League Of Legends Thresh Champion Guide

League Of Legends: Thresh Champion Guide

Here’s everything you need to know about LoL’s Thresh, including recommended build and how to play.

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League Of Legends Thresh Champion Guide

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One of League of Legends’ most iconic characters, Thresh epitomises the value of retaining utility when both in advantage and disadvantage. The quintessential support ever since his release back in January 2013, Thresh has remained a popular pick throughout nearly all metas. His abilities harbour a mixture of pick potential, engage, and disengage, and he can neatly slot into a variety of team compositions.

This guide provides an overview of how to effectively play Thresh in the Support role, his strengths, weaknesses, and a rundown of his recommended ability build, items, summoner spells, and runes.

Thresh Ability Overview

League Of Legends Thresh Champion Guide

  • A great way for you to passively farm stats throughout the game, it can often be overlooked as a source of power gain.
  • While useful, be sure never to overextend in order to gain Souls, it is much safer to throw a Dark Passage to secure far away Souls instead.
  • Death Sentence can be seen as a more defensive version of Blitzcrank’s Rocket Grab, being able to provide peel as well as engage.
  • Remember if you’re in a poor position, you will not want to reactivate, the stun provided can sometimes be enough.
  • Positioning is everything. Enemies can stand on top or place wards on the lantern, making it extremely difficult to click!
  • Flay can sometimes be used as an engage tool, retaining your Death Sentence for later use.
  • Late game this is best saved for peel, as it can remove enemy champions from your carries.
  • While enemies can Flash over the walls, dropping The Box in a narrow jungle corridor can provide a strong zoning area when engaging or escaping.

A standard levelling order is: E > Q > W > E > E > R > Q > Q > Q > Q > R > E > E > W > W > R > W > W

Keep upgrading Flay to help in laning phase, before maxing Death Sentence in the mid-game for more frequent pick opportunities. Maxing Dark Passage last is common, but post level six there is no hard and fast rule to maxing Thresh’s abilities.

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For your summoner spells you will want to take:

  • Flash (for engaging and escaping)
  • Ignite (for lane pressure and to provide anti-heal)
  • Exhaust (can be taken instead of Ignite, if there is a strong target for it such as a Zed)

Thresh Gameplay Overview

League Of Legends Thresh Champion Guide

Despite technically being a melee champion, Thresh possesses an attack range of 450, longer than some ranged champions such as Gnar. This allows you to help your ADC farm from a slightly safer range than would be possible on a melee Support.

Flay will passively buff your auto attacks, providing your only real source of harass, but it is still something to be aware of, as it can significantly help your damage output at lower levels. Being able to punish typical melee Supports in Alistar or Blitzcrank can really help pile on the pressure.

Early Game

As a Support, a Thresh’s first priority should be to focus on how you are going to play the laning phase. While possessing a strong all-round toolkit, there are specific Support matchups that can prove extremely troublesome. Some popular ones to watch out for are:

  • Morgana, due to effectively nullifying Thresh’s engage with her Black Shield ability.
  • Zilean, due to being poked out from range, and because his Chronoshift ultimate can recover the situation from even a perfect engage.
  • Vel’Koz, due to his extreme poke, can easily force you into suboptimal engages or to sit back and play defensively.

Despite struggling against certain matchups, Thresh retains utility in the laning phase. Death Sentence can always be used to catch players out of position, and Flay can dissuade even the most aggressive of engages. Because of your all-around strength, you will want to be flexible in how you end up playing the lane.

Against more passive Supports such as Soraka or Yuumi, you can feel confident in pushing early for level two, as a well-placed Death Sentence will cost them to expend summoner spells, and they cannot effectively disengage from your Q + E combo.

Against heavy poke Supports such as Vel’Koz, Brand, or Lux, sitting back and inviting pressure is usually the recommended strategy. A Lux Light Binding or Brand stun can spell disaster for you, as they can effectively outrange all but one of your abilities.

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As laning phase is ending, and provided you have acquired your Mobility Boots, you should feel free to leave the lane and roam. A Thresh suddenly appearing in your lane can be terrifying for an enemy player, and you can often help snowball your other lanes into a winning position with a well-timed gank.

