25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Nothing in the Wasteland is funnier than these Fallout memes.

You Are Reading :25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

If I have one wish this year it’s that Bethesda learns from the sales of Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch and decide to port more games to it. More games like Fallout 3. The Skyrim Remaster on Switch gave me enough of a reason to jump back in. It doesn’t look, or run as good as the PS4, or Xbox One editions, or even as exciting as the PSVR one, but portability is my middle name. It’s Michael actually, but you get the idea. If you’ve watched, or read my stuff up until now then you’ll know I love portable games more so than anything else. What’s the most current, ultimate, and most accessible console on the market? Why it’s the Switch of course. So again, if I had a wish this year, it’d be a full Fallout 3 remaster on the Switch.

That got me thinking though. There’s a lot they could improve with the game and not just with visuals. As good as Fallout 3, and the other modern games are, they’re buggy as heck. They’re also very illogical. So many things don’t make sense in those games like how shooting certain parts of the body will make others explode, or the fact that you can carry loads of junk without any sort of backpack. Yes, as much as I love this series, there’s a lot wrong with it. It’s funny though and not that problematic. Still, these twenty-five memes are the best support for my case. Take it away memes!

25 A Glitchy Masterpiece

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Out of all the Fallout games, Fallout 3 has to be my favorite. It’s nostalgia at work since it was my first game. It also came out during my first year with the PS3, 2008, and my mind was still being blown by the concept of HD visuals. The thing that really astounded me was being able to go anywhere, do anything, and also save at your leisure. I also remember the first freezing glitch I encountered during a scuttle with some mutated fire ants. I got stuck in a wall and had to lose an hour of progress. So yes, I completely understand that it runs terribly on the PS3, but it doesn’t hinder my overall enjoyment of the game. If that gets ported to Switch, well, goodbye life.

24 V.A.T.S. Paranoid

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

This meme proves I’m not insane in that there must be at least one other paranoid adventurer out there. Every single time I saw a red blip on my raider I always went into V.A.T.S. It was a reflex by the end of Fallout 3. Now I wasn’t completely dependent on the system for attacking purposes. I used V.A.T.S. more like a periscope.

I see you coming at me Deathclaw.

You know, to sort of get the lay of the land. I wanted to know how far away my opponents were and what exactly they were. If they were humans I knew to get prepared. If they were Deathclaws, I hightailed it out of there. If they were cheap little Muskrats, well, I just laughed. Sure some consider V.A.T.S. a crutch in battle, but I loved it.

23 Drinking Sense

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Here’s a great logic question for you. Have you ever been on the verge of drowning in the infested, radiated waters of any Fallout game and survived only by drinking the very water that was killing you? If you can’t hear that, I’m raising my hand. It’s a question like that that would break someone’s logical mind. It doesn’t make any sense, but in some ways, that’s what makes the Fallout games so great. Games don’t always have to make sense. Sure, I love heartbreaking tales close to home like Life is Strange, or harrowing adventures like Uncharted, but sometimes I just want to have fun and turn my brain off. That’s the Fallout experience in a nutshell. I still cry, but for different reasons like when I freeze and lose hours have progress.

22 Man’s Best Friend

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Dogmeat is such a good boy in Fallout 4, but in Fallout 3 he was pretty useless. He could die so easily and couldn’t be revived. When I found him I always had him stay still in a nice town. I couldn’t bear to see him die again and again. Thankfully in Fallout 4 he’ll just feint, like a Pokémon, and can be easily revived. What’s even better than that?

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He’s better than a donkey.

Loading Dogmeat up like a pack mule to carry all my unwanted garbage I plan to sell to the highest bidder. Like I said in the previous entry, it doesn’t make sense though. How can a dog with no sack carry anything? Maybe his stomach is magical, or something. There are beasts like that in D&D.

21 Robinn’ Hood

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Speaking of selling unwanted junk, everyone must follow this strategy. It’s an easy way to make a lot of money in the Fallout games. You have to be careful though and hope the glitches work in your favor. It’s possible to steal merchandise without getting caught and then sell it back to that vendor. If the AI was smarter they would be able to smell a scam miles way, but this is Fallout we’re talking about. If I can get stuck n the ground then it’s possible to imagine a world where a merchant can’t detect if I stole something from them or not. If they could tell, well, it’d make the whole experience less engaging. Sometimes realism is a hindrance for fun in video games.

20 Anything For My Family

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

For those unaware Liam Neeson was the voice of your father in Fallout 3, which was great. However, he would have been a much better choice to play the male protagonist in Fallout 4. Think about it. The game is basically an open world, post-apocalypse version of Taken. An evil organization kidnaps your child and you’ll do anything to get them back. Sound familiar?

