25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

Harry Potter and its incredible characters accompanied us all through childhood, so we’re taking a look at the funny side of Hogwarts…

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25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

Ah, Harry Potter, the crown jewel of my childhood that actually got me to read.

The Harry Potter fandom is a wondrous place full of original characters, jokes, and creative headcanons. From that hilarious fanfiction My Immortal to the many recipes for pumpkin juice that you can find online, Harry Potter has brought out something to everyone’s creative palette.

I personally am more into the funny stuff, like that Snape fanfiction I wrote on a dare in a car ride to the zoo or that “Snape…Snape…Severus Snape. Dumbledore!” song that took over my life once everyone in my school discovered that Youtube video.

The wizarding world practically lays out the red carpet for us to play around in. Every fan has thought hard about what house they belong in and what patronus they’d have. Like I’m the perfect mix of a Slytherin and Hufflepuff and my patronus is probably a sea lion. Don’t pretend you haven’t thought yours over!

A key to a magical world is fun and what’s more fun than hilarious comics? My favorite comics are about Snape and Dumbledore because they are usually portrayed very seriously in the books and movies so I collected a lot of those to show you. Or there’s just a drawing of Hermione if she was a loaf of bread, and that’s beautiful.

So put down your butterbeer before you get more cavities and check out these beauties. To make this even better, you may learn even more about Harry Potter.

25 Time Changes Little

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

This comic is too real. With the seven Harry Potter books spanning over a long time, a lot of people grew up with Harry. When the seventh movie came out in theaters, I was about to graduate high school so it felt like Harry and I were doing that together. A lot of kids in my generation probably have that same connection to the franchise.

Pokémon was not so different either; in fact, Pokémon and Harry Potter tailored to the same generation.

At 24-years-old I do still wear my Gryffindor scarf (I know I said I’m a Slytherin/Hufflepuff, but I like Gryffindor’s aesthetic). I started out with Pokémon Silver and now I can actually pet my Pokémon in Pokémon Moon. We’ve come a long way, haven’t we?

Art by Soy Aw.

24 Yule Ball Practice

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

The scene of awkward dancing with McGonagall for Yule Ball practice was great, but this comic adds to what we already loved. I mean, who would want to dance with their teachers period? Unless you have a crush on them, it’s bound to be one of the most awkward moments of your school life. Your friends are bound to be giggling in the background too.

This drawing style really draws attention to everyone but Mcgonagall’s displeasure.

In the film, Snape is shown to be present. The book is different. Snape never attended the Yule Ball itself. However, during the seventh book, Snape’s memories show Dumbledore and Snape did have a conversation while the Yule Ball was ending. I think J.K. Rowling missed some comedy gold for awkward Yule Ball Snape.

23 It’s A Dangerous Mirror, Harry

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

The Mirror of Erised is one of the most iconic magical items of the Harry Potter series. It gives us this emotional scene where Harry sees his parents in the mirror that shows someone greatest desires. Dumbledore warns Harry that people can obsess over their dreams and desires, which makes the mirror dangerous.

That serious scene is what makes this comic beautiful.

To add to this comic, let me tell you what J.K. Rowling has said about the mirror.

“Dumbledore knows that to sit gazing on a vision of what he can never have, will only damage Harry. The mirror is bewitching and tantalizing, but it does not necessarily bring happiness.” I don’t know about you but seeing Dumbledore in those socks made me happy.

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Art by Floccinaucinihilipilification.

22 Wut

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

Parseltongue is the wondrous and rare ability to speak to snakes. Harry could speak it, as Voldemort gave him some powers by accident when he tried to end him as a baby. That’s good, because Harry would have had no chance of learning the ability since it’s just something you happen to know or don’t.

Using parseltongue is also not something popular people do, since it’s associated with Slytherin and Voldemort. Ron sums it up pretty well by saying is just sounds, “creepy.”

You don’t even have to use it on snakes like Harry though. According to Pottermore, “Young Morfin Gaunt, who was Voldemort’s uncle, seemed particularly taken with it, and from what Harry saw, seemed to prefer it to English.” What a creep!

21 His Lily Gone

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

A lot of thought went into this joke. Bonus points for the joke covering many of the more serious topics of the Harry Potter series: Lily’s death, Dumbledore’s death, Snape’s crush on Lily, and Malfoy not having a great time.

I also like the artist’s style. Dumbledore has never been described or shown to wear red, and now I can see why. He looks like Santa Claus. I also love Snape’s gray skin tone and sharp facial features, adding to his gloominess. Also a hilarious little detail, Malfoy has a comb in his hair.

It would be funny is Snape did teach herbology. There is just something funny to me about a grumpy strict teacher teaching about plants. Potions is much more intimidating and evil sounding.

Art by Floccinaucinihilipilification

20 Book vs. Movie

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

There are a ton of differences between the books and movies. At one point, even the computer games were more loyal to the books than the movies. Peeves the poltergeist was in the games, but not in the movies.

But for some reason, Dumbledore’s tone is the most well-known example between the books and movies.

