16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

Anyone who has played Dark Souls will understand these hilarious memes instantly. Praise the sun!

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16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

It takes a special breed of gamer to play Dark Souls. The kind of gamer that played through all of the original Contra without using a single continue. The kind of gamer that played Snake to the point where the entire screen was completely full. The kind of gamer that played Faster Than Light, and won.

In other words, Dark Souls gamers are masochists of the highest order; they derive the most pleasure from games that put them in the most pain. And from that pain also comes comedy as those players try to justify the torture they put themselves through.

Let me clearly state for the record that I am not a Dark Souls player. I don’t get any joy from making it to the first boss and dying horribly, of then having to march back to where I’d died to regain all my collected souls, only to die horribly to that same boss all over again. I don’t get pleasure from making it just another few inches into a world filled with terror and death at every turn. I like my games to be whimsical and story-driven and not make me want to tear my eyeballs out with a rusty spoon.

But I do appreciate the blood, sweat, and endless tears that comprise the steady diet of Dark Souls players, and the equally endless memes that diet produces.

Here are some of the dankest memes you can find for Dark Souls.

16 To Purgatory And Beyond

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

We begin our journey through the valley of death – er, I mean Lordran, with this meme that is probably familiar to you if you’ve been on the internet for any length of time since Toy Story came out. Which was coincidentally around the same time the internet became a thing.

The irony of the meme is that the original movie doesn’t even have anything remotely close to the same line in it. While the image itself is based off a scene in Toy Story 2, Buzz never actually says “X everywhere” at all, and instead simply makes a vague pronouncement as to the relatively plentiful amount of “shmos” at summer camp.

Like many things on the internet, it wasn’t until another website, 420chan.org, made an outline template based on the scene from the movie that the meme actually took off.

15 How To Catch The Sun In Dark Souls

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

Dark Souls is one of those games that become so prolific that crossovers are basically inevitable. Take this one here as Solaire tries to capture the Pokémon Solrock. Note his clever use of poffins to lure the Solrock in and the perpetually skeptical expression of the Solrock. However, his use of a cardboard box as the capture implement seems ill-advised as Solrock can learn several fire and psychic moves that would easily allow it to escape. Thus, Solaire’s quest to capture the sun seems doomed to continue.

We’ll actually be seeing a lot of Solaire as he seems to be a fan-favorite of the Dark Souls series. Just something about his sunny disposition seems to have that effect on people, I suppose.

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14 Friendly Players Leave Helpful Notes… Sometimes

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

One of the more interesting aspects to Dark Souls is its multiplayer capabilities. Players can’t communicate directly via vocal or text chat commands, but they can communicate by gesture or by leaving helpful notes on the ground.

Well, not always helpful. As you can see above, sometimes players can leave less than altruistic messages for other players to find and fall prey to. In this case quite literally as this hapless knight is tricked by another player’s message into diving headlong into a Mimic.

In case you’re new to the game, you can leave messages by grabbing the Orange Guidance Soapstone and then using it from your inventory. But try not to leave awful messages like this one – Dark Souls is hard enough without other players setting their own traps for people.

13 Most Games Have A Tutorial. Dark Souls, On The Other Hand…

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

If you were to sit down and play any modern game, there’s usually a section where the game will coddle you like a newborn babe and ease you into the game’s mechanics by showing you what each button does and how to maneuver within the game world. Often they’ll even let you go about learning for as long as you want and not force you out into the cruel outdoors until you’re good and ready.

Not Dark Souls. Sure, there’s a brief written explanation of what your buttons do as you run past, but the game doesn’t stop to let you figure out the limits of your abilities – you learn that on the fly. You’ll also run into your first boss in the initial 5 minutes of playing, and the game doesn’t give you any help in figuring out how to kill it. Dark Souls is a very “learn by doing” kinda game.

