Hood Outlaws & Legends 8 Tips For Beginners

Hood: Outlaws & Legends: 8 Tips For Beginners

Hood: Outlaws & Legends can be a little overwhelming for new players — here are a few tips and tricks for beginners to keep in mind.

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Hood Outlaws & Legends 8 Tips For Beginners

Hood: Outlaws & Legends is an intense game, with every heist coming down to the decisions you make. It can all be overwhelming for beginners, as the path to victory isn’t always clear — but a few tips and tricks can go a long way toward sorting everything out.

Use Stealth To Move Fast

Hood Outlaws & Legends 8 Tips For Beginners

When a heist begins, it seems like an instinct to just sprint straight for the Sheriff. There’s a lot of ground to cover to find the key and vault, so running feels like the best choice. However, if you are spotted by guards, the surrounding area will enter lockdown. Gates will slam shut and reinforcements will fill the area.

Getting stuck in a fight is the last thing you want, as it gives the enemy team a perfect opportunity to sneak around freely and find the key. They will also be alerted to your location, so they can track your movements. To avoid this, use stealth and quickly drift between enemies, using assassinations to quietly clear the path to the objective. This will allow you to move through each area quickly whilst staying hidden from any enemies.

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You Winch Faster Together

Hood Outlaws & Legends 8 Tips For Beginners

Heists start off with lots of sneaking, but they usually end in a hectic fight to secure the Chest. Once it is on the Winch, try to always have two players winching whilst the others defend. Winching is quicker with two players, especially if they are both John or Tooke. These characters can naturally winch faster, helping you secure a quick win.

Use The Map To Find Objectives

Hood Outlaws & Legends 8 Tips For Beginners

Throughout a heist, messages will frequently pop up on the screen. You will be alerted of various important locations, such as places where the enemy team has been spotted, where you could find the key, or where the vault is found.

Use this information to your advantage by looking at the map often. Find the marked locations that have been mentioned during a match to easily find your next objective.

Use Everything At Your Disposal

Hood Outlaws & Legends 8 Tips For Beginners

It seems pretty obvious that you should be using your main weapon a lot, but don’t let it overshadow Gear and Abilities.

Gear is a throwable weapon that every character can use. Brawlers get the powerful explosive and Hunters can use smoke bombs, as examples. These are useful weapons in a fight, but they also serve as loud distractions if you need to shift attention elsewhere.

Abilities are temporary skills that you can activate to get a significant advantage. Depending on the class, your Ability might be focused on stealth or combat. These highlight what you should be focusing on whilst providing boosts that will get you closer to victory.

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Perks Are Essential For Victory

Hood Outlaws & Legends 8 Tips For Beginners

Hood: Outlaws & Legends seems to skirt around Perks, but don’t be fooled. Perks give extremely important passive bonuses that can be used to get a significant advantage over your opponents.

You will unlock new perks for each class as you level them up, so always check in to see if you’ve unlocked anything new when you go to the Hideout. Equipping a full set of three perks could give you impressive boosts and create a powerful build.

Avoid The Sheriff

Hood Outlaws & Legends 8 Tips For Beginners

The Sheriff is the first objective of every heist in Hood: Outlaws & Legends. He has the key, which you will need to access the Vault and steal the Chest.

You might choose to smash your way through guards on the way, but don’t think it’ll be so easy against the Sheriff. He is mostly immune to your damage and will execute you in one hit. When stealing the key, make sure that you are moving slowly and quietly to avoid being spotted. Otherwise, it’s best to stay as far away from the Sheriff as possible.

Don’t Forget To Dodge And Parry

Hood Outlaws & Legends 8 Tips For Beginners

Combat can be tough in Hood: Outlaws & Legends, so a few missteps can spell defeat. When you are fighting, don’t forget to dodge and parry enemy attacks. Robin and Marianne can dodge enemy attacks, whilst John and Tooke are able to parry, knocking the enemy to the ground and leaving them open to a counter-attack.

John and Tooke’s parries work against both melee and ranged attacks, so use it frequently to avoid incoming damage. Robin and Marianne can’t parry, but their dodge is useful for quickly entering and exiting combat. Use these skills to your advantage to stay agile in every fight.

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Teamwork Is The Key To Success

Hood: Outlaws & Legends is a team game in which you can aid your allies at every turn. Check each player’s class so that you know their strengths and weaknesses before a heist begins so that you can keep this information in mind and adapt to help others when it is needed.

If you know Robin is weak to melee attacks, make sure that you defend him from enemies that are getting too close. Likewise, John can lift gates around the map, opening up new areas and allowing your teammates to use paths that were previously blocked.

As you move through the map, tag enemy players and guards to coordinate attacks with your team. You can also mark important objects and locations, such as doorways, ropes, ladders, and ammo boxes. This helps your team stay focused on the same objectives so that you are all ready to strike the enemy team at the same time.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/hood-outlaws-legends-beginner-guide/

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