I have a special set of skills.

The only thing that’s missing is threatening said abductors over a phone. It’s the only way to make sense of this situation. How could an ordinary mom, or dad go out and start killing hundreds of people and monsters in the blink of an eye like it was nothing? It’s an adrenaline rush like no other that lasts hundreds of hours.

19 Bill and Ted’s Excellent Fallout

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Oh Keanu Reeves, is there a meme your face wouldn’t make funny? The best ones are definitely the pictures involving “sad Keanu” but using anything from Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure is great too. It was the peak of his confused face. It’s the voice everyone imitates when they’re trying to sound like Mr. Reeves, which in itself sounds like a blazed generic surfer dude. So imagine that voice coming out of a Brotherhood of Steel member and the laughs will roll on for days. It is a good question though. Perhaps there really are people after me? I have a hard time sleeping every night. Maybe I should patrol my perimeter with my replica Keyblade more often. It’s always best to be safe than sorry.

18 Sweet Weapons

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

I’m not the only one that sees an NPC, good or bad, and immediately think about stealing their weapon, am I? It was especially true in Fallout 4 because the customization you could do with your weapons was so intricate. The standard 10mm pistol could be configured into so many different designs that one would look completely different from the other.

Are you going to use that?

And like many, I’m a packrat when it comes to Fallout, or maybe it’s a better analogy to call myself a collector. I’m a Pokémon trainer of the wastes if you will. I gotta catch ‘em all and by that I mean I have to collect every item in the game, store it, and never use it. Why? Because I can! Get off my back.

17 Ashes To Ashes

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

I never really got into laser weaponry in the Fallout games. They’re cool, sure, but there was never that much ammo around. Plus I just like the sound and design of real guns. Turning someone into dust isn’t as satisfying as seeing their bodies explode. I will say, however, that it makes sweeping the area for bodies a breeze. It’s so neat to go around to a bunch of piles of ash rather than plundering through dozens of bloody corpses. That said it doesn’t really make sense to loot a pile of ashes for items. They should be disintegrating with the body, but that’s not how it works in Fallout. Food, weapons, armor, everything under the sun is still there for your plundering needs. How does that work?

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16 Karma Chameleon

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

If there’s one thing the citizens of Fallout can agree on it’s that Raiders are bad news. Let’s look at Pickman from Fallout 4 for example. As I discussed in my Fallout facts article, he’s a serial killer primarily focused on exterminating every Raider that comes his way. He takes things a bit too far by collecting their parts… but to each their own.

Let me take that head off your shoulders.

Anyway it makes sense that you get good karma for killing any Raider you meet. However, it doesn’t make sense that you can lose karma from stealing from them. They’re the scum of the earth right? Shouldn’t the game reward you for it? Logically the karma system is probably a blanket that covers every human in the game and doesn’t distinguish between good and bad folks.

15 A Near Miss

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Remember when I said I just use V.A.T.S. as radar? Well, this meme is the exact reason why. The percentages don’t make sense a lot of the time. If you have 90% on every body part there is still that 10% you will miss, which should be low right? Technically it is, but dang did I miss shots a lot and in reverse, I made a lot of hits when the percentages were reversed sometimes. Call that luck, or some sort of karma balance. I don’t know. What I will say is that V.A.T.S. is an imperfect system, but cool in its own way. At the very least it works perfectly well as an expensive sonar machine and one that slows down and or pauses time too.

14 Started From The Bottom

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Another aspect I went into with my previous Fallout article was the fact that I never played Fallout 1, or Fallout 2. That being said I can still appreciate them for their contribution to the series. They were important stepping-stones in creating the games I now love i.e. Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and to a lesser extent Fallout 4. They’re nothing like the top down isometric games that came before them, but that’s okay.

It’s always great to remember the classics.

In order to keep up with the times, a series has to evolve. That’s why Final Fantasy has been increasingly going the way of action RPGs rather than the more traditional turn-based ones. For as great as the modern Fallout games are, they wouldn’t be here without their origins and it’s important to always remember that fact.

13 Your Head Asplode

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

First of all, I want you all to appreciate my clever entry title, referencing the ever-brilliant Strong Bad Emails. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Watch this and be amazed. Anyway, let’s get back to Fallout heads “asploding.” How is it that I can shoot an enemy in the leg and watch their head explode, or fly right off? For that matter, why can the body sometimes explode in general like a nuke went off? Well simply put that’s the power of the Bloody Mess perk. It gives players the chance to do critical damage to an opponent and to also make them erupt like a bloody volcano. It’s cool, but makes little sense especially if you shoot someone in the leg with a lame weapon like a BB gun.

