15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

These Call of Duty guns are terrible, so why does everyone use them?

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15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Uzi! China Lake! Olympia! All of these three guns have something in common. They’re all awful! It actually physically annoys me when I see someone using any of these guns in multiplayer or even zombies. This is because they are pretty much throwing the game for their entire team because of their lack of gun prowess.

Now, there is only one thing that annoys me more than the use of awful guns in Call of Duty games. The people that use them! I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what part of people’s brains makes them think that using a China Lake is a good idea. For example, when I asked one of my gamer friends why he uses an Uzi in multiplayer he said he’s just experimenting. Okay, this isn’t College or High School there is no time for experimenting and making bad decisions. What if your gun promiscuity caused your team to lose three games in a row? You’d probably feel bad. If you want to experiment with these terrible guns, just go into a private game, and you can have all the experiences you want.

If you couldn’t tell from the title of this list, we will be discussing awful Call of Duty guns. Right, I’m just letting you know that if you use any terrible guns in the Call of Duty games be prepared to be called out on this list. I believe it is time to begin the list.

15 Why Is My Gun Shooting At The Sky?

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: Uzi (Multiplayer)

In my opinion, this is the worst sub-machine gun in Call of Duty history. The reason for this is simple: you can’t shoot anyone. This is because this gun has such a high fire rate the recoil goes through the roof, literally. What I mean by this is that if you even shoot one bullet from this weapon your character will be looking up at the sky as this gun is impossible to control. The second reason to why this gun is awful is because of those problematic iron sights. I mean the point of iron sights is to help you aim so why are the iron sights on this gun just a little circle? Overall, it baffles me to why this gun is so popular — it’s horse plop.

14 Mystery Box, You Must Be Joking!

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: War Machine (Zombies)

This list isn’t just limited to weapons used in multiplayer as I will now be talking about this specific weapon in zombies. I’m not going to lie every time I went to the Mystery Box and got this weapon I was genuinely annoyed. This is because you have to time your shots very carefully. The trouble is that the grenades that are shot out don’t explode instantly and they also can cause splash damage towards your character. This means that you could shoot directly at a zombie and it would then reflect off them and cause splash damage to you. Overall, it is difficult for me to understand why people like this weapon as if you don’t aim carefully the grenade could end up downing you.

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13 How Did He Survive The Explosion When He Was Right Beside The Grenade?

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: China Lake (Multiplayer)

This pump action grenade launcher sucks because you have to time your shots very carefully. You have to time the grenades to make direct contact with your target as if you don’t you will only get a hit marker. I’m not even joking; this means that even if your enemy is in the radius of the explosion but isn’t directly beside the grenade you’d probably only get a hit marker. Another reason to why this weapon is awful is because it only has a two-round capacity. What this means is that you only have a few shots with the weapon before you have no ammo left at all.

12 This Gun Sprays Just Like My Gardening Hose!

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: SMR (Zombies)

This assault rifle is one of the most hated guns in zombies, and there is a good reason for that. The main reason to why this gun is terrible is because of the damage it does to the zombies. I’m not joking when I say that it can sometimes take all of your ammo to kill an entire wave of zombies in round six. Yes, the damage is that low to the zombies, but another factor to why it can cost all your ammo in round six is because the accuracy on this is absolutely terrible. What I mean by this is that even if you are aiming down the sights of the gun, you can still expect your bullets to spray all over of the place. Overall, it confuses me to think about why people use this gun as with the lack of damage and awful aim it will be almost impossible to kill zombies.

11 My Great Grandad Could Reload This Gun Faster Than My Character!

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: Olympia (Multiplayer)

I’m just going to say there is a reason to why this shotgun is unlocked at level one. First of all, this weapon sucks because there is hardly any range with this weapon at all. For you to even get a kill with this gun, you basically have to stand right in front of your enemy as the range is that bad. Another reason to why this weapon sucks is because the gun itself only has two rounds. This means you will almost definitely need to use the Sleight of Hand perk so you can reload your weapon faster. Overall, it confuses me to think why people use this gun on multiplayer. For you to even get a kill with it, you have to be right in front of your enemy and not miss a shot as you will only have two rounds.

10 The Sniper Bullet Went Through It’s Head! How’s It Not Dead?

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: Springfield (Zombies)

The main reason to why this sniper rifle is horrendous is because the damage on this weapon is basically non-existent. Let’s examine its power: in zombies, it takes two shots to kill a zombie. To make matters even worse, this weapon has an awfully slow rate of fire. This means that when you shoot a zombie once with this weapon in round one, it would only injure them. This then means that you will have to wait for the sniper rifle to shoot again as it has a slow fire rate which gives the zombie a good chance to kill you in round one. If you want to see alternatives to this sniper check out the coolest Call of Duty guns in the following article: Top 15 Coolest Guns In Call Of Duty History.

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9 I Sniped Him! How’s He Not Dead?

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: WA2000 (Multiplayer)

This is the second sniper rifle that we will be talking about on the list. The reason to why this sniper rifle is awful is because it is almost impossible to get a one shot kill with this weapon. The damage is actually so low on it, that the only way you’d get a kill is if it was a headshot. The second reason to why this sniper rifle is terrible is because it only has six rounds. This means that with the low amount of damage and ammo it will be basically impossible to get a kill unless you get a head shot or spray all your ammo at them. To summarise, this weapon is awful and I don’t know why people use it as the weapon takes more than one shot to kill someone and the ammo is really low. This weapon is so bad that it should also be added to the list of 15 things Call of Duty Needs to stop.

