15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

Reddit users are known to have strong opinions. That includes when it comes to which video games would be ideal for couples to play together.

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15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

Sure, romantic dinners at fancy restaurants and long walks on the beach are great ways to get to know someone, but engaging in virtual challenges of co-op video games can really show one’s true face and, eventually, put every relationship to the test. Besides, it’s a witty option for love birds who can’t spend much time together, such as in the case of a long-distance relationship. For long-term couples who are avid gamers, video games can be a perfect recipe to spice things up as well as for practicing communication and teamwork.

Many Reddit users also know that gathering virtual “experience points” with their significant other often means leveling up their love life, too. With that being said, they suggest numerous video games for every gamer couple to enjoy, some of which are listed below. But, be warned: they might trigger your partner’s dark side.

Updated on July 31st, 2021 by Melody MacReady: More and more couples are getting into gaming together and that means that ten games simply will not be enough. From platformers for silly fun to immersive puzzle games that can challenge the brain to even horror games that will put couples to the test of how well they can work together. There are a lot of games both cooperative and single-player that gamer couples young and old can enjoy together. Whether it is on the weekends or simply during a rainy day, keeping them snuggled up on the couch (or at a desk) together to enjoy the many video games out there that will likely put a smile on their face.

15 Overcooked

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

This chaotic cooking simulation known as Overcooked will test every couples’ ability to handle stressful situations while making delicious meals together – and the pressure of time limitation certainly doesn’t help with keeping the atmosphere of the virtual kitchen intense.

However, u/ceanahope shares: “My guy and I love it. It is challenging, silly, and fun. It is also a coop style game so you NEED to communicate, plan and support to be able to complete some of the super hard levels.” Otherwise, “enjoy” watching a partner going full Gordon Ramsay mode because of the burnt soup.

14 Mario Kart

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

For gamer couples who, according to u/Smash_Gal, “REALLY want to test the boundaries between fun and rage,” there’s Mario Kart racing video game series that features characters from (mainly) the Mario franchise. Imagine go-kart racing on rainbow roads with a lover – sounds charming, right?

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But then, in a blink of an eye, they start furiously throwing blue shells and other annoying items to take the lead, which can quickly turn a real-life romance into virtual a war. Yet, despite being a highly competitive experience, it seems that Mario Kart has the most positive effect on gamer couples when it comes to different types of video games and their impact on romantic relationships.

13 Borderlands 2

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

No wonder Borderlands 2 is considered to be crème de la crème of the series. “It’s couch co-op and you can play online or story mode! My husband and I have done both. The characters are hysterical and the game, in general, is fun. I haven’t found a game I liked better,” u/Feistybritches wrote.

Indeed, this video game has a perfect recipe for love birds with a good sense of humor who prefer spending hours in front of the screen throwing themselves into competitive adventures around the planet of Pandora. After all, plotting strategies to defeat various types of enemies surely is an exciting way of romantic bonding!

12 Until Dawn

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

It’s already fun for couples to watch horror movies but with Until Dawn, they can work together to craft their own horror movie. One person could make a decision that ends with a character’s death while the other changes the story completely by saving another.

u/ZeroXTML1 on Reddit states, “You and your s.o. (significant other) switching off between characters or helping choose what choices to make before the timer runs out can be a lot of fun.”

11 Portal 2

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

As a pair of blue and orange androids, couples who choose to engage in Portal 2’s co-op campaign will have a blast playing with portal guns to beat its demanding levels. Meanwhile, one of the most iconic video game antagonists ever, GLaDOS, will mercilessly put to test their problem solving and teamwork skills, which means that players are forced to think hard and communicate – preferably without raging at each other because of “unintentional” deaths.

But, in u/Scruffybear’s opinion, “If you can solve the puzzles together and not get mad, congrats! You guys are good for each other.”

10 Unravel Two

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

The first Unravel was already a surprising yet chill puzzle experience for anyone looking to relax. With Unravel Two being about two Yarnys working together to solve puzzles, it is more than perfect for couples. Not only are there puzzles that can lead to humorous frustration but the beautiful visuals and atmosphere are enough to make anyone snuggle on the couch.

Agreeing with this sentiment is a deleted user on Reddit that states, “Unravel 2 (really cute multiplayer platformer game.)”

9 Left 4 Dead 2

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

This co-operative horror FPS can be a great date night idea for couples fantasizing about slaying zombies together, whether it includes smashing them with a frying pan or slicing their rotting flesh with a katana. That’s exactly the kind of virtual experience that Left 4 Dead 2 offers: it’s extremely amusing but also full of terrifying moments, which require good teamwork and boldness. Just as u/WynterRayne explains: “Some of my proudest achievements ever involved screaming through a mouthful of blood and rescuing my beloved from the hordes, with a nearly empty chainsaw and a nearly full death wish.”

