10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved Until Dawn

10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved Until Dawn

If you like Supermassive Games’ survival horror hit Until Dawn then be sure to check out these similar movies filled with slashers and monsters.

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10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved Until Dawn

Horror fans were given a truly unique genre experience when Supermassive Games released Until Dawn for the PlayStation 4. The game’s combination of numerous horror tropes and scenarios produced an often unpredictable story that was equal parts scary and fun.

It’s quite obvious, even to someone who isn’t much of a movie fan, that the game draws inspiration from a number of classic horror titles and that can leave people wondering which movies are best for fans of the game. So let’s look at 10 horror movies that share many of Until Dawn’s most prominent qualities.

10 My Bloody Valentine (1981)

10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved Until Dawn

Valentine’s Day is forbidden in the small coastal mining town of Valentine Bluffs after a bloody massacre perpetrated by a killer who vows to kill again. Naturally, the young folks ignore the warnings and a masked psycho unleashes a creatively violent vengeance on the romantically-minded miscreants.

If you loved the creepiness of the mines in Until Dawn then you’ll have a lot of fun with My Bloody Valentine’s pretty unique setting. Censorship has resulted in two versions of the movie existing in this day and age, the original (not so gory) and the uncut version (pretty gory), but both have some serious staying power so you can essentially control the blood settings yourself.

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9 Cold Prey (2006)

10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved Until Dawn

Roar Uthaug’s bare-bones Norwegian slasher sees the usual bunch of young middle-class types getting stranded in an abandoned ski lodge after a snowboarding accident and things go about as well as you’d imagine.

Cold Prey isn’t particularly original but, like Until Dawn, it’s never really trying to be and its surprising amount of chilly atmosphere has earned it enough to fans to spin the title into a bonafide franchise with two sequels and a US remake in development.

8 The Evil Dead (1981)

10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved Until Dawn

If there’s one thing that Until Dawn doesn’t have a shortage of, it’s cabins in the woods filled with young people tempting fate and, if you’re going to delve into that niche, you have to be sure to make a stop by what is widely considered to be its genesis.

Sam Raimi’s splat-tacular ride, about a book of dark magic wreaking all kinds of havoc, is never dull, pulling out every available stop in an effort to disturb and gross-out its audience. Evil Dead II expands on the madness, amping up the comedy and the craziness to places you may never have thought a movie could go.

7 The Cabin in the Woods (2011)

10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved Until Dawn

Probably the closest example you’ll readily be able to find of Until Dawn’s postmodern take on the conventions of horror movies, The Cabin in the Woods is certainly more comedy than horror but it’s not slacking off in the horror department at all. It’s just also very funny.

The go-to choice for when you want all of the horror and not just some of the horror, Drew Goddard’s take on the titular subgenre is one of the few movies to ever rival Evil Dead II’s status as the best horror movie to watch with friends.

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6 The Descent (2005)

10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved Until Dawn

If you can’t get enough of Until Dawn’s moments of tension with its monsters then you’re next best source for that will be Neil Marshall’s beloved modern cult classic.

The Descent is a much more emotionally complex and fully-fledged horror film than a schlocky throwback but its claustrophobic story, about a group of spelunkers coming face to face with subterranean ghouls, is far from slow. The Descent is a visceral rollercoaster of a movie that has the power to stick with seasoned horror fans for days, weeks, or even years.

5 Devil’s Pass a.k.a. The Dyatlov Pass Incident (2013)

10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved Until Dawn

Low-budget found footage gets a shot in the arm from 90s blockbuster director Renny Harlin in this entertainingly tacky take on a real-life mystery surrounding a supposedly cursed Russian mountain pass.

Fans of Until Dawn will appreciate the mish-mashing of subgenres to form a memorable cocktail of jumpscares and monster madness in this snowbound horror of irritating college kids who go looking for danger and find more than they bargained for.

4 The Final Girls (2015)

10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved Until Dawn

80s slasher movie conventions get flipped upside down and messed around with to hilarious effect when a group of friends gets literally sucked into a classic horror movie.

The Final Girls’ really surprising quality, however, is how it manages to pull some genuine emotion, and lovable characters, out of something that seems, on the surface, like nothing more than a cheap gimmick.

3 Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)

10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved Until Dawn

Really, this one is representative of all the Friday the 13th movies. The franchise arguably birthed the slasher genre in its true form and most of the movies will give you a perfect example of where Until Dawn’s enjoyably detestable characters come from.

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The New Blood, however, takes the franchise back to basics somewhat whilst benefitting from the perfected formula that it had developed over the past 8 years and 6 movies. Extra zany elements (like psychokinetic powers, for example) really kick this one into overdrive.

2 April Fool’s Day (1986)

10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved Until Dawn

The sadistic pranks of Until Dawn have a strong foundation in horror movies and April Fool’s Day is one of the most standout examples in that arena.

In terms of graphic content, it’s actually one of the tamest 80s slashers you can find but that doesn’t tone down its playful style and the creepy shocks are never in short supply.

1 Happy Birthday to Me (1981)

Until Dawn fans will get a kick out of Happy Birthday to Me’s constantly shifting plot that seems to derive as much fun from pulling the narrative rug out from under the audience as it does from scaring them.

The usual suspects are all reporting for duty in this college slasher where the members of a mean-spirited clique, who all seem to hate themselves and each other as much as they hate everybody else, get their comeuppance at the hands of a creative masked killer. (No, your eyes do not deceive you. That is, in fact, a man being murdered with a kebab. Buckle up.)

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/slasher-horror-movies-similar-like-until-dawn-game/

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