In the book, he calmly asks Harry if he put his name in the Goblet of Fire, but in the movie he get a little intense. Apparently the actor, Gambon Fiyah, doesn’t read the books that he’s starring in adaptations of. I’m no professional critic, but that doesn’t seem like an actor who takes his job too seriously. He even once said, “”I don’t have to play anyone really. I just stick on a beard and play me, so it’s no great feat.”

19 Teeth And Fear

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

Hagrid is my favorite teacher and definitely teaches what would be my favorite class in Hogwarts. Despite my love of magical creatures, the books are horrifying. I’d have a ton of difficulty getting not only the incentive to study, but also the courage to pick up the textbook in the first place.

Would damaging this book count as animal pain? Does it eat? Can it get sick? I have so many questions.

Can you give it a name and then have the book learn that name? Why does it look like a spider? Was a spider magically bound to this book? If so, why? Are they captured in the wild?

Taking the class would still be worth it because by the end I’ll just be a very brave unicorn farmer.

Art by Floccinaucinihilipilification.

18 “Babies I Don’t Care About”

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

Despite J.K. Rowling’s attempts to redeem Snape to a certain extent, I think the attempts backfired a lot on Snape’s character. I mean, we now know he was abusive to Harry all because of a crush he had on his mom in school. That felt like a bad taste in a lot of fan’s mouths.

This comic combines Harry Potter with the amazing comedy gold show, The Office. Snape is saying a quote originally said by Deangelo, aka Andy, from The Office.

You know what would be an amazing show? A show like The Office, but in the wizarding world. Maybe the clerical branch of whatever organization that makes the wizard cards that come in chocolate frogs. But they don’t make the cards; it’s just the quality assurance department.

17 Find Potter

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

What, you don’t remember this in the books? It was such a big deal when they did not include the orc student in movie three!

Gart was an exchange student out of the orc mountain clans of Bulgaria. He’s the whole reason Harry never got tangled in the mutli-world conflict between the wizarding world, Narnia, Middle Earth, and the various highly evolved space dwelling worlds.

Not just that, but Gart was the center of a lot of emotional scenes. I loved it when Harry found him crying in the common rooms due to Malfoy’s racist bullying and invited him out to that wizard play that foreshadowed Snape loving Harry’s mom. I wanted more Gart in the books, and the movies were like, “How about none?”

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16 Old Men First

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

Rowling said in an interview that Dumbledore was about 150 years old. However, on her website, she states that Dumbledore was born in 1881, making him either 115 or 116 when he died. That’s fine Rowling, I’m bad at math too.

I am totally here for the comic style. I love drawings of screaming goofy faces. Screaming goofy face is like my permanent mood.

I have a question. How did Professor Quirrell get a troll in Hogwarts? Was that ever addressed? If you’re going to be a smarty-pants and say “magic,” I’m just going to ask, “What kind of magic?” You can’t put that thing to sleep and drag it up the crazy magic stairs! You can’t make it fly without serious damage! So how did he do it?

Art by Nesskain.

15 Oh Potter, You Fool

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

I don’t ship Harry and Draco but that doesn’t mean this comic isn’t funny. Also am I crazy or is Draco looking kind of like the Little Prince?

Harry and Draco is one of the most popular ships in in the Harry Potter fandom. Don’t believe me? You haven’t searched Harry Potter on the internet have you?

I don’t think anyone really believed this could become canon, especially since it would be so toxic due to Malfoy’s behavior throughout the series.

The Half-Blood Prince, shippers had a field day, pointing to Harry stalking and obsessing over Draco. In The Deathly Hallows, shippers reached Nirvana when Draco didn’t confirm Harry’s identity to the Death Eaters. Also Harry saves Draco’s life by the end of the book.

14 Number One In Potions

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

This is both cute and creepy. Mostly cute. It does highlight a fact about Lily Potter was skilled at potions. Like any witch, she started attending Hogwarts at eleven years old. Like in the comic, Professor Slughorn mentions that she was very skilled in potions.

It would be hilarious is her friendship with Snape was why. Snape is obviously skilled too since he becomes a potions professor. Maybe he helped her study or even cheat on her homework and tests? Lily is Harry’s mom, so of course she had some trouble-making spirit in her.

Since she was good at potions and other classes, she did become a part of the Slug Club. Kind of like a symbolic Honor’s Program? With that in mind, let’s hope she didn’t cheat.

13 Sunglasses

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

In The Chamber of Secrets we got a lot of petrification happening at Hogwarts. Hermione gets petrified because she sees the basilisk in Penelope’s mirror. But wow, what a missed opportunity, it should have been through sunglasses.

Have we ever seen a wizard wear sunglasses? They are missing out on edge points.

If Hermione actually looked at the basilisk without a mirror or sunglasses, she would have died. Aw, Harry and his gang should have all put on sunglasses before entering the Chamber of Secrets. That would’ve been so funny and cool.

The book comes up with every other reason people don’t stare directly at the monster from seeing through a ghost, a camera, and a reflection. Anyway, this comic had the right idea of what I’m going to do if I ever go into basilisk territory.

