Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

Dragon Ball FighterZ: 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

Dragon Ball FighterZ was just released, and while the game can be difficult, there are surefire ways to step up and dominate at it.

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Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

Critics are praising Dragon Ball FighterZ, calling it a masterclass Dragon Ball game for Dragon Ball fans and a fighting game for everyone. As a 2.5D game, it boasts a wide variety of techniques that open up the possibility for massive chain combos spanning over 100 hits. The game is quite superb mechanically and leaves much room for player improvement.

Fears emerged within the Dragon Ball community that FighterZ would lack the depth required to compete with previous favorites such as Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2, and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Arc System Works, the developer behind Dragon Ball FighterZ, surpassed expectations by incorporating a bundle of in-game elements such as Dramatic Finishes, simple inputs, Sparkling Blasts, and cancels that drastically increase the number of possible hits landed in a single combo.

It is too early to know if Dragon Ball FighterZ will be a timeless Dragon Ball entry or just another fad. Injustice 2 is an example of a fighting game that had a positive reception at release but later was viewed as below average for competitive play. Dragon Ball fans and critics are loving Dragon Ball FighterZ, so as of now, there are few aspects to criticize.

We have compiled a list of 20 things that would seem impossible in Dragon Ball FighterZ, and we explain how to do them. Topics such as building a well-rounded team and extending your combos are discussed. These tips and tricks will help you become the best Dragon Ball fighter you can be.

20 That Will Be 120,000 Zeni, Please

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

Every player will want to gain Zeni as efficiently as possible so they can obtain Z Capsules that contain character skins, new lobby characters, or a Z stamp which is similar to an emote. The conventional way to obtain Zeni is to complete matches and quests from the Quest List. We have compiled a few different ways to gain Zeni at a faster rate.

Just for speaking to all the vendors in the lobby area, you’ll be given a total of 2,000 Zeni

Completing the Snake Way Course is an easy way to earn fast Zeni. Each course contains about three matches and can provide 7,000 Zeni. A higher grade score means higher Zeni payout. Combo Challenge is also an efficient means of gaining Zeni because each challenge pays out 5,000 Zeni. Aside from exploiting glitches, playing the Story Mode is the quickest way to earn Zeni.

19 Family Kamehameha And Combined Ultimate Attacks

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

You can make multiple characters participate in a combo attack at the same time. It seems as if only certain characters are compatible for combining ultimate attacks. Gohan and Goten are seen in this picture and deliver a combined Ki Attack. It is also possible to combine Goku, Gohan, and Goten for a Family Kamehameha which inflicts almost half a health bar worth of damage.

We have also seen combined Ultimate attacks from characters such as Goku Black and Future Zamasu, although Future Zamasu is the alternate identity of Goku Black and is not a fully playable character. Hopefully, with DLC characters, we will see more combined ultimate attacks. As of now, the Family Kamehameha is a spectacle to be seen and is not something you want to be on the receiving end of.

18 Force An Opponent To Change Characters

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

It is quite simple to force an opponent to switch characters. Often you’ll be met with opponents who have found a cheap exploit of the game and won’t stop using it. Each move can be countered, but you could be thrown off by a cheap move other players keep reusing. To give yourself time to recover from an opponent’s exploit, you could force them to switch characters.

Forcing an opponent to switch characters couldn’t be easier. You merely have to press the correct assist button when your dragon rush strikes and your enemy changes characters automatically. There a variety of situations that would necessitate you to force a character change. Each character has advantages and disadvantages, so naturally, some have an advantage over other characters.

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17 Punish Enemy Super Dash. Take That Frieza!

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

After you get the hang of it, punishing an enemy’s Super Dash doesn’t need to be difficult. The most challenging part of punishing an enemy’s Super Dash is getting the timing correct. Having sessions in practice mode is an efficient way to get this timing down. With so much going on in quests and online matches, you’ll likely only be exposed to a few Super Dashes. Training allows you counter many Super Dashes, and improve as a result.

