10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Pretty Little Liars

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars may be all about secrets and blackmail, but the girls have a close-knit bond and teach the audience lessons about friendship.

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10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Pretty Little Liars

While most friend groups aren’t in the horror movie scenario of the main characters on Pretty Little Liars, the show still offers up a lot of wisdom about long-term friendships. When Alison DiLaurentis disappears, her best pals are reeling and wondering if something evil happened.

From lessons about Ali’s relationship with the other girls to the way that they treat each other, PLL has some great friendship advice amongst all the near-death experiences and creepy messages that the characters experience. Rosewood might not be the safest place to live, but it’s definitely a town that values close relationships.

10 A “Queen Bee” Is Toxic

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Pretty Little Liars

Before she ran away from home, Ali was in charge of her friend group and that was exactly how she liked it.

Ali is famous for being the Queen Bee and the one in control of Aria, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily. They dispersed once she was gone from Rosewood and it seemed like she was the only thing that they had in common, but thankfully, they were able to deepen their friendship over time.

Ali’s reign of terror included spilling the girls’ secrets and making them feel bad about themselves. She is a reminder of how not to treat people, and Pretty Little Liars offers up the tip that it’s toxic and negative to act like you’re in charge of your friend group.

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9 It’s Great To Have Friends From Different Times In Life/Social Groups

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Pretty Little Liars

Mona Vanderwaal is by no means a perfect or totally kind person, and she makes some harsh choices on PLL.

Hanna used to be close with Mona, and she isn’t sure how to reconcile the old Mona with the new one who has been on the “A team” going after her and her friends. Although no high schooler will have a pal as evil as Mona can be, chances are that people do have friends from various times in their life or different social circles. This is a good thing, as it’s nice to connect with others over shared interests, hobbies and experiences.

8 It’s A Bad Idea To Keep Secrets From Friends

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Pretty Little Liars

The liars keep so many secrets from the world and from each other. “A” is able to manipulate them so easily because they don’t want these things getting out. In most cases, these secrets are shameful or embarrassing, and they would hurt a lot of people and cause awful ripple effects.

Pretty Little Liars proves that it’s a bad idea to keep secrets from friends. In all cases, these secrets will find their way out into the open, so people might as well be honest with those they care most about. It’s much better to tell people what’s going on so they can offer support.

7 A Close Friendship Can Make Getting Through Tough Times Possible

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Pretty Little Liars

It’s wild to imagine how much the liars went through during their high school years and beyond. They cheated death all the time and managed to survive being stalked by “A” and the “A” Team.

Besides running from people who wanted them dead, the main characters also dealt with difficult situations, such as Spencer living with PTSD. They leaned on each other and were always a source of support. Fans can take away the advice that while it’s awful to experience tough times, getting through these periods is much easier with good friends.

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6 Stand Up For Yourself When You Don’t Agree With Your Pals

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Pretty Little Liars

Fans of Pretty Little Liars got to know Jenna because of the prank called “the Jenna Thing.” Unfortunately, the girls went along with Ali’s idea, but Jenna ended up getting so injured that she lost her eyesight.

This storyline serves as an important reminder that going along with a friend’s prank or mean idea is bullying, and people should always stand up for themselves. Hanna, Spencer, Aria, and Emily didn’t think that Ali should have done what she did, but they didn’t stop it.

5 Open Communication Is Always Smart

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Pretty Little Liars

Hanna and Caleb were a major couple on PLL and that’s why it was shocking when Spencer and Caleb fell in love.

Hanna actually said that this was fine, which was unexpected. Spencer and Hanna prove that open communication is the best way to go, as people never know what someone is thinking until they ask. Spencer might have assumed that Hanna would have a problem, but she wanted her friend to explore how she was feeling.

4 Proximity Can Lead To A Real Connection

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Pretty Little Liars

While the moms in Rosewood might not have become friends if their children weren’t close, they bond after seeing their daughters go through all the drama with Ali.

Sometimes friendships form due to proximity, which happens a lot at school or work since people like to connect with those whom they see on a regular basis. These relationships may be out of convenience at first, but they soon become comforting and it’s definitely possible to deepen the connection. After being stuck in the basement together, the girls’ moms became closer.

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3 Friends Should Have Different Personalities And Interests

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Pretty Little Liars

The main characters on Pretty Little Liars may have their friend Ali in common, but besides the fact that they’re all dealing with a major mystery and they care about each other, they don’t share many other interests.

It’s great when friends have their own personalities and hobbies that they care about. Aria was always artistically minded, Hanna was into fashion, Emily was sporty and Spencer was focused on getting into a good college. This meant that the girls could have interesting conversations when they got together.

2 Friendships Change Over Time And That’s Okay

10 Friendship Tips We Learned From Pretty Little Liars

Ali came back to Rosewood and her friends were at a loss for what to say or how to act at first. They had assumed she was dead or that she had run away forever, so this was totally unexpected.

This storyline offers up a helpful lesson: it’s alright if friendships change and evolve over time. It’s not possible for things to stay the same, especially when people grow up and have different experiences. In Ali’s case, she had to bond with her old friends all over again, and it took a little bit of time to get that connection back.

1 True Friends Can Pick Up Where They Left Off

While the characters on Pretty Little Liars made mistakes, they were wonderful friends to each other, and this is one reason why the show is so loved.

The liars prove that true friendships can endure even with some distance or time apart. While the girls stopped talking to each other when Ali went missing, they came back together for the common goal of defeating “A,” and in the series finale, the girls had never been closer. True friends can pick up right where they left off as the bond can never be broken.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/pll-lessons-characters-teach-viewers-friendship/

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