12 All Those Russian Mimics Are Ruining My Game

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

Mimics are hardly unique to Dark Souls. You can find those treasure chest-shaped monsters in countless other games, from Final Fantasy to Castlevania, but they’re usually also repositories for tons of loot so the cost of a good scare is usually worth it for what the Mimic is holding.

Not Dark Souls. In Dark Souls, Mimics are just plain ‘ol jerks, looking almost like a real chest but will siphon off a good amount of your health if you fall for its clever disguise. That’s why you learn pretty quickly that chests can be just as much a trap as anything else, and it’s a good idea to sit around for a few seconds to see if that chest moves before deciding to slip your hand inside. A mimic will usually give itself away if you’re patient enough.

11 How Not To Die In Dark Souls

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

Being a Dark Souls player is like being in an exclusive club that the only requirement for membership is that you suffer through its challenging learning curve until you finally begin to make progress. While players can give advice to help new players along, they usually don’t. It goes against the ethos of the game to provide more assistance than the game itself does, and players tend to use a standard refrain when asked for guidance or encouragement.

“Git gud” has thus become the rallying cry of Dark Souls players. Why should anyone else help you if nearly everyone else who’s beaten the game has done so completely on their own, with only their wits and reflexes to help them? Dark Souls doesn’t coddle you, and neither will they.

10 As If The Game Wasn’t Hard Enough…

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

At any time, at any moment, you could become the target of an assassin. Not an in-game monster (since everyone and everything is out to kill you having a specific assassin seems to be a little redundant), but an actual player.

Players can “invade” other games to take on the host of that world in honorable combat. Or dishonorable, as is often the case.

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Thankfully, most Dark Souls players are the honorable type and will only engage in player versus player combat if the other guy is of a similar level. After all, players only get into a game like Dark Souls for the challenge, and killing a newbie is hardly challenging. But if you’re still having trouble with online players coming to ruin your day, you can always cut the cord and just play offline.

9 Skyrim Vs Dark Souls

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

There’s a lot of comparison between Skyrim and Dark Souls, which seems odd as they’re completely different games. One is a third person action RPG that’s more difficult than trying to extract a rabid weasel from your grandmother’s corpse, and the other is Skyrim. And yet, due to their shared fantasy setting and ubiquity amongst gamers, you’ll see the two games compared more often than not.

And most often the comparison has to do with how much more punishing Dark Souls is over Skyrim. Whereas Skyrim can often feel like a game without consequence to your action, allowing the player to have fun in literally any way they want, Dark Souls constricts that fun into a very narrow and focused band actions. There is less to do in Dark Souls than Skyrim simply because Dark Souls punishes players for misbehaving far more harshly than Skyrim ever does, such as with an arrow to the knee.

8 Vitality, The Forgotten Stat

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

I admit that I often forget about Vitality as I’m making a character in any game, but in Dark Souls I pay attention to my vitality as much as I do every other stat. If that makes me an un-gud player then that’s fine – I never said I was a Dark Souls fan.

Because Dark Souls is a game of trial and error and memory as much as anything else, Vitality is often seen as a stat unworthy of a true Dark Souls player. A true Dark Souls fan has already memorized the attack patterns of every foe and boss they could come against, so putting points into Vitality is tantamount to admitting that there are gaps in your knowledge of the game.

Plus Dexterity is the one true stat anyways.

7 Touch The Darkness Within Me

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

Uh. Yeah. That’s a double entendre I wasn’t expecting from a game as macabre as Dark Souls. I mean, you basically turn into a zombie every five minutes (or at least I do, since as I’ve mentioned, I’m not “gud”).

However, as a game that’s targeted at the typical gamer audience of young males, there are still some examples of rampant sexism. A common practice amongst Dark Souls players is to place a message on the ground saying “Great Chest Ahead” just before reaching a cutscene featuring a female NPC.

Which seems a tad disrespectful considering the player can just as easily be female and also have a great chest. But this is Dark Souls, and if you’re not into a bit of antagonism you probably shouldn’t be playing this game.

