Amazing And Horrifying Among Us Animation Deserves Movie Adaptation

Amazing And Horrifying Among Us Animation Deserves Movie Adaptation

An Instagram user has produced a marvelous and terrifying piece of animation that demonstrates how horrifying the Impostors can really be.

You Are Reading :Amazing And Horrifying Among Us Animation Deserves Movie Adaptation

An Instagram user has posted a stunning, film-worthy animation of an Impostor from Among Us. The social deduction game has experienced a massive explosion in popularity in recent months. It’s become such a major part of popular culture that United States Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez streamed it on Twitch, in one of the most viewed streams in Twitch history.

The game relies on a relatively simple premise; a crew of adorable little spacemen must work together to fix their spaceship or remote alien outpost, while two of the crew members are secretly alien Impostors, bent on systematically eliminating everyone else without being found out. It’s very reminiscent of horror movies like John Carpenter’s The Thing, but unlike that chilling film, Among Us is much more of a family-friendly experience thanks to its tiny, cartoonish crewmembers. The little beanlike astronauts are so cute that one fan even designed them as Animal Crossing characters.

A recent fan animation from on Instagram reminds players how terrifying Among Us can be in a very visceral way. The animation shows an impressive 3D render of an innocuous yellow crewmember, but things quickly take a turn for the worst. Hideous alien flesh fills the astronaut’s visor as blood seeps through its suit. Rending claws and razor-tipped tendrils burst out of the armor, revealing a cavernous maw lined with fangs and staring eyeballs. A grasping tendril emerges and slaughters whoever’s holding the camera, and then all the alien matter immediately recedes into the suit. The astronaut goes on its merry way as if nothing ever happened. Check out the animation below, but be warned. It’s not for the faint of heart.

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『 AMONG US 』The Imposter Transformation Short Asset Creation: Glitchling Animation: @sylvchin AmongUs #AmongUsGame #AmongUsArt #imposter #3d #model #texture #shading #character #creature #design #alien #scifi #Maya #Substance #horror #TheThing #JohnCarpenter #animation #short

A post shared by glitchling_art ( on Oct 20, 2020 at 8:34pm PDT

This is hardly the first fanmade product to portray Among Us in a significantly more horrifying way than the actual game. But the level of quality and detail on this particular animation is truly exceptional. The rendering is masterful, and the horrid alien flesh looks viscerally real. It’s not common to find such professional effort in a fan animation like this one, and it’s definitely something worth prizing.

The fan community of Among Us has produced some amazing and disturbing things. Given the game’s overwhelming popularity, it shouldn’t be too surprising that it’s made such waves on the internet and led to such remarkable displays of artistic prowess. But an amazing 3D render like’s is very strong evidence of just how much love fans have for this game all over the internet. When fans can channel their creativity into something amazing like this, it goes to show just how special a game like Among Us can be.

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