12 Salary Increase

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

How much do professors get paid to work at Hogwarts anyway? I found an answer because the fandom is so big that we have squeeze every last drop of information out of the wizarding world. There is amazing information that can be found at Wizards and Whatnot. According to them, Hogwarts Professors make $32,000 – $47,000.

Apparently Hogwarts is funded by the government too, so we can figure that the teachers make about the same as regular Muggle professionals.

Someone like Rita Skeeter would make the most, as The Daily Prophet is comparable to the Muggle’s journal, The Guardian, and they make about $94,000. Garrick Ollivander, one of the greatest wand-makers of his time would tragically make the least at $26,600. Before you get snippy, the evidence is that MoviePilot based this calculation on the price of Harry’s wand (7 galleons, which works out to around $125).

Art by Floccinaucinihilipilification.

11 You-Know

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

I learned something new today. If you actually say Voldemort’s name, he can track you? His name actually has magic and so everyone was actually onto something when they would say You-Know-Who.

That’s funny because as a kid I thought they were all superstitious cowards. Yeah, I was a pretty brutal kid. Poor Ron Weasley was made fun of for this superstition in The Deathly Hallows. I’m sorry Ron, I was wrong, and so were a lot of other people.

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I wonder at what point Voldemort’s name became a magical way to track people. Couldn’t we just forget his stupid evil name and call him Tom Riddle? There is actually a long sociological history to names and their powers. Like you aren’t supposed to let certain magical creatures know your name or else your life is theirs.

10 Because You Are All Monsters

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

It’s funny because Dementors suck the joy of out of people and Minerva brings up a really good point about how dangerous some of the wizarding school activities are. Quidditch is so frightening!

Have you seen the bludgers? They look like bowling balls and you bat them at people who are flying like 20 feet off the ground!

If I ever played wizard Quidditch (have to clarify since it’s also become a Muggle sport), I will always crawl to my teacher and cry that I have to be a beater. I would want to be a beater so I can defend myself against the bludgers with a bat. There would be so much screaming. The other beater would think my fear was the funniest thing and we’d have this crazy thing going on.

Art by Floccinaucinihilipilification.

9 Gryffindor Wins

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

This is a long running joke of the Harry Potter series. Back when I was a child, I always cheered for Gryffindor because I wanted to cheer for the main characters I had adventures with.

However when I got older, I realized the point system was bogus!

If you have teachers like Mcgonagall and Snape has house leaders but also give them the ability to award and take away points, does that not seem like a corrupt system? Mcgonagall seemed to be the most fair of them, having the guts and honor to punish students from her own house.

Snape is a monster who likes to see Gryffindor suffer, so he’s corrupt and don’t get me started about Dumbledore! Dumbledore just throws everything that happened into a fire and goes, “However many points you need to win, I’m giving them to you.”

8 Girl Is Punching Everyone

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

Hermione puts up with a lot in the series, so audiences really liked it when they saw her snap and punch Malfoy in the face.

The truth is that she only slaps him. The movie probably went for the punch for drama’s sake, and it wasn’t a bad decision.

I certainly wanted to punch Malfoy in the same scene. Hagrid was my favorite teacher and Malfoy rigged this horrid case to get Buckbeak executed. He mocks and laughs at Hagrid’s grief. That is a beautiful giant man who sacrifices his life in the name of magical creatures. He sees them as beautiful and worthy of respect and I love that probably because I am an animal lover.

Art by 3drod.

7 Anything That Isn’t Living?

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

Sometimes we can’t help but laugh at something that is supposed to be sad, right? The wizarding world offers a lot of life and opportunity, but not much in terms of immortality and the dead unless you want something less than human.

Speaking of which, how alive are the chess pieces, chocolate frogs, and sorting hat? I want to see their production. There can be some sick tactics or they are just sort of like robots. How much free will do they have? I think about free will probably more than an ordinary person should. If they do have a will, are the sorting hat and chess pieces sort of like slaves? What is the deal? Does the chocolate frog feel pain? Emotion?

Art by Cendres.

6 Potter Preschool

25 Hilarious Harry Potter Comics That Only Muggles Won’t Get

There are answers for EVERYTHING in Harry Potter. Do wizards go to preschool? We have an answer to that! In an interview with J.K. Rowling, it was uncovered that they are either home schooled or have to deal with a Muggle primary school.

“They can either go to a Muggle primary school or they are educated at home. The Weasleys were taught by Mrs. Weasley.”

So in a way, Harry was not that poor off for living as a Muggle before Hogwarts. Well…his life still sucked.

If the “wizard story” and “missing parents” story are two different stories in this comic, what are they? Maybe Wizard of Oz versus A Series of Unfortunate Events. I do like the comic artist’s style. That Hedwig is adorable.

Writer, author of The Awei Series, and cat foster parent. Her favorite games include Dragon Age, Pokémon, Final Fantasy XIV, Team Ico games, Ōkami, and RPG maker horror games. She probably would be a Fairy/Ghost type Pokémon Trainer.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/hilarious-harry-potter-comics-that-only-muggles-wont-get/

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