Counter Super Dashes everytime with a down heavy attack

To counter or punish an enemy’s Super Dash is very easy. Just give them a down heavy, and it will counter their Super Dash every time. Knowledge of moves will make you win battles, and superb reflexes also matter.

16 Empower Your Character With Sparkling Blast

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

Guide after guide will refer to the Sparkling Blast as one of the most useful moves to deliver in Dragon Ball FighterZ. The Sparkling Blast can be used by any character and is activated the same way for each. Your character will deliver extra damage and have additional health for a short period when you activate Sparkling Blast. It also provides higher stat increases when you have fewer teammates, so it is perhaps wiser to use it at the end of a match.

It can turn the tides of a round in desperate moments

Press R1 and R2 at the same time on PlayStation 4 and RB and RT on Xbox One to activate Sparkling Blast. Knowing you have this move available during a match is critical; just be aware that your opponent also has one. Players of the game should be aware that they should never be overconfident in Dragon Ball FighterZ. There are too many factors at play which can change the tides of a match.

15 Mastering Fan Favorite Goku Black

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

Goku Black made his first debut, in Dragon Ball Super, on June 12, 2016. For the first time, we see Goku Black in action in a Dragon Ball video game. Goku Black has been dominating the scene since the release of Dragon Ball FighterZ. He has an appearance that resembles Goku, but he is actually the alternate form of Future Zamasu, a Supreme Kai apprentice.

Fans are going crazy for Goku Black, and we want to give tips on how to master him

Note that Goku Black’s special attacks are terrific for ending combos and that super attacks are remarkable ways to vanquish opponents when they have lower health. Black Goku has five specials including the Black Kamahehah, which is more than most characters who have three or four. His Instant Transmission is one of Goku Black’s best moves because it teleports behind the opponent. For sure, knowing all those moves will give you a competitive edge.

14 Vanish Cancel To Confuse Your Opponent

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

Using a technique called “Vanish Cancel,” one can mitigate the effect of opponents’ attacks, but not including Super Attacks. Normally there is a short time frame in which you can dodge attacks. Activating Vanish is almost instantaneous so you will be able to move behind your opponent and attack them from behind. Also, you’ll be able to dodge attacks and cancel the effect of these moves.

Vanish Cancel can extend your combos and confuse opponents

There are plenty of ways to dodge and counter attacks in Dragon Ball FighterZ. Finally, the Dragon Ball gods have gifted us a game that is worth mastering inside and out. The Vanish Cancel can also extend your combos by avoiding damage from an opponent, then afterward, continuing to attack them.

13 Suprise Them With A Jump Cancel Combo

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

To properly execute a Jump Cancel combo, you should always start it off with a sweeping low attack. Consistently using this move makes the combo feel more natural. After a sweeping move, give them a medium standing attack. Attack the opponent a few times (it should be about three attacks), and then press up once and continue attacking. At the end of the combo, give them a super attack.

Add extra damage to your combos with a Jump Cancel

The Jump Cancel is a useful addition to a combo because it allows you to inflict extra damage in comparison to a combo without the Jump Cancel. By practicing this move you’ll be able to get the timing and number of strokes right, and we highly recommend you entering Practice mode to train the Jump Cancel combo.

12 Save Your Health With Guard Cancel Change

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

This move can be called Guard Cancel or Guard Cancel Change. The move cancels the guard of a character and then changes characters so you can get out of a tight jam. Often when guarding the opponent can deliver several strikes that can damage your health. Swapping characters brings you into a fresh new character who is ready to kick butt.

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You can easily activate a Guard Cancel Change by pressing forward and L1 on the PS4 controller or LB on the Xbox One controller. There are few downsides to executing a Guard Cancel Change, so if you are caught in a blocking state, make the change.

11 You’ll Need Some Quality Assists

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

Each character has an assist move, and the quality of that can be a significant factor in determining where to place them in your team, or if to place them at all. The assists are kind of like a spare attack that can be dealt at any point in a match to catch your opponent off balance.

