Dune (2021) 10 Most Powerful Characters Ranked

Dune (2021): 10 Most Powerful Characters, Ranked

Dune has plenty of powerful characters walking the sands of Arrakis, but only a handful truly stand out and become meaningful players in the story.

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Dune (2021) 10 Most Powerful Characters Ranked

The world of Dune is more complicated than anyone imagines. Mixing a complex social structure with an even more chaotic political environment makes the Dune universe a massive chessboard, where only a few pieces can move freely, and even fewer can stand out above the rest.

In terms of influence and dominance, only a handful of figures are worthy of being mentioned. However, power comes in different forms, and even the most unsuspecting characters might find themselves wielding it over time. Dune only covers the first part of Frank Herbert’s seminal sci-fi novel, but it does a perfect job introducing the story’s key players and establishing their considerable abilities.

10 Duncan Idaho

Dune (2021) 10 Most Powerful Characters Ranked

As House Atreides’ swordmaster, Duncan holds a place of honor in Caladan. He is also a friend and confidante to Paul, further increasing his influence on the ocean planet. Duncan’s courage and ability as a warrior are impressive enough to earn him a place among the Fremen, who welcome him into their folds.

Duncan is a brave character in Dune; in terms of raw physical power, few outrank him. His talents are considerable, allowing him to take down numerous soldiers during the Harkonnen invasion. However, physical prowess isn’t the only thing that matters in the world of Dune, and Duncan lacks any social or political influence.

9 Gurney Halleck

Dune (2021) 10 Most Powerful Characters Ranked

Besides Duncan, Gurney is House Atreides’ other elite soldier. He is the weapons master and Leto’s friend and advisor and also acts as one of Paul’s mentors. Notorious for his stoic persona, Gurney is nonetheless a valuable ally of House Atreides.

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Gurney holds considerable influence in Caladan and, by extension, Arrakis. However, despite his significant fighting and strategic abilities, his reach has limits. He is powerless to stop the Harkonnen invasion, even though he bravely commands the Atreides forces to fight back. His fate remains uncertain, and it’s one of the many questions audiences have about Dune’s inevitable sequel.

8 Duke Leto Atreides

Dune (2021) 10 Most Powerful Characters Ranked

Duke Leto Atreides’ increasing influence over the Empire kickstarts Dune’s entire plot. Threatened by the Dukedom’s looming power, Emperor Shaddam IV and the Atredes’ long-time enemies, House Harkonnen, conspire to send Leto to Arrakis, setting the stage for House Atreides’ downfall.

Leto is one of Dune’s most likable characters, a sensible and sympathetic ruler who values cooperation and alliances. His approach to governing made him a force to be reckoned with but also left him vulnerable to attack. In the end, the combined might of the Empire and Harkonnen forces manage to destroy his House almost entirely and only in a matter of hours, proving how powerless he was against an enemy he vastly underestimated.

7 Glossu Rabban

Dune (2021) 10 Most Powerful Characters Ranked

Baron Harkonnen’s brutish nephew, Glossu Rabban, plays a minor but crucial role in Dune. He is the Baron’s enforcer, possessing his uncle’s cruelty but lacking his intelligence. Known as the “Beast Rabban” by the Fremen, he lives up to his reputation.

Power can sometimes come as an inheritance; such is the case for Rabban. Despite showing considerably less cunning than Leto, Rabban’s strength relies on his numbers. He commands the Harkonnen’s forces and isn’t afraid to show off their might. Still, he is but a puppet in his uncle’s game, albeit one with sufficient resources at his disposal to make a name for himself.

6 Lady Jessica

Dune (2021) 10 Most Powerful Characters Ranked

As one of the most captivating and intriguing characters in Dune, Lady Jessica is one of the best female characters in any Denis Villeneuve film. She is Paul’s Bene Gesserit mother and Leto’s concubine, who went against her order’s wishes and bore the Duke a son instead of the daughter the Reverend Mother wanted. Furthermore, she trains Paul in the Bene Gesserit’s disciplines and pursues her own agenda throughout the movie.

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As a Bene Gesserit acolyte, Jessica holds immense power. Using “the Voice,” she can command others to do as she says and shows remarkable resistance to pain and hardship. Jessica also displays near-Machiavellian cunning, presenting Paul as the Fremen’s promised messiah, confirming her influence in Dune’s overall plot.

5 Thufir Hawat

Dune (2021) 10 Most Powerful Characters Ranked

Knowledge is power; everyone knows that, and if they don’t, they should. Thufir Hawat is the perfect example. He is House Atreides’ long-time Mentat, a profoundly clever and wise man who is still kind and sympathetic. Leto values his opinion and service greatly, even if he has the occasional stumble.

After the coup, the Baron recognizes Hawat’s immense talents and recruits him to serve as House Harkonnen’s new Mentat. Hawat then begins undermining the Harkonnen’s efforts from the inside to the point where he almost manages to bring the House down single-handedly. Hawat is the perfect proof that power can manifest in all sorts of ways, and a few well-chosen words whispered into the right ear can bring entire Empires down.

4 Stilgar

Dune (2021) 10 Most Powerful Characters Ranked

The leader of the Fremen tribe at Sietch Tabr, Stilgar is a man hardened by the desert. He bends to no one and displays admirable determination. Stilgar commands a tribe of considerable might among the Fremen and will play a crucial role in the upcoming sequel.

Stilgar’s intervention in the movie is brief, but his strength is apparent from the moment he appears. His standing among the Fremen is obvious, commanding a large force of men mighty enough to impress Leto himself. Indeed, the sequel will surely devote more time to the Fremen, and Stilgar will get the chance to show the actual extent of his power.

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3 Gaius Helen Mohiam

Dune (2021) 10 Most Powerful Characters Ranked

Gaius Helen Mohiam is a Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother and the emperor’s Truthsayer. She commands respect and outright fear wherever she does; even Baron Harkonnen refuses to defy her, aware of her privileged place on the Empire as a whole.

The Reverend Mother is one of Dune’s most mysterious characters. The movie doesn’t reveal much about her, nor does it need to. In fact, the lack of information about her only enhances her status as a power figure. She holds a place of honor in the Empire, conspiring to bring down great Houses as if it was a mere game.

2 Baron Harkonnen

Dune (2021) 10 Most Powerful Characters Ranked

Denis Villeneuve’s filmography includes some very memorable villains, but Baron Harkonnen might be the best one yet. He is Dune’s principal antagonist, a grotesque figure of sheer cruelty and ambition who desires Arrakis more than anything else and despises House Atreides, eventually engineering their downfall.

The Baron might be the single most powerful person in the Empire, at least during the movie’s events. His House is massive and brutal, executing the Baron’s will everywhere they go. And while it won’t last, Harkonnen’s influence in Dune is undeniable, making him a terrifying villain.

1 Paul Atreides

One of Dune’s central themes is the nature of heroism and the burdens of being “the one.” Throughout the movie, Paul struggles with understanding the role he’ll play in the war for Arrakis’ soul, finally coming to terms with it in the end. And while the narrative is purposely vague about his abilities, it’s clear they are considerable.

For all terms and purposes, Paul is Dune’s best character. He received fighting training from Duncan and Gurney; Thufir Hawat schooled him in political strategies; Jessica taught him Bene Gesserit disciplines. None of his abilities are mature yet, but every fan knows Paul will eventually become a figure powerful enough to bend the Empire to his will and command the devotion of thousands.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dune-2021-most-powerful-characters-ranked/

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