Fallout 4 Player Builds Huge PostApocalyptic Skyscraper

Fallout 4 Player Builds Huge Post-Apocalyptic Skyscraper

By making expert use of the Settlement system, a Fallout 4 fan managed to craft an impressively huge skyscraper that houses a community of NPCs.

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By leveraging an exceptional amount of creativity and understanding of the game’s mechanics, a Fallout 4 player was able to construct a dizzyingly huge post-apocalyptic skyscraper straight out of Mad Max. This is yet another unique creation built through the game’s Settlement feature, not unlike other buildings like the recently shared Bates Motel replica in Fallout 76.

Since its release, Fallout 4 fans have been leveraging the game’s somewhat controversial Settlement system to craft towns, buildings, and other structures that rival those found in dedicated building games like Minecraft. This system is also featured in the much-maligned Fallout 76, with players piecing together their own little communities and homes across the sprawling MMO landscape. Resource management and planning go a long way when it comes to crafting in both games, as players need to collect supplies to yield the essential building blocks of their creations. While this side content has proven to be popular in both games, some gamers are partial to its implementation in the earlier release, as crafting in Fallout 76 has some issues that weren’t present in Fallout 4.

Even though Fallout 4 is almost six years old at this point, a YouTuber going by the handle SirBalz recently proved that its Settlement system is as robust and complex as ever through the construction of a colossal vertical post-apocalyptic community. In a short video tour, SirBalz shows off the hulking skyscraper, which is built from heaps of scrap metal and wood. The building is impressive enough at first glance, but a closer look highlights a greater amount of detail; the building is teeming with NPCs as they go in and out of weapon shops and motels, and there is even a rugged tavern complete with a surly ghoul bartender. The building is topped with a watchtower and antenna, lending a sense of appropriate practicality to the complex.

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Watch the video walkthrough of this Fallout 4 build on YouTube here.

While certain mods can make Fallout 4 lush with lively greenery, many fans would likely agree that the series’ junk-punk aesthetic is an essential part of the overall experience. This build showcases that notion better than ever, as the pragmatic, harsh reality of the wasteland is put on full display. In the piece is a sliver of shining optimism, though, as NPCs seem to make the most of their lot in the desolate landscape.

This skyscraper is thus a perfect fit for the world of Fallout, as it highlights the run-down nature of this vision of war-torn America. One can imagine that the stalwart denizens of the wasteland would find a home here, which is a testament to just how well this custom creation fits in with the rest of the game; despite its size, the building is beaten down and rusty, which is exactly what a Fallout 4 settlement should be.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/fallout-4-post-apocalyptic-skyscraper-build/

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