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Besides, surviving hordes of terrifying zombies can be even more fun with two more players, which means the opportunity to have a double date with another couple. And if that still doesn’t sound romantic enough, there’s a tunnel of love in the Dark Carnival campaign with beautiful swan boats – to fly straight into the never-ending zombie wave.

8 LittleBigPlanet

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

To make a long story short, all three games from the LittleBigPlanet series are loads of fun. From the gameplay and its mini-games to creating custom levels (not to mention the adorable characters!), every aspect of them is enjoyable, particularly solving puzzles in a team.

But, to help you understand just how amusing this cooperative platformer can be with a partner, you can refer to u/GooseG00s3’s quote, who says: “Love this game. Never laughed so hard in my life than when I was playing with my husband and he somehow glitched and got stuck under the dog in the beginning. Then the dog dragged him through the entire level, all while he kept trying to get out.”

7 Resident Evil 5

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

Playing solo has always been the incorrect way to play Resident Evil 5, hence why the AI companions are always so annoying. Instead, give a second player a controller and the result is an over-the-top thrill ride that can lead to scares and fun frustrations dealing with hordes of infected and monsters.

In a way, it’s the perfect popcorn action film as a game that can lead to laughs and smiles between a couple. This idea was suggested by u/GhostyRosey with her comment, “Resident Evil 5 is my favorite coop game. The plot is completely stupid, but man is it fun to play with another person.”

6 World Of Warcraft

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

There’s hardly a better multiplayer RPG to bring a couple together than World of Warcraft. Whether it’s questing and exploring the world together or partaking in fun questlines designed for couples such as during the Love is in the Air seasonal Valentine’s day event. The adventure of exploring Azeroth and the synergy of yours and your SO’s class seems to never end…”Until she outgears your main, pulls higher dps, and starts calling you a noob,” according to Reddit user Kitosaki.

Some couples even take it a step further, organizing entire dates and wedding ceremonies with hundreds of their guildmates on specially chosen locations ranging anywhere from Stormwind’s famous Cathedral to gorgeous picturesque forests and landscapes found across Azeroth.

5 Don’t Starve Together

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

Recommended by u/whiskey_agogo along with several other games is Don’t Starve Together. Imagine the scavenging and item-crafting survival experience of Minecraft mixed with a Tim Burton fever dream. The result is a cartoonish yet creepy survival game set in a mysterious world of monsters and strange characters.

While it can be frustrating and stressful, most of the time it provides a quiet and joyful experience with cute visuals, sounds, and music. Much like a Tim Burton film, it’s creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky, but manages to be fun in every way.

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4 Diablo III

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

Escaping reality through action role-playing video games is always a good choice, especially when the experience is shared with “the one.“ This is the case with Diablo III’s story campaign, which is ideal for couples who love casual adventures that include slaughtering monsters and passionate fights over the loot.

“My husband & I love to play that together. It helps when one person is a directly in the action character like the crusader, barbarian, or monk, while the other is a supportive ranged one like the wizard, witch doctor, or demon hunter,” u/amyria wrote.

3 Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

A Reddit user, who has since deleted their account, recommends this video game only “If you’re REALLY sure your relationship is 100%.” After all, diffusing a bomb (no matter how virtual it seems) is a pretty stressful task in itself, but having another person reading the instructions, which inevitably turns into yelling as the time runs out, makes it even more nerve-racking.

That’s why Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes requires good communication and problem-solving skills, which are crucial for every healthy relationship. On top of that, this VR experience is perfect for long-distance couples as it can also be played on the phone.

2 Lego Game Series

15 Best Video Games For Gamer Couples (According To Reddit)

There’s something even better than constantly re-watching a favorite movie franchise: reliving them through hours of satirical video games (with a romantic partner, of course). And today, believe it or not, a bunch of popular franchises each have their own LEGO game such as Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and more. They’re interactive along with insanely entertaining, which makes them a perfect silly option for casual gamers who want to relax playing their favorite fictional characters after a long day at work.

Plus, u/MurDoct claims that “Lego games are simple, but if you play as two people you have to work together to beat levels.” In other words, they have lots of challenging missions and puzzles that adults (besides younger players) can enjoy by teaming up with their significant other.

1 Stardew Valley

Originally, Stardew Valley was a single-player game but later on, the developer released a co-op mode that allowed up to four people to work together on a farm. Much like in single-player, the co-op is easily some of the most relaxing gameplay due to its simple but perfected gameplay.

Talking to townsfolk, caring for animals, mining for ore, or fishing on the beach. It’s the most soothing game already that is perfect for couples to just have fun together without any annoyances such as puzzles, challenging enemies, or any scares. That recommendation comes from a deleted user, “Yes!! We’re so happy that it has a co-op option. I love this game and I’m addicted to it.”

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/best-video-games-for-couples-reddit/

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