Blood Bowl 3 Reappears Pushed Back To Early 2021

Blood Bowl 3 Reappears, Pushed Back To Early 2021

Blood Bowl 3 is still coming, but it won’t reach the goal line until 2021.

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Blood Bowl 3 is still coming, but it won’t reach the goal line until 2021.

The original plan for Blood Bowl 3 was for the game to arrive at the same time as the updated version of the tabletop game. Called Blood Bowl: Second Season Edition, it’ll update the classic tabletop rules while also introducing some new teams to stomp into the astroturf.

In case you’re new to the Warhammer franchise, Blood Bowl is basically like a hyper-violent version of American-style football. Orcs, dwarves, goblins, and trolls all put on ridiculously oversized armor with as many spikes and holy symbols as possible in order to get a squigskin downfield. And also to brutally eviscerate their opponents, of course.

Blood Bowl: Second Season Edition is still set for a 2020 release but it appears that the video game tie-in is going to have to wait. The latest trailer revealed at Gamescom yesterday says that Blood Bowl 3 isn’t going to be here until 2021.

We did get a few new details at Gamescom though. There will be 12 playable teams at launch, including the brand new Imperial Nobility and Black Orcs. The Imperial Nobility looks more like they’re geared for a cabaret than bloodsport, but at least the Black Orcs seem equipped to literally eat their opponents.

Each roster will have its own unique playstyle, a colorful stadium, and a themed cheerleader squad encouraging their players from the sidelines.

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Blood Bowl 3 will hit the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC via Steam later in 2021.

Two more Warhammer games were also announced at Gamescom yesterday. Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground is a turn-based tactics game from Gasket Games that will arrive on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and the Nintendo Switch in early 2021, while Necromunda: Underhive Wars is a tactical RPG that has you lead a gang in Warhammer 40K’s most famous hive world. Necromunda: Underhive Wars is due out on September 9 for PC, Xbox, and PS4. Get 20% off if you pre-order Necromunda on Steam before then.

Source: Games Workshop

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