Zendaya Worried About Tom Holland Throwing Up In SpiderMan Suit

Zendaya Worried About Tom Holland Throwing Up In Spider-Man Suit

Spider-Man: No Way Home star Zendaya reveals she was concerned about co-star Tom Holland possibly throwing up in his superhero costume.

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Zendaya Worried About Tom Holland Throwing Up In SpiderMan Suit

Zendaya reveals that she was concerned Tom Holland would throw up in his Spider-Man suit for Spider-Man: No Way Home in a recent talk show appearance. Zendaya joined the MCU as MJ in 2017’s Spider-Man: Homecoming, reprising her role for the sequel Spider-Man: Far From Home. She returns alongside Holland, Jacob Batalon, and Benedict Cumberbatch in the upcoming sequel when it releases on December 17.

Zendaya’s Michelle Jones, or MJ to her friends, is a fellow Midtown High student alongside Peter Parker (Holland). MJ had her suspicions of Peter for some time following his conflict with the Vulture (Michael Keaton). After returning to life following the Blip in Spider-Man: Far From Home, Peter tries to ask her out on their science trip, where she reveals her suspicions and the two ultimately start a relationship after defeating Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal). With No Way Home picking up immediately after Far From Home’s ending, Peter and MJ face their toughest challenge yet, with the pair’s dynamic promising to be central to the multiversal hijinks. With the couple working more closely together, there were moments where Zendaya was concerned for Holland on-set.

Zendaya and Holland appeared on The Graham Norton Show together to promote the upcoming Marvel movie, where the host asked him about the suit used in the film. After a brief discussion with fellow guest Henry Cavill on superhero film costumes, Zandaya touched on the accessibility of Holland’s suit, and her concern that since the suit is one piece, he could possibly throw up in his suit without being able to easily get it out. Revealing it as a genuine concern of hers, Holland then joked about pretending to wretch to tease her. Check out the full exchange and original clip below.

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“Zendaya: I’ve said this publicly before because I really think we should do something about this. I actually really think that this should, like, all of us should band together, we need to tell somebody. Because he can like, y’know, listen, it’s one piece, so there’s a helmet and there’s all these things that go underneath it, and I always have this fear that if he’s like working really hard, or something’s happening, that he had to, like, throw up per-say..

What-How?! How is he going to get it out? This is a genuine concern, right? So I honestly- sometimes when I look at him, I’m like-I get a little scared if you like, I don’t know, I don’t know. It just stresses me out.

Tom Holland: I’ll be like, ‘Bleugh’, and then ‘No, help him!’

Zendaya: It’s true! Because how are you gonna get it out?”

MJ can be seen being more involved in No Way Home’s action compared to previous films, as teased in the film’s promotional materials. MJ and Ned (Batalon) can be seen aiding Peter and Doctor Strange (Cumberbatch) in reversing the spell Parker tampered with when the Doctor attempted to help him make the public forget Spider-Man’s true identity. This sees MJ and Ned not only interact with Strange and Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina), but get caught up in a colossal showdown at the Statue of Liberty.

Not only do Zendaya’s concerns make complete sense, but is also another example of a heartwarming moment between the couple. The pair’s relationship was confirmed after years of fan speculation during a recent event the two attended, where Holland was seen with his arm around Zendaya’s waist. With Holland’s MCU Spider-Man journey set to carry on following Spider-Man: No Way Home, perhaps future suits can take Zendaya’s concerns into account and create a more easily removed mask.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/spiderman-no-way-home-tom-holland-costume-zendaya/

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