Avengers Endgame 5 Ways Iron Mans Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense)

Avengers Endgame: 5 Ways Iron Man’s Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense)

As one of the main characters in the MCU for the past decade, Iron Man needed a stellar ending. Here are some reasons why he did or didn’t get it.

You Are Reading :Avengers Endgame 5 Ways Iron Mans Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense)

Avengers Endgame 5 Ways Iron Mans Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense)

As one of the main characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the past decade, Iron Man was a huge part of many narratives, so when it came to wrapping up his role in the franchise, a lot had to be taken into consideration. He needed to have an ending that made sense and that was also memorable, and it also had to fit into what the MCU wanted with the overall direction of the franchise moving forward.

Because of this, there were some fans who really loved Tony Stark’s MCU ending and other fans who thought it didn’t work very well. But, overall, there were some aspects of his character arc wrapping up that made sense and some things that didn’t.

10 Makes No Sense: Someone else should have been the one to beat Thanos

Avengers Endgame 5 Ways Iron Mans Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense)

There’s no denying Iron Man’s importance in the MCU both in the story and from a fandom and marketing perspective. His movie was the one that kicked off the MCU as we know it, and he was also one of the main leaders of the Avengers, along with Captain America.

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However, while he might have been important, he actually hadn’t lost much to Thanos compared to other characters. So, it would have been more emotionally resonant if someone else had dealt the final blow.

9 Fitting: It was a memorable end to an iconic MCU character

Avengers Endgame 5 Ways Iron Mans Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense)

Whether he’s your favorite character or not, Tony in the movies so far has been rather iconic. He can be unlikeable at times, but he’s driven the narrative forward at many points.

For the story to continue on without him around, the ending needed to have an impact in one way or another. While having him die was upsetting to many fans, it’s definitely unforgettable.

8 Makes No Sense: His ending and Captain America’s should have been swapped

Avengers Endgame 5 Ways Iron Mans Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense)

In many ways, the endings of these two characters should have just been switched around. Tony was married to Pepper, and they had a daughter together. He had already shown that he was fine to retire and take a backseat, so while they went with shock value that tugged at the heartstrings, letting Tony have peace made sense.

It might have been more impactful to let Steve die as so much of his character development was about how he was always willing to sacrifice himself.

7 Fitting: It was the easiest way to explain why he doesn’t come back around

Avengers Endgame 5 Ways Iron Mans Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense)

On the flip side of this coin, if Tony Stark was still around, fans would always want him to come back. Killing him was the simplest way to ensure that he didn’t need to come back in future projects, for better or for worse. If he just went into retirement, he would probably be tempted, given his desire to help people, to be Iron Man again.

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And, while Steve could be put back in the past so he couldn’t really come back around, this wouldn’t really work for Tony.

6 Makes No Sense: His selfishness around helping the Avengers

Avengers Endgame 5 Ways Iron Mans Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense)

One of the frustrating things about Avengers: Endgame was that it erased the idea of the Avengers as possibly a found family, or even just as friends. Tony understandably wanted to make things official with Pepper and be a good dad, but this doesn’t mean he needed to stop caring about his friends.

He was resistant to the idea of helping, and it appeared as if most of the other Avengers never even talked to him at all.

5 Fitting: He is willing to put aside differences with Captain America

Avengers Endgame 5 Ways Iron Mans Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense)

While this might have happened earlier on in the film, it was still something important that needed to be wrapped up before Tony could be gone

. The conflict between Iron Man and Captain America split the Avengers apart, and so they needed to reunite and forgive one another to work together again. This was a satisfying moment that many fans wanted to see.

4 Makes No Sense: The Narrative Didn’t Align With His Character

Avengers Endgame 5 Ways Iron Mans Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense)

Similarly to the fact that Tony basically seemed to lose contact with his former teammates and friends, he also was extremely selfish about the Snap. He was someone who didn’t lose many people close to him, so he wasn’t as personally impacted. He got married to Pepper, and they had Morgan. And, after that, it’s like he didn’t care about what everyone else had gone through.

He had to be convinced to help once again which seems strange given how most of the time before he was always consumed by guilt and wanted to fix problems for people. And, at the very least, he could have thought about people like Peter Parker more.

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3 Fitting: He gets to give his daughter a better childhood then he had

Avengers Endgame 5 Ways Iron Mans Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense)

While it’s true that Morgan sadly loses her dad at such a young age, and that is obviously traumatic, she also will always know that her dad loved her a lot. Tony was actually a really caring father, and he took the fact that he never felt loved by his own father and let that inspire him to do much better.

It was definitely a way for him to break free of his own issues from childhood and create his own happiness.

2 Makes No Sense: The story acts like he’s never been willing to sacrifice before

Avengers Endgame 5 Ways Iron Mans Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense)

One of the strangest things about how Endgame framed Tony using the Infinity Gauntlet and sacrificing himself to save the universe was it made it seem like Tony had never done this before.

While he might not have been willing to risk his own daughter’s life, he had shown over the years he was willing to risk his own. He went into the wormhole back in the first Avengers movie and the movie seems to forget that. He didn’t need this moment to prove he could be selfless, it had already been prove in-previous.

1 Fitting: It’s a full-circle moment for his narrative arc

Yet, at the same time, Tony being the one to have to lose his own life so that so many other people could live did at least show how far he’d come from how he was in the first Iron Man.

It might not have made total sense given he was willing to die to help others before, but it did at least show the stark contrast between the playboy Tony Stark and the evolved Tony of Endgame.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avengers-endgame-iron-man-fitting-ending-vs-makes-no-sense/

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