10 SciFi Movies To Watch If You Love Cowboy Bebop

10 Sci-Fi Movies To Watch If You Love Cowboy Bebop

If you love Cowboy Bebop and want to see some live-action movies that are just like it then check out these sci-fi classics for similar adventures.

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10 SciFi Movies To Watch If You Love Cowboy Bebop

Fans of the hit anime series Cowboy Bebop, that have found themselves wondering what live-action movies there are out there that share many of its visual and thematic qualities, should be sure to check out these similar sci-fi movies.

From modern classics to hidden gems from yesteryear, these 10 movies have influenced–or been influenced by–Cowboy Bebop and will rekindle any fan’s love for the show.

10 Looper (2012)

10 SciFi Movies To Watch If You Love Cowboy Bebop

Rian Johnson’s time travel thriller is an immensely fun and stylized ride for any science-fiction fan, drawing inspiration from a number of classic sources to forge something engagingly original with the director’s own distinct approach to film noir.

The tight and linear plot follows Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s near-future semi-dystopian hitman as he becomes locked in a struggle with a version of himself from an even-further future of full-blown dystopia. Gordon-Levitt’s icily cool performance in the lead role, and the gangster world he’s chained to, will surely conjure up memories of Cowboy Bebop with Bruce Willis doing a pretty great Jet Black impression as his character’s older self, not to mention the thought-provoking details of its vision of society and technology in the future.

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9 Alien Resurrection (1997)

10 SciFi Movies To Watch If You Love Cowboy Bebop

A ragtag group of space mercenaries finds themselves roped into a nightmare scenario when they unwittingly transport cargo to a remote space station for experiments involving deadly alien creatures.

The fourth movie in the Alien franchise is rarely touted as one of the best but the eclectic crew of the ‘Betty’ come from the same creative inspirations as the crew of the Bebop, who appeared for the first time on screens exactly 7 months after the premiere of Alien Ressurection, not to mention the influence that they had on screenwriter Joss Whedon’s following sci-fi series…

8 Serenity (2005)

10 SciFi Movies To Watch If You Love Cowboy Bebop

Between the success of Buffy and The Avengers, geek culture icon Joss Whedon created his most niche–and possibly most devoutly-loved–creation with the space cowboy crew of the Serenity.

Appearing in a famously short-lived TV series before Whedon managed to assemble their own movie, this team of quick-witted interstellar outlaws captured the hearts of sci-fi fans much in the same way that the crew of the Bebop did and this sterling example of their fascinating character-driven adventures is bolstered by both the writer/director having to really use their ingenuity to battle through budgetary and brand-awareness issues as well as Chiwetel Ejiofor’s scene-stealing villain.

7 Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)

10 SciFi Movies To Watch If You Love Cowboy Bebop

Luc Besson’s adaptation of the French comic book series Valérian and Laureline was largely dismissed due to its ludicrously ambitious production in a time of Marvel movie domination in cinema in general, not to mention its uniquely garish sense of satire and caricature, but was also quite easily identifiable as a surefire cult classic in the making.

The story follows the titular “galaxy-hopping bad boy” and his partner on a mysterious detective mission involving a near-extinct alien race and the also-titular space station of melting-pot cultures. Bursting with ridiculously colorful and entertaining ideas, Valerian looks to hold up well despite its flaws and oddities; although it still seems unlikely to ever surpass Besson’s sci-fi favorite from 20 years prior…

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6 The Fifth Element (1997)

10 SciFi Movies To Watch If You Love Cowboy Bebop

Bruce Willis takes the lead as a former soldier turned flying taxi cab driver in the far future who has the fate of the universe fall into his backseat in the form of Milla Jovovich’s angelic savior.

Its flamboyant designs, and unforgettable costumes from Jean Paul Gaultier, make it a shoo-in for Cowboy Bebop fans as do its wildly animated characters such as Gary Oldman’s fittingly over-the-top bad guy and Jovovich’s energetically curious and childlike Leeloo, who would have many of her qualities echoed by Ed in Cowboy Bebop.

5 Strange Days (1995)

10 SciFi Movies To Watch If You Love Cowboy Bebop

Co-written by sci-fi icon James Cameron and helmed by landmark director Kathryn Bigelow, Strange Days is a fittingly uncommon movie that revolves around a burgeoning not-so-distant-future technology that records people’s POV for playback, set against a backdrop of a Los Angeles that’s torn apart by racial division and police brutality. All of this making it unsurprising that the movie has steadily grown in cult status over time due to its only-increasing relevance to contemporary life.

Its sense of sleazy chic in its vision of a crime-riddled cyberpunk metropolis will appeal to Cowboy Bebop fans as will its pulpy plot and bluesy mood.

4 Outland (1981)

10 SciFi Movies To Watch If You Love Cowboy Bebop

Sean Connery plays the lone marshall for a remote mining operation on a Jupiter moon in this loose sci-fi retelling of Western classic High Noon.

Much like Cowboy Bebop, Outland is an interesting cocktail of genres that tells a gritty tech-noir story in an essentially horror-like way as Connery’s steadfast lawman investigates a potent new drug that’s ravaging his turf with violent deaths and rampant corruption.

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3 Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

10 SciFi Movies To Watch If You Love Cowboy Bebop

Looking at the Space Western through a much more Disney-tinted lens, the second Star Wars spin-off movie focused on the origins of its story’s most famous supporting character with this spritely crime caper full of shady lowlife’s and thrilling heists.

Brimming with comedy and classically hardboiled archetypes, Solo explores details of the popular universe’s organized crime world like never before with plenty of room for more in the future, if fans have their way.

2 Blade Runner (1982)

10 SciFi Movies To Watch If You Love Cowboy Bebop

Ridley Scott’s mist-shrouded masterpiece redefined what audiences thought possible through the fusion of the science-fiction and detective genres in movies and is still heavily discussed to this day for its ambiguous plot and philosophical themes.

It’s impossible to imagine what protagonists would look like in mainstream sci-fi movies today without the influence of Harrison Ford’s artificial human bounty hunter in what is very probably the most well-known example of a dystopian cityscape.

1 Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Denis Villeneuve’s very belated sequel to Scott’s original movie quickly gained its own following of fans thanks in part to its Oscar-winning cinematography and visual effects.

Ryan Gosling takes over as the lead ‘Blade Runner’ hunting down the mass-produced slaves of the future when he stumbles across a new case that unravels some of the many mysteries left by the first movie. Much more of an action-thriller than the original, Blade Runner 2049 will satisfy both fans of Cowboy Bebop’s look and its razor-sharp fight scenes.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/live-action-sci-fi-movies-like-cowboy-bebop-anime-similar/

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