Harry Potter Wizards Unite And Pokemon GO Comparison

Harry Potter Wizards Unite And Pokemon GO Comparison

After studying the first details about Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, we’re able to make some correlations before features and locations between this game and Pokemon GO.

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Harry Potter Wizards Unite And Pokemon GO Comparison

After months of tiny teasers, the first big batch of details about Harry Potter: Wizards Unite’s gameplay has finally arrived. Obviously the world of full of magic, unique creatures, and an aesthetic that lines up with the Harry Potter books and films, but longtime Niantic fans are already trying to see how the game lines up next to the other mobile AR titles.

When Pokemon GO released, it became very clear which features were just renamed and reskinned versions of the corresponding features from Ingress. Naturally, Wizards Unite is going to be compared to Pokemon GO in a very similar way.

A few key features and keywords were dropped during the first full trailer, so we’re ready to start analyzing how they will function, based on what we already know about Pokemon GO.

Three Teams/Classes

In Pokemon GO, players align themselves with one of three teams. These teams impact Gym control and certain bonuses when cooperating for Battle Raids. Wizards Unite didn’t mention teams, but does feature three classes for young wizards and witches to select. Based on the initial descriptions, it sounds like classes may impact each players’ individual gameplay more than a Pokemon GO team, but there definitely seems to be some similarities between the features.

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Magical Fortresses/Pokemon Gyms

This one seems like a very easy correlation to make. Magical Fortresses are described as placed where players can go to team up and battle powerful magical foes. This sounds a whole lot like teaming up at Pokemon Gyms for Battle Raids, so don’t be surprised if many of the Gyms from PoGO translate directly to Fortresses the first time you boot up Wizards Unite.


If Fortresses are Gyms, then Inns are definitely Pokestops. These locations replenish users’ spell energy, contain ingredients for potions and host Portkeys that unlock portals to iconic Wizarding World locations. Expect to see these on the map very frequently throughout cities, as they will probably outnumber Fortresses.

Weather Boosts

We don’t have a ton of details on how weather will impact gameplay just yet, but it sounds like it will definitely play a factor. Again, this seems very similar to Pokemon GO and players can likely expect weather to impact how strong certain foes are or how powerful certain spells are in different circumstances.

That’s all we know for now, but be sure to check back as more details arrive for addition Harry Potter: Wizards Unite guides, news, and updates.

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite releases sometime in 2019. Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

See more : PokemonWe

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