Why Wolverine & Black Panther Hate Each Other (in Comics)

Why Wolverine & Black Panther Hate Each Other (in Comics)

Popular Marvel Comics superheroes Black Panther and Wolverine have not gotten along in the past. Here’s the story behind their long-running feud.

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Why Wolverine & Black Panther Hate Each Other (in Comics)

When it comes to superheroes with unbreakable metal claws, it’s safe to say Wolverine and Black Panther are probably the two most popular. But even though Marvel Comics readers can’t get enough of these two noble warriors, they don’t exactly have that same affection for each other. The reason behind this animosity has to do with broken hearts and jealousy.

Black Panther’s first encounter with the X-Men came when he was very young, and it had a major impact on his relationship with mutants in the present. As seen in 1980’s Marvel Team-Up #100, young Prince T’Challa is about to be kidnapped by white supremacists when he is saved by Ororo Monroe, long before she grows up to be the X-Men leader Storm. The two reconnect when they are adults and fall in love. Black Panther and Storm’s wedding is an important part of 2006’s Civil War crossover event.

The marriage of Wakanda’s king and queen ends when they find themselves on opposite sides of the Avengers vs. X-Men confrontation in 2012. Shortly afterwards, Storm embarks on a relationship with Logan, her fellow teacher at the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning. They never put labels on this relationship, but it is very clear Wolverine and Storm are not only spending time together, but deeply care for and respect one another. This bothers T’Challa greatly.

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Even though their marriage ends, Black Panther still cares for Storm. In Wolverine and the X-Men #24, they play chess with one another and T’Challa tells her, “You will always be my queen.” He not-so-subtly asks if she is seeing anyone, but Storm dodges the question. T’Challa asks her to promise him one thing: “Not him.” He is clearly referring to Logan, but his reasons why are never revealed. It could be he knows how ferocious Logan can be, which he learned when they fought each other in 1982’s Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions #3. It might also be because Black Panther knows something of Logan’s past loves and how many of them have ended tragically.

Whatever T’Challa’s reasons for disliking Logan, it is obvious the feeling is mutual. In Wolverine #8, Logan and Black Panther duke it out while Wolverine is trying to stop a virus. Wolverine brings up the conversation T’Challa had with Storm. He says, “I’m interested that you thought a badass like Storm needed protecting.” He then calls T’Challa controlling and says he’s acting like he’s 13 years old.

The recent X of Swords crossover might signal some changes in Storm’s relationship with both Black Panther and Wolverine. Storm is one of several residents of the mutant island Krakoa who is called to compete in a deadly tournament on Otherworld against the champions of Arakko. In order to compete, Storm ends up stealing a sacred sword from Wakanda, breaking trust between herself and her ex-husband’s kingdom. While in the tournament, she takes part in a drinking contest with Logan, with hints their romance could rekindle. Even though Wolverine is seemingly involved in a polyamorous relationship with Marvel Girl and Cyclops, there’s no reason he couldn’t also reignite his relationship with Storm. It’s a safe bet Black Panther wouldn’t be too happy about that.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wolverine-black-panther-comics-feud-storm-explained/

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