8 It’s Round Four! Where Did All My Ammo Go?

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: Kar98k (Zombies)

In my own personal opinion, it is best to avoid this bolt action rifle all together in Call of Duty zombies. I think this because the damage this rifle does is basically rubbish. At round four it will take two direct headshots to kill one zombie. To make matters even worse, this weapon will basically take a whole mag to kill a zombie by round 4. Frankly, it’s best to just avoid this weapon. It is also worth mentioning that this gun has a very slow fire rate, which —combined with low damamge— is a recipe for your character to get killed. Overall, if you want to get downed early in the game, purchase this gun and you’ll be on your way there.

7 I Do More Damage To My Toilet Than This Gun Does While Shooting People!

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: Kiparis (Multiplayer)

Low damage! High amounts of recoil! This submachine gun has every reason for people not to play it, but that doesn’t stop many people. I don’t understand why lots of people use this gun as a weapon as not only is the damage of this weapon low, but you also have an incredibly low amount of ammo at a 20 rounds mag. What this means is that you are basically relying on your high rapid-fire rate for a kill but that’s a terrible plan. Overall, it’s hard to understand why this weapon is still used to this day as the damage is awful, there is a lot of recoils and the mag is pretty much non-existent.

6 A Wolf Howling Could Do More Damage Than This Gun!

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: Winters Howl (Zombies)

This wonder weapon wasn’t created to kill zombies, so why would anyone want to have it in their weapon arsenal? What I mean by this is that the main purpose of this weapon is for the zombies to be stunned by ice. I should also mention that the only way that this weapon kills the zombies is if they are completely frozen by the ice, and that will take multiple blasts from the six-blast weapon. Yes, if this weapon isn’t upgraded it can only be used six times, and it is highly unlikely to kill zombies in a higher round. Overall, there’s no point of using one of your weapon slots to have a weapon that really only stuns the zombies. If you just want to stun the zombies just get EMP grenades as they won’t take up a valuable weapon slot.

5 A Crossbow! Is This Game Of Thrones Or Call Of Duty?

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: The Crossbow (Multiplayer)

Now, I’m not going to lie, this weapon was fun to use in Black Ops 1, but when they changed it up for Black Ops 2 it was the worst weapon in the game. In Black Ops 2, the splash damage with this weapon is pretty much non-existent. What this means is that for you to even get a kill with the crossbow your arrow is going to need to be timed perfectly. If the arrow isn’t timed perfectly and doesn’t make direct contact with the enemy you will only get a hit marker. The reloading on this weapon is also slow so when you are putting a new arrow into the crossbow it will allow the enemy to gun you down easily.

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4 Failing A Test In School Would Do More Damage Than This Gun!

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: Pharo (Zombies)

This is regarded by many in the Call of Duty community as one of the worst submachine guns to use in zombies. The reason to why some people believe this is because of the incredibly low damage that this gun does. For example, in round eight all of your shots from your four-bullet burst have to hit the zombie in the head, or they won’t die. After round eight it will be pretty much impossible to survive a wave of zombies if you have to individually aim at each zombie’s head. I also forgot to mention that this weapon has a very slow rate of fire which means that you will have to wait to shoot a zombie again if you didn’t originally kill them with the first four bullets.

3 The Enemy Is Lying Prone! Stop Putting Bullet Holes In The Roof!

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gub: MAC11 (Multiplayer)

This gun is just terrible to use on multiplayer, and the two main reasons for that are because of the high fire rate and the low ammo. This means that with this gun you will quickly burn through all your ammo as it fires lots of bullets at once and it doesn’t have that much ammo. Then, of course, by you not having any ammo it will make it super easy for an enemy to come up and kill you. It is also worth mentioning that because this gun also has a high fire rate the recoil will also be through the roof. This means that with the high recoil it will be very difficult to shoot your enemy and that is not a good mix with the low ammo.

2 George A. Romero! Don’t Get Banished!

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: V-R11 (Zombies)

This wonder weapon could only be used in the Call of Duty zombie map “Call of the Dead.” The main purpose of this weapon was to banish the giant George A. Romero from the round that you were on. However, the main downside to this weapon is that this gun will only banish him from the round and it will not kill him. This means that because he is just banned from that one round, he will then come back in the next round. Many players who use this gun don’t realize that if they just kill George A. Romero, it means that he is permanently gone from the game. Overall, this gun is awful as it only temporarily gets rid of George A. Romero. You are safer just killing him with an ordinary gun as you won’t be wasting a weapon slot and it will permanently eliminate him from the game.

1 Why Are You Using A Knife In A Weapon’s Slot?

15 AWFUL Call Of Duty Weapons Everyone Uses (Even Though They Have The Worst Stats)

Gun: Ballistic Knife (Multiplayer)

I used to not understand why some people use this knife for one of their weapon slots. I had to look online, and I found out that people use this weapon because they think that their red dot doesn’t show up on the mini map when they use the weapon. However, contrary to popular belief when you shoot the knife from this weapon your marker will still appear on the map. This means that this knife is completely useless as a stealth weapon as your marker will appear on the map anytime you shoot the weapon. Overall, this weapon is the worst as you have to aim perfectly to get a kill, and if you are an inexperienced player, you will probably get no kills in the game.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/call-of-duty-guns-worst-all-time/

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