Krillin’s assists can toss a stone at an opponent which will stun them for a brief period, and he also has a Senzu Bean assists that will regain his health. You’ll also want to take advantage of Gotenks assist which fires a projectile on the screen and leaves them motionless for a long time until they are struck. You can check out this Google Document by AlzarathEX which has a list of all characters’ assists in Dragon Ball FighterZ.

10 Extend Those Combos As Long As Piccolo’s Arm

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

Certain combos are longer than others. Each character has a combo guide that will tell you how to perform numerous combos. With that said, there are ways to chain combos and keep the damage going. You’ll need to land every hit possible to defeat tough enemies.

Players are finding ways to chain combos that contain over 100 hits!

An opponent being struck by a 100 hit combo pretty much means that their character will lose their entire health bar. Learning how to run combos for longer and longer will make you a professional FighterZ player instead of one that is adept. Professional Gamer Leffen is a master at chaining combos in FighterZ and has also performed them in games such as Super Smash Bros. Melee.

9 Let’s See If You Can Manage Your Bars

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

Proper health and Ki bar management are critical for winning matches. Matches in Dragon Ball FighterZ can have long durations because there are three characters on a team, instead of two like in most games, and each player’s health bar is sizeable.

For many players, their health bar won’t seem very large, but experienced players will be able to micromanage their health bar and try to get the most out of each health point.

Ki bars are required to deliver devastating Ki Blasts and are necessary for ranged attacks. Building your Ki bar up higher gives you access to more Ki blasts, so you would be well advised to pay careful attention to your Ki bar.

8 Most Characters Have At Least Two Basic Ki Attacks

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

There are a variety of Supers and Ultimate Attacks which can provide immense amounts of damages. To win matches, you should aim to make use of all your fighter’s moves at times when they are required. Most characters in Dragon Ball Fighter Z have at least two basic Ki Attacks. The Ki Blast is performed by hitting the X button on PS4 or the A button on Xbox One.

The damage is usually low to medium, but it can interrupt an opponents move and stun them for a brief moment. Throwing a move such as a Ki Attack into your rotation will make you less predictable and more effective at winning online matches. But be careful, an opponent can deflect a Ki Blast by pressing Back+ Special Attack. They can also Super Dash and dodge your moves.

7 Building A Strong And Well-Rounded Team

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

The composition of your Dragon Ball FighterZ team will aid you in winning matches. Choosing your favorite characters could be a feasible strategy if you are familiar with their move sets, but it makes more sense to have a well-rounded team.

For your first slot, Cell and Android 18 are exceptional choices because of their assists and devastating combos. Think of these characters as your opening pitcher. The second character should be an all-around player that you won’t be afraid to switch to. Super Saiyan Goku makes a robust final character because of his steadiness and reliability. The anchor is less important and should probably be one you are comfortable with. You may need to use them in the final moments of a match, so consider that.

6 Winning Online Matches And Conquering Opponents

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

There is no simple answer for how to win online matches, but there are tips for improving your ability to win matches. Online Dragon Ball FighterZ matches face players off against one another with each player having a team of 3 fighters.

The team you choose, how you use them and reading your opponent are essential for winning matches

As explained elsewhere in this article, having a solid team with a diverse skill set will be highly advantageous. Knowing all the combos and how to counter an opponent is also essential. Spend much time completing quests and in practice, mode to learn new moves. A computer player can be easily predicted for a counter, but a real player is much more sporadic. Still, a real player can be predicted by studying their moves early in the match, or from previous matches.

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5 Destroy The Arena At The End Of A Match (Dramatic Finishes)

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

Destroying the arena at the end of a match is one of the Dramatic Finishes that are possible in the game. Each Dramatic Finish activates under special circumstances. Using Teen Gohan, while facing Cell as your opponent and using the Cell Games Arena, puts you in a position to destroy the Cell Games stage. By landing a neutral heavy attack at the end of the match, the Dramatic Finish will appear.

