first.

9 Leo – Blaine And Sam

Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Though he wasn’t a member of the original cast, from the moment that he appeared, Blaine cast a spell, both over Kurt and the audience. He has a powerful charm that is one of the key aspects of the Leo personality, and it’s absolutely impossible to avoid liking him – or for him to avoid the spotlight. It certainly helped that he was also a good boyfriend for Kurt, and the fact that they actually managed to end up together was one of the brighter things about the later seasons of the show.

Also one with the Leo charm and love of the spotlight is Sam. Like Blaine, he also joins the club after the initial group. He manages to steal the spotlight from Rachel and Finn once in a while with his guitar playing and his contributions to the group numbers. He and Blaine might seem like completely different people, but their love for performing – and the people they care about – is the same.

8 Virgo – Rachel

Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Anyone who has seen even a single episode of the series knows that Rachel is one of the most driven and ambitious characters in the show. She has dreams of making it big, and she isn’t going to let anything stand in her way.

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Because of this, she tends to have that habit of being a little sanctimonious, which can be a bit of a character flaw for some Virgos. Nevertheless, she’s still a character that the audience is supposed to cheer for. She has the Virgo planning down, even if her plans don’t always work out. Rachel always finds a way to amend her plans to find her way to the spotlight, and Rachel also was there to help other Glee characters achieve their dreams along the way.

7 Libra – Artie

Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Artie was one of the more endearing members of the cast, in part because he brought sensitivity and nuance to the part of a character with a disability (though there were problems with the fact that an able-bodied actor played this part).

In the world of Glee zodiac signs, Artie is a Libra, the scales. As a Libra, Artie also brought a sense of balance to the cast, since he didn’t often indulge in the sort of large personality hijinx as some of the other, more prominent characters. He was someone well-liked by all of his glee club classmates, even when everyone was taking sides.

6 Scorpio – Santana And Kitty

Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Santana was, without a doubt, one of the most flamboyant characters on the show. She had that aggressive approach to what she wants that is always a part of the Scorpio personality. In addition, it was very refreshing to see a character that was both Latina and a member of the LGBTQ+ represented on screen in such a compelling and richly textured fashion. Her storylines remain some of the most compelling and touching that the show ever produced.

When the new generation of glee club members joined, Quinn thought Kitty was a lot like her, but the truth is, she’s very similar to Santana. Kitty didn’t allow herself to be vulnerable until she was very comfortable with those around her. Instead, she preferred to compete with those she admired, just as Santana did with Rachel and Quinn. She also aggressively went after solos, much like Santana.

5 Ophiuchus – Quinn

Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Not everyone believes in the validity of the thirteenth zodiac sign, Ophiuchus. Quinn likely would as she’s someone who is willing to try just about anything once, and even when she struggles to preserve her image in the storyline of her past that Glee drops as soon as it’s introduced, seems to have a soft spot for the outsiders.

Ophiuchus has the passion of a Scorpio and the sense of adventure of a Sagittarius. Quinn has both. She aggressively pursues her goals, even when it alienates her from the people she was friends with. She’s also willing to set aside those goals once in a while for a real adventure, like performing with the glee club, or starting her life over in a new state after her high school graduation.

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4 Sagittarius – Puck

Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Like Santana, Puck always seemed to have a bit of an edge about him. His life was a troubled one, and he often tended to project that inner turmoil onto others.

As a Sagittarius, he tended to burn with a powerful flame, though there were several instances during the course of the show where he was able to show others that there was a softer, more tender side of his personality (though these were, it has to be said, somewhat rare). A Sagittarius often speaks before they think, and Puck certainly finds himself in trouble for just that repeatedly.

3 Capricorn – Will And Mike

Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

As the leader of the glee club, Will was one of the show’s anchors. In fact, he was the one person that every member of the glee club knew that they could come to if they needed help, and for that reason, he still endures as one of the series’ best creations. As a Capricorn, Will is a very stable sort of person, one who will more often let logic and reason rule his actions, rather than giving in to the instability of emotions.

Another Capricorn in the Glee zodiac signs is Mike. Like Will, he also tries to use logic as much as possible in his life, but still loves to dance, even if it isn’t the path his parents choose for him. Mike places a lot of importance on his family, just as Capricorns are often devoted to their family traditions.

2 Aquarius – Brittany

Which Glee Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Aquarians have a well-deserved reputation for being one of the more enigmatic signs in the zodiac. They seem to always be holding some aspect of themselves back from even their closest friends. This was certainly the case with Brittany who, throughout her time on the show, always remained something of a mystery.

However, it was precisely the fact that she was so strange (and sometimes otherworldly) that made her such an interesting character.

1 Pisces – Kurt And Marley

It would have been very easy to paint Kurt as the stereotypically gay character, but luckily the show goes to great lengths to give him a great deal of depth and complexity. As a Pisces, there are many hidden layers to his personality, though it has to be said that Kurt is also a deeply sensitive character, and his relationships – with his friends, his father, and his boyfriend, Blaine – are some of the most important aspects of his life.

One of Kurt’s defining characteristics in the show is that he’s a dreamer. He shares that quality with underclassman Marley when she joins the club. Marley always tries to be an optimist, hiding her insecurities as much as she can, not unlike Kurt. When the other club members don’t believe she can do something, she takes it to heart and tries to find creative solutions to prove them wrong.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/which-glee-character-are-you-based-on-zodiac/

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