How Lost in Space Star Used the Shows FX to Get Out of Zoom School

How Lost in Space Star Used the Show’s FX to Get Out of Zoom School

Maxwell Jenkins, who stars as Will Robinson in Netflix’s Lost in Space reboot series, revealed the effects-fueled trick he used to get out of class.

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How Lost in Space Star Used the Shows FX to Get Out of Zoom School

Lost in Space star Maxwell Jenkins revealed that he took full advantage of the show’s special effects when he wanted to ditch online school. Lost in Space is a reboot of the Irwin Allen sci-fi series of the same name, which originally aired on CBS from 1965 to 1968. The new version premiered on Netflix in 2018 and follows a family that loses their way en route to a new colony in space. The youngest child in the family is Will Robinson, played by Jenkins, who forms a special bond with the robot who accompanies them. The show also stars Molly Parker, Toby Stephens, Taylor Russell, Mina Sundwall, Ignacio Serricchio, Ajay Friese, Brian Steele, Sibongile Mlambo, and Parker Posey.

Lost in Space season 3, which is the final season of the series, premiered on the streaming service yesterday, December 1. This season picks up after the intense cliffhanger that ended season 2, with the Robinson family attempting to reunite while an army of robots hunts down Will. They will also be forced to defend the Alpha Centauri settlement from this onslaught.

During an interview with Collider, Maxwell Jenkins was asked if he kept any items from the set. He revealed that he made excellent use of a life-sized dummy of himself that was used as a stand-in when he had reached his working hours limit during Lost in Space season 1. In addition to using it to prank people on set, he would prop it up in front of his camera during online class then go off and “play the new Spider-Man game or something.” Read the full quote below:

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There’s definitely some stuff that I kept. Season 1 we had this silicone dummy kinda thing of me that they made. It was like life-size at the time… We only were able to use it for season 1 after I would… run out of hours to work in the day, they would just throw it in the background of the scene and it would look like I was in there.

We only used it season 1, [it] sat in storage for season 2, and then they discovered it in season 3 and I would throw it in people’s trailers or like on their steps. I have some videos of it. And then I got crafty with it, like I would pretend to be the dummy sometimes… and then I would jump out at them. So I got to keep that, and I used it for online school a few times, like I would sit in in front of my camera and then I would go play the new Spider-Man game or something. I’m gonna be completely honest with you. Time very well spent in online school.

Maxwell Jenkins realizes that by revealing this information he can no longer pull the same trick, but he graduated sophomore year successfully, so he’s happy he made it that far. In addition to this tremendously useful item, Jenkins also nabbed another item from the set: the small model of a robot that he helped construct in season 1 episode 7. It doesn’t seem like he was able to keep any memorabilia from the current season of Lost in Space season 3, but at least he has enough to preserve the fond memories of the series.

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There are probably hundreds of young fans of the show who wish they were cast in a special effects-heavy series so they could pull the exact same stunt. Jenkins, who is now 16, was 12 years old when shooting Lost in Space season 1. That’s another reason that the dummy is likely no longer going to cut it, but it was a clever idea while it lasted.

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