12 Sleep It Off

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

We’ve already established that you can heal yourself with the same water you’re drowning in, but there’s a logic puzzle bigger than that. It doesn’t matter if you get your limbs lobbed off, or if you get radiated, or full of bullet holes. Going to sleep will heal you instantly. It doesn’t matter where you sleep, or for how long either. Just closing your eyes will make all the bad things go away.

That’s just a cute pair of goggles for Dogmeat right there.

If that’s the case then why am I doing fetch quests for NPCs to get them medicine? My advice? Sleep it off. Do you guys not know how powerful a day’s rest is? Either they’re dumb, or I’m the chosen one or something. Or, you know, this game is a logic heck hole that no one can escape from.

11 That’s The Weigh It Goes (lol)

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

How can you, the player, carry all the loot you snag without a backpack? Secondly, how does a tin can weigh me down, but say 5,000 rounds of 10mm bullets does not. Weight, in general, is never a fun mechanic in video games. Either you go all the way, or you don’t count it at all otherwise it’ll spark a debate like this one here. If I’m supposed to swallow the fact that I can carry a bunch of stuff without any sort of sack, then how can I become magically encumbered at some point? It’s funny, but just think how limiting your adventure would be in Fallout 5 if they took this to heart and you could only carry like four things? That would suck.

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10 Secret Thieves

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

In large part, this meme connects with a lot of what I’ve been writing thus far. If you’re smart enough, you can get away with stealing. It’ll lose you karma, but you can easily get it back by doing good deeds for NPCs like side quests, or killing those dastardly Raiders. It’s like overcompensating in real life. Perhaps you were a little d-bag as a young child.

I’m a good person, not.

Growing up made you see the error of your ways so as an adult you’re trying your best to make up for all the wrongs you did. Is this to balance out your cosmic karma, or are you trying to get in good with God to then lead a life of luxury in Heaven, or whatever you believe?

9 Sharped Dressed Man

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

This one goes along with what I said about finding nice weapons on NPCs. In a way, I actually think it goes double for clothes. Despite my unfashionable self in real life, I love dressing up my characters in video games even if I can’t see my character all the time like in Fallout. That is unless you want to use the awkward third-person perspective, which I do not recommend.

That coat would look better on me.

Anyway, I always strive to look my best and even negate putting the best sets of armor on if it looks too dumb. If a nice coat looks better than a giant plate of mail, you better believe I’m going to wear it. I just make sure to overcompensate by carrying around a lot of Stimpaks.

8 Deathclaw Strategy

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

Speaking of using a lot of Stimpaks, well, look above. No matter how good your armor is, or what level you’re at, coming across a Deathclaw in any of the Fallout games is going to be a challenge especially if there are two of them. Good luck surviving. The best strategy is to attack from a distance and if you happen to get hit, no matter how much health you lose, always use a Stimpak just to be on the safe side. Those buggers do critical hits like crazy. One moment you’re fine and the next you’re flying through the air like a ragdoll football. And if you’re unlucky enough to fight one without any Stimpaks, well, chances are you’re going to have to stop and reload your last save.

7 Raider Scum

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

In a lazy sort of way, this is the same joke as the one about Fallout 4’s hero. Both protagonists are kind of innate killing monsters and it’s ridiculous. In Fallout 3 you were raised underground in Vault 101. You never trained in combat, you never saw daylight, and you never really learned what the wasteland was really like in general.

I need to save my Jedi Master!

While it’s not the same as looking for your long lost son, there’s still family involved in the form of your dad who again is played by Liam Neeson. Heck yeah, I want to save Qui-Gon Jinn. Give me a knife and let’s cut some fools! I’m somehow ready for this even though I shouldn’t be. Woo! You have to love that Fallout logic.

6 Water Shortage

25 Hilarious Fallout Memes That Will Leave You Laughing

More so than any fashionable piece of gear, the Power Armor has to be the most practical thing one can get in the wastes. I just learned through my recent Fallout facts article that the suit could convert pee into drinkable water. So why hasn’t that technology been reverse engineered into some other pieces of clothing, or in the toilets of Fallout? Think about it. Most of the games are about water shortages and or trying to solve that crisis. If this technology exists, shouldn’t that problem already be fixed? Of course, you can’t just make these machines out of thin air. There’s probably a resource shortage, or something. You could then argue that these suits are the most valuable things in the games, right?

Tristan Jurkovich began his career as a journalist in 2011. His childhood love of video games and writing fuel his passion for archiving this great medium’s annals. He dabbles in every genre, but he’s particularly fond of RPGs and portables. Secretly he enjoys the Just Dance series a little too much. Aside from writing, Tristan also hosts a plethora of shows on his YouTube Channel, ReActionExaminer.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/hilarious-fallout-memes-that-will-leave-you-laughing/

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