5 MCU Villains Nightwing Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldnt)

5 MCU Villains Nightwing Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldn’t)

Nightwing is one of DC’s best martial artists, and he would definitely overpower multiple MCU villains, even if he fell short against a few others.

You Are Reading :5 MCU Villains Nightwing Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldnt)

5 MCU Villains Nightwing Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldnt)

Nightwing is one of the most gifted martial artists in all of DC. Considered to be the best acrobat in the world, he is also a masterful tactician and detective. DC often describes him as their “greatest source for good,” cementing his place as one of the leading figures in their universe.

If, for some reason, he found himself fighting against the MCU’s worst villains, Nightwing would prove his worth by defeating most of them. He would have trouble overcoming others and would inevitably lose against them, because while he is a master combatant, there are a few enemies even he can’t beat.

10 Nightwing Would Lose Against Wenwu

5 MCU Villains Nightwing Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldnt)

Wenwu is the main antagonist in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings and one of the MCU’s best villains in years. On top of being a master martial artist, Wenwu also has the legendary Ten Rings, a set of mysterious weapons that grant him several energy-based abilities.

The battle between Wenwu and Nightwing would be relatively even because Dick’s martial artistry would be on par with Wenwu’s. However, years of experience and the Ten Rings would ultimately give the edge to Wenwu. The victory would be his, but Dick would earn his respect.

9 Nightwing Would Win Against Ultron

5 MCU Villains Nightwing Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldnt)

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner’s creation, Ultron, is one of the most charming villains in the MCU. Comic book fans know Ultron is one of the Avenger’s deadliest villains. Indeed, the character acted as the primary antagonist in 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, giving the titular team a run for their money.

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Nightwing would defeat Ultron in a hand-to-hand battle. However, the robot is more than just his body and can travel through the internet, assuming control of multiple other robots. Dick would need his superior reasoning skills to shut out Ultron out of the net. The character is a gifted hacker in many of his iterations, so there’s no question he’d pull that off.

8 Nightwing Would Lose Against The Black Order

5 MCU Villains Nightwing Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldnt)

Thanos’ Black Order is no laughing matter. The group is mighty and capable, as demonstrated by their appearance in Avengers: Infinity War. The Black Order has a rich and intricate history in the comics, despite being a relatively new concept in Marvel.

In the movies, it took the combined efforts of Captain America, Falcon, and Black Widow to overcome Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive. For their part, Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian quickly overpowered Doctor Strange, Iron Man, and Wong. Dick would stand a chance against them if he had the help of the Bat-Family, but he wouldn’t be a threat by himself.

7 Nightwing Would Win Against Taskmaster

5 MCU Villains Nightwing Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldnt)

2021 saw the long-awaited release of Black Widow. At last, Natasha Romanoff was the star of her solo adventure after being a supporting player for ten years. Alas, her enemy Taskmaster turned out to be somewhat underwhelming. Taskmaster has photographic reflexes that allow her to mimic other heroes’ fighting styles.

The battle between Nightwing and Taskmaster would be entertaining, to say the least. However, Dick would win by following Natasha’s playbook and freeing Antonia from her father’s mind control. Even if he didn’t have the flask of red powder, Dick would still appeal to Antonia’s humanity and would probably succeed in snapping her out of her mental chains.

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6 Nightwing Would Lose Against Abomination

5 MCU Villains Nightwing Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldnt)

Despite being one of the MCU’s forgotten villains, Abomination packs quite the punch. His strength is comparable to the Hulk’s, and the two even star in one of the MCU’s best hand-to-hand fights in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk.

Nightwing would try his best, using every trick under his utility belt, and he would avoid taking any significant damage from Abomination. However, it would be impossible for him to overcome Abomination by himself. So while Dick wouldn’t die during the encounter, he would inevitably lose.

5 Nightwing Would Win Against Iron Monger

5 MCU Villains Nightwing Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldnt)

The first-ever villain in the MCU was Obadiah Stane, AKA the Iron Monger. Played by Academy Award winner Jeff Bridges in 2008’s Iron Man, Obadiah was Tony Stark’s mentor figure who was secretly plotting to kill him steal his company.

Despite his fearsome appearance and massive size, Obadiah is rather lame. In fact, he’s one of those MCU villains easily defeated by the hero. Nightwing wouldn’t even break a sweat when fighting the Iron Monger. The battle would be short, ending with an absolute victory for the original Boy Wonder.

4 Nightwing Would Lose Against Scarlet Witch

5 MCU Villains Nightwing Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldnt)

Many fans forget that Scarlet Witch was an antagonist during her original introduction. According to rumors, she will go back to her evil roots in the upcoming Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness after flirting with the dark side in WandaVision.

Scarlet Witch has a myriad of abilities that make her the most powerful being in the MCU. She can warp reality and go so far as to create entirely new realities. She also has mind-controlling powers and multiple energy-based attacks. Nightwing would give it his all, but in the end, Wanda is too powerful an opponent for any one hero.

3 Nightwing Would Win Against Mysterio

5 MCU Villains Nightwing Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldnt)

Quentin Beck, played by the ever-charming Jake Gyllenhaal, was the main villain in 2019’s Spider-Man: Far From Home. A disgruntled former employee who fooled the entire world and became a hero, Quentin is Spider-Man’s best villain and one of the most engaging antagonists in the MCU.

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However, Quentin is still just a man, and not even his tricks and illusions would save him against a capable hero. In more ways than one, Nightwing is DC’s equivalent of Spider-Man, so it makes sense that he, too, would take on Mysterio, defeating him in the end. Besides, the thought of Mysterio inside Arkham is too good to pass up.

2 Nightwing Would Lose Against Thanos

5 MCU Villains Nightwing Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldnt)

Thanos remains the undisputed king of the MCU villains. He is the ultimate enemy, an almighty threat of intergalactic proportions who succeeded in erasing half of the universe with a snap of his fingers. He became the most powerful being in existence, even if he wasn’t capable of holding on to that power for long.

Few DC heroes would be able to defeat Thanos hand-to-hand. Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Lanterns might have a chance. But Thanos would be too much of a challenge for Nightwing. He would put up a decent fight, but he would never be able to defeat the Mad Titan.

1 Nightwing Would Win Against Killmonger

While Thanos is the best MCU villain, Killmonger is a close second. Comic book fans were well aware of Erik Killmonger, but 2018’s Black Panther turned him into a top-tier villain in Marvel. The movie also allowed him a great degree of depth and gravitas that not all MCU villains get.

In hand-to-hand combat, Nightwing would be superior to Killmonger. However, Dick would also empathize with Erik’s fight and might even try to reason with him, appealing to his humanity. And while Erik wouldn’t drop his weapons at once, he might abandon the villain role in favor of an anti-hero approach.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/marvel-mcu-villains-vs-nightwing-win-or-lose/

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