How I Met Your Mother 10 Reasons Lily & Ted Would Have Been The Perfect Couple

How I Met Your Mother: 10 Reasons Lily & Ted Would Have Been The Perfect Couple

On How I Met Your Mother, Lily and Marshall are the perfect couple. But what if she fell in love with Ted? There’s a shipworthy case to be made.

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How I Met Your Mother 10 Reasons Lily & Ted Would Have Been The Perfect Couple

Lily (Alyson Hannigan) and Marshall (Jason Segel) are one of the central couples on How I Met Your Mother, and many fans of the sitcom want them to be together forever. But life gets real and as people get older, they realize that the relationships that they thought would always be solid can start to break down. It’s very possible that instead of ending up with Marshall, Lily could have been with another main character on the show: Ted (Josh Radnor).

Sure, they were just friends during the nine seasons of the show, but what if they fell in love? Here are 10 reasons why Lily and Ted would have been the perfect couple.

10 They Could Have Started Dating In College

How I Met Your Mother 10 Reasons Lily & Ted Would Have Been The Perfect Couple

Lily, Ted, and Marshall all meet their freshman year of college, so Lily and Ted could have definitely started dating then.

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It would have made sense since Lily hadn’t fallen for Marshall yet and she didn’t have all that history with him, so dating his best friend wouldn’t be an awkward or devastating situation.

9 Lily Leaves Marshall Once, Proving There Was Trouble

How I Met Your Mother 10 Reasons Lily & Ted Would Have Been The Perfect Couple

In the season 1 finale, Lily leaves Marshall, and it’s so hard to watch. But this storyline also proves that there was trouble between them.

It’s possible that Lily and Marshall aren’t the perfect couple that fans of the show have thought and that maybe they did need to take a break. What if that left the door open for Lily and Ted to become a couple?

8 They’re Both Super Stable Partners

How I Met Your Mother 10 Reasons Lily & Ted Would Have Been The Perfect Couple

While Marshall is a sweet and hilarious guy, he does go through some personal issues throughout the show. He struggles with whether he should be a corporate lawyer and take home a fat pay check or follow his passion for environmental law. He’s worried that settling down will make him boring, even though he does love Lily.

Ted, on the other hand, would be a much more stable partner for Lily. He’s an architect and he has done impressive work in his career so far. That would be great for Lily, who wants to find someone who can support her and her future kids.

7 They Share The Same Silly Sense Of Humor

How I Met Your Mother 10 Reasons Lily & Ted Would Have Been The Perfect Couple

Having a sense of humor is totally key for any relationship. If one person cracks jokes and the other never wants to laugh, that’s pretty awkward and not much fun.

Lily and Ted would be the perfect couple because they both share the same silly sense of humor. If she wasn’t going to be with Marshall, it’s easy to picture her with Ted because they’re both funny people.

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6 They Truly Understand Each Other

How I Met Your Mother 10 Reasons Lily & Ted Would Have Been The Perfect Couple

Everyone lies sometimes and the characters on How I Met Your Mother are no different. Fans know that Lily and Ted can figure out when the other person isn’t telling the truth.

These two characters truly understand each other, which is the first step in building a bond. A lot of other sitcom couples don’t have this kind of mutual respect, so this definitely counts for a lot.

5 They Already Know That They Can Live Together

How I Met Your Mother 10 Reasons Lily & Ted Would Have Been The Perfect Couple

Sure, living with a partner is a lot different than having platonic roommates, but it’s still tough to share space with someone else. Lily and Ted have been roomies since forever and they are pretty good at it.

They at least know that they can spend a lot of time together and get along, which is definitely a requirement of any romantic relationship.

4 Ted Knows A Lot Of Lily’s Secrets

How I Met Your Mother 10 Reasons Lily & Ted Would Have Been The Perfect Couple

In the season 2 episode “How Lily Stole Christmas,” viewers find out that Lily told Ted that her dream childhood Christmas present was an Easy-Bake Oven. She never got one, though.

When Marshall buys this present for Lily, he says it’s because Ted let him in on the secret. That proves that Ted not only knows a lot of things about Lily that even Marshall doesn’t, but he cares about her and wants to make her happy.

3 It’s Totally Possible That Lily And Ted Kissed Once

How I Met Your Mother 10 Reasons Lily & Ted Would Have Been The Perfect Couple

In the third season episode “How I Met Everyone Else,” Lily and Ted talk about how they kissed once, and Marshall says that wasn’t the case at all. He says that they did make out at a college party, but with other people.

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What really happened is never cleared up because memory is a funny thing and it never seemed that relevant on the show. But what if Lily and Ted did make out, and what if that meant that there were some sparks between them?

2 They Seem To Flirt Sometimes

How I Met Your Mother 10 Reasons Lily & Ted Would Have Been The Perfect Couple

Also in the season 2 Christmas episode, Lily and Ted definitely seem to flirt with each other. After Ted and Lily get in a fight, he calls her a “grinch” (but it’s alluded to that he called her a much worse name instead) and she gets very upset.

They go back and forth for the entire episode, and it seems very flirtatious in nature. It’s a more intense conversation than what typically happens between two friends. It’s just like when two characters call each other names and pretend to hate each other in a rom-com.

1 Lily Shares Things With Ted That She Can’t Tell Marshall

In the season 1 episode “Milk,” Lily has a conversation with Ted about being totally afraid to get married. Sure, she loves Marshall, but she’s wondering about an art fellowship that she wants to accept, and she’s not sure that marriage is the right path.

Why would Lily go to Ted about this and not talk to Marshall immediately? This suggests that she and Ted would be the perfect couple because she can talk to him about absolutely anything, even matters of the heart.

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