6 In Comparison To Most Games

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

If there’s anything that Dark Souls players love to remind people of, it’s that Dark Souls is a game unlike any other. That’s why I hate the term “Souls-like” that has been used to describe countless games since the release of the original Dark Souls because it’s almost always completely inaccurate.

Sure, maybe you’ll collect things, and maybe death will have a real consequence, and maybe the game might’ve skimped on the tutorial, and just maybe that first boss fight was kinda tough, and perhaps you might even have a twinge of anger at the game you’re playing… But nothing will ever compare to Dark Souls because the game is as much about its cult following of adherents as it is about all the disparate elements that created it.

5 The Evolution Of A Dark Souls Player

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

There is a sort of progression when it comes to Dark Souls players. If you manage to get past the first 30 minutes without tearing your hair out and drinking the blood that streams down your face while hurling your controller to the moon, then you might see a similar progression in yourself as you play through Souls.

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Perhaps most telling is that last panel where the player loses an ungodly amount of souls. It can be a real blow to lose that much progress all at once, but Dark Souls is a game of constant risk, where every move matters and indeed it can feel like it’d be easier to progress to the same point you’re currently at from a new game rather than carry on from where you are. And yet you carry on anyway since that’s the mark of a true Dark Souls fan.

4 You Do Have Some Allies In This Dark World

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

Jolly co-operation! That’s when Solaire hollers at you during your first meeting, his bizarre mix of enthusiasm and English accent along with maybe a bit of a translation goof giving rise to one of Dark Souls most iconic phrases.

Solaire’s sunny disposition make him the perfect NPC to introduce the co-operative play mechanics of the game, culminating in his tag-line of “Jolly co-operation”. After you receive the white soapstone from him you can use it to summon other players to help with your journey.

Hopefully. Again, Dark Souls is a game of trial and error, and asking a rando for help is a good way to be told to “git gud.” It’s better to try playing with a friend who’s also new to the game so you can engage in jolly co-operation together.

3 Replayability? Sure, Dark Souls Has That

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

While there’s a progression to players as they play through their first game, there’s also a progression of players that decide to replay the game under New Game plus. The progression is, as one might expect, rather damage oriented.

For those new to the game, allow me to explain. Your first playthrough is done without any knowledge of the game, so you tend to have an equal emphasis on defense and offense (hence the small sword and the large shield and armor). Your second playthrough is filled with game knowledge, so you can skimp on the shield and increase your damage while relying on said knowledge to keep you safe.

Your third playthrough on New Game++ is much like the second playthrough, but with maximum insanity.

2 How To Make Friends Outside Of Dark Souls

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

Solaire is a great guy. He becomes a lifelong friend to any Dark Souls player, and the unmistakable silhouette of him praising the sun is recognizable to all Dark Souls fans.

One Souls player took his adoration of Solaire to an illogical extreme, getting a vanity plate and rear windshield vinyl in his honor. He then left it parked out in the sun (since where else would you park such a car?) and came back to an invitation to jolly co-operation signed with the standard signature for those that praise the sun. \o/

Even on a cold day, the camaraderie between Dark Souls players can warm the most frozen of hearts.

1 You Don’t Win Dark Souls

16 Dark Souls Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

As I said before, there’s a certain type of player that really enjoys Dark Souls. Sure, they enjoy the difficulty and sense of accomplishment that comes with each tiny victory, but more than that they often enjoy the iterative process of progress. It harkens back to a style of gameplay that most of us had forgotten, where you make it a tiny bit further, you die, and then you start over, again and again until you get it right.

That’s Dark Souls in a nutshell: a game you play again and again until you get it right. The replay is built in because you’re constantly replaying it. In a sense, it’s a great metaphor for life – something you constantly replay until you get it right.

Or get stabbed by a skeleton. That happens sometimes.

Freelance writer and contributor at The Gamer, Sean hails from Toronto, Canada. If you ask Sean what he likes, he’ll say, “Robots, Ninjas, donuts – in that order.”

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/dark-souls-memes-too-hilarious-words/

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