League Of Legends Thresh Champion Guide


Transitioning out of the early game, your new priority is to acquire vision, and look for picks with your Q, especially around objectives such as Dragon and Baron.

As a low mobility character with zero poke, you should remain careful when acquiring vision, however, the threat of your engage means you should not be afraid to sometimes take risks, provided you have backup from your team. Dark Passage can be used to rescue teammates from dangerous positions, and your real goal is to provide safety for farming carries and coordinate with your Jungler to secure objectives and vision.

Using your Death Sentence from the fog of war, before using your Dark Passage to lantern in an ally is a great way of quickly initiating a team fight or skirmish. Engaging onto an enemy carry is always preferable, but depending on the game state, any enemy can provide a launchpad for a successful team fight. The Box can be used in the middle of the enemy team, or to trap an enemy carry, as it is the strongest slowing ability in the game, at a ridiculous 99 percent.

End Game

If the game transitions into endgame team fighting, your responsibilities remain similar. As with any Support, providing vision is crucial, but getting caught out for overly aggressive plays is now much more punishing for you. Often you will need to reign in your roaming, as remaining with your team for peel will become much more important to securing a victory.

Both Flay and The Box can be saved to peel for your back line carries, as keeping them alive is often more important than engaging. If your team is struggling to find picks and engages, however, you can be more aggressive with Death Sentences. Threshs’ can commonly be too hesitant with the ability, as the cooldown is low enough to avoid getting reliably punished for speculative casts.

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To summarise your general gameplay priorities:

  • Protect your ADC from enemy engages and ganks via peel or counter engage
  • Force early level two in order to attempt a Q + E combo
  • Remain patient for openings to land your Q or to prevent tower dives
  • Roam from bot lane to facilitate ganks for other lanes
  • Provide vision for your team, especially around Dragon and Baron
  • Search for picks with your Q, provided you have sufficient backup, or save teammates with W
  • Continue to secure vision around objectives, but be more vigilant about enemy positioning
  • Peel for your carries, and don’t be afraid to sacrifice yourself to ensure their survival
  • Remain aware of potential engage opportunities, but remember a death at this stage can prove disastrous

Best Thresh Runes

League Of Legends Thresh Champion Guide

Thresh has a number of Rune layouts he can go, depending on whether you desire more crowd control from Inspiration or extra tankiness from Resolve.

Glacial Augment Build:

League Of Legends Thresh Champion Guide

Aftershock Build:

League Of Legends Thresh Champion Guide

Guardian Build:

League Of Legends Thresh Champion Guide

Best Thresh Item Build

League Of Legends Thresh Champion Guide

Starter Items:

League Of Legends Thresh Champion Guide

  • Two Health Potions
  • Steel Shoulderguards
  • Stealth Ward
  • Oracle Lens (Only after upgrading Steel Shoulderguards)

Steel Shoulderguards are the preferred Support item, as it allows Thresh to help his ADC efficiently push the lane, as well as being easier to proc with your extended auto attack range.

Build Order:

  • Mobility Boots
  • Locket of the Iron Solari (Mythic Item)
  • Zeke’s Convergence
  • Knight’s Vow
  • Redemption/Thornmail

Locket of the Iron Solari is your chosen mythic item, as it provides strong team-wide resistances and an active shield. Your other items are used to further empower a chosen teammate, with Zeke’s Convergence and Knight’s Vow being a fantastic combo for strengthening a carry position.

As a Support, you will also want to be buying multiple Control Wards throughout the game, especially for gaining vision around objectives. Steel Shoulderguards will eventually upgrade into Pauldrons of Whiterock, your warding Support item, but will not cost any additional gold.

Your final item can be either Redemption or Thornmail, depending on the game state. If you find yourself dying frequently, and your team needs an extra source of anti-heal, Thornmail is preferred. Otherwise, Redemption provides another great active for helping in team fights, and also grants Thresh his only source of healing.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/league-of-legends-lol-thresh-champion-build-play-guide/

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