Dramatic Finishes are also possible under specific circumstances with characters such as Beerus and Goku on Space stage, Goku and Frieza on Planet Namek stage, and Trunks using Frieze on Rock Field (Noon) stage. It is also possible with Nappa and Yamcha on Rocky Field (Noon) stage, Goku and Kid Buu on Land of the Kais stage, and Yamcha and Nappa on Rocky Field (Noon) stage.

4 Unlocking Awesome Secret Characters

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

We are eagerly waiting for Dragon Ball FighterZ to add more characters via DLC. Already, the DBZ community is asking for characters such as Cooler, Master Roshi, Broly, Vegito, Raditz, and Gogeta. ResetEra member TDLink shared a list, which suggests that eight 8 new characters are on the way.

As of now, there are three unlockable characters so get your game on!

Each character in the current roster of 24 requires different steps to unlock them. SSGSS Goku, also known as Super Saiyan Blue Goku, is unlocked by completing Arcade Mode’s Hyperbolic Time Chamber Course with an A rank on hard difficulty. SSGSS Vegeta is unlocked in the same way as SSGSS Goku, but instead in Arcade Mode’s Extreme Gravity Spaceship Course. Unlocking Android 21 is done once you complete the game’s story mode.

3 Ascending To The Next Skill Level

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

Although casual players may play for fun, competitive players are continually striving to improve their game and ascend to the next level. Even if you have little experience with fighting games, Dragon Ball FighterZ will allow you to become an above average player by training for a few hours.

To improve your game in Dragon Ball FighterZ, the first step you’ll want to take is playing the tutorials. Do not feel like you know all the controls because likely all players will learn something new from playing the tutorial. Becoming familiar with each character is also beneficial. Eventually, for mastery, you may want to reduce the number of players you switch between. Watching Dragon Ball FighterZ pros on websites such as twitch.tv can help you learn advanced moves. Most importantly, understanding there is always room for improvement will have you professional gaming in no time.

2 The Art Of Button Mashing

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

This may sound ridiculous, and it would seem impossible that this would be a useful in-game strategy, but button mashing can win you matches. Especially for beginner players, learning combos through doing hours of tutorials can be a tedious process. If you haven’t gained the experience necessary to complete enormous damage-inflicting chain combos, then as a last resort, you should mash the buttons on your controller and hope for a positive outcome.

Button mashing has co-existed alongside fighting games for as long as we can remember

In a fighting game such as Dragon Ball FighterZ which has a plethora of advance button combinations, simply button mashing can be a way to activate them accidentally. Your opponent won’t even know what hit them so give it a try.

1 A Combo That Does Over 9000 Points Of Damage

Dragon Ball FighterZ 20 Epic Things That Are Impossible To Do (And How To Do Them)

Players are continually finding new ways of devastating opponents. Why battle out a slow-paced match when you can defeat characters in almost an instant? Twitch streamer LFFN, who is better known as Leffen, is a Swedish professional gamer. Most notably he is a top Super Smash Bros. Melee competitor. As a gamer who has hit momentum in the new Dragon Ball FighterZ, he has the potential of becoming a leader of this title as well.

To master the combo that does over 9,000 damage, you must time a series of character switches and attacks at the correct time. Beginner players will have difficulty as you should be adept at controller functions. Starting off with Android 18, he keeps the opponent in the air by striking them with some hits until they reach the corner of the screen. By switching to Beerusat the correct moment, giving a few attacks, then switching to Vegeta, and back to Android 18 again, you can keep the chain going. To finish this combo, all three characters are swapped in, one after the other, to deliver their supers without delay. Leffen’s opponent, Android 21, completely lost his health and was downed after a 95-hit combo.

Naive, passionate, and modest. You’ll find Logan enjoying video games such as Dark Souls, Halo, Diablo II, Super Mario 64, God of War, Fortnite, Sea of Thieves, and Minecraft.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/dragon-ball-fighterz-epic-things-that-are-impossible-to-do-and-how-to-do-them/

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