How To Buy Skins In VALORANT

How To Buy Skins In VALORANT

VALORANT includes microtransactions and they’re largely necessary for obtaining its weapon skins.

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How To Buy Skins In VALORANT

VALORANT, like all of Riot Games’ other releases, is free to play. Fans of Riot’s other games are already aware of the balancing act Riot pulls off in order to give its player base the option to play free of cost while still ensuring revenue is made from them. This is possible through cosmetic items that don’t effect gameplay, but look cool, cute or funny. That way, in theory at least, if one player’s priority is to game frugally they can play any of Riot’s titles without spending a penny. Meanwhile, compulsive collectors with a disposable income end up spending exponentially more than they would have were the game sold at a traditional price point, without in-game purchases.

That is to say, VALORANT includes microtransactions too, and they’re largely necessary for obtaining its weapon skins other than the ones available through contracts.

How to Buy Weapon Skins

Accessing VALORANT’s store is simple. After booting up the game, a few different menu options are accessible at the top of the default screen. Among these is a “Store” tab. Click on this to be brought to the page where you can purchase weapon skins.

Skins cost Valorant Points. This is in-game currency that can only be obtained by exchanging real-world money. Your Valorant Point balance is listed at the upper right-hand corner of the screen outside of a match, to the left of your Radianite balance. Valorant Points are indicated by a V icon and Radianite points by an R icon.

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Click on the Valorant Points icon to bring up the purchase screen. Like most other games with microtransactions, the more you spend on Valorant Points, the more bonus Points you’ll receive.

What Weapon Skins Are Available?

One skin or series of skins will remain featured in every player’s Store each week, and will be displayed at the top of the screen. Additionally, four skins will rotate in and out of the shop every day, and those will be unique to each player. Purchasing skins will teach the game’s algorithm what kind of skins that player prefers, and the shop will then begin to tailor its offerings around that information.

Some skins can also be upgraded, which is what Radianite points are used for. Radianite Points can both be attained by spending Valorant Points and earned as you gain XP by playing the game.

Can You Keep Skins Purchased During Closed Beta?

No. However, players will receive a refund for all skins purchased that equals their total amount of Valorant Points spent plus an added 20% once the game releases fully.

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