Why PlayStation Should Acquire Supermassive Games

Why PlayStation Should Acquire Supermassive Games

Sony has an opportunity to expand the PlayStation’s library of horror games by acquiring Supermassive Games, something they really should do.

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Why PlayStation Should Acquire Supermassive Games

Until Dawn was a PlayStation 4 exclusive released in 2015 which was generally favored by players, having received an 8.3/10 user score on Metacritic. At the time of its release, Until Dawn was a unique experience that allowed players to engage in choices that deeply impacted the conclusion. Characters were killed off if players made the wrong choice or led them down a doomed path, and relationships were altered depending on what players chose to say via dialogue choices.

It appeared that Supermassive Games had a bright future ahead of them, as Sony would oversee the games they made and provide a reasonable budget. It seemed that a sequel to the successful horror exclusive was all but inevitable, however, this would quickly become a fantasy when Supermassive Games announced their departure from PlayStation exclusivity.

In 2016, the studio’s Director Pete Samuels explained in an interview with MCVUK that, “We are an independent studio and we are keen, going forward, to bring our games to wider audiences than we have in the past.” Of course, being that Supermassive Games was a smaller studio then than it is now, it made sense the developers wanted to bring their games to a wider audience. On top of this, Sony now owned the rights to Until Dawn, which meant the developer wouldn’t be able to bring about a sequel/prequel, other than to create games sharing the same world as Until Dawn.

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How Supermassive Games Moved Forward

Why PlayStation Should Acquire Supermassive Games

Fast-forward to 2018; Supermassive Games would release Man of Medan, a game that is part of an anthology series designed to tell horror stories. The game shared the world of Until Dawn and was similar both in gameplay and storytelling. However, it lacked many elements which made Until Dawn such a success. Characters were bland, the gameplay was sluggish, dialogue options weren’t interesting, and choices felt far less impactful. The game received a worrying 5.7/10 user-score on Metacritic, further emphasizing how lackluster the game was. On top of this, Supermassive Games saw a huge 61% drop in sales compared to Until Dawn.

Why Supermassive Should Join Sony For PS5

The PlayStation 4 era has seen some of the best games come out as exclusives, but their library of horror games have always been somewhat minuscule. With the PlayStation 5 arriving very soon, new exclusives will soon come to the horizon, and it’s no doubt that the PS5 will offer great games. However, this also provides Sony with the opportunity to focus on their library of horror games. Sony acquiring Supermassive Games wouldn’t be a shocker, especially since the two have partnered together before, and it has worked favorably for both PlayStation and the developer. On top of this, a sequel or prequel to Until Dawn would most certainly excite many fans, and with the excitement of next-gen tech, it would be interesting to see what Supermassive Games could do.

With new technology like the haptic adaptive triggers, Supermassive Games could provide an enthralling experience and put players directly in the characters’ shoes. PSVR is also something that could be taken advantage of by the developers as an optional gameplay style, and is one holdover accessory of the PS4 sorely in need of a quality title on PS5. Now is the perfect time for PlayStation to acquire Supermassive, as it would mean expanding their library of games and pleasing a large portion of PlayStation players who love the horror genre.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/ps5-supermassive-games-sony-playstation-until-dawn-developers/

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