Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

Lucifer: Every Power & Ability He’s Had In The Show

Over the course of Lucifer’s five seasons, Lucifer Morningstar has demonstrated several celestial/angel abilities and just how powerful the Devil is.

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Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

Throughout Lucifer’s run, Tom Ellis’ character has demonstrated many of his abilities as the fallen angel, a.k.a. the Devil. While Warner Bros. TV has its always-expanding DC TV franchise, the comic book publisher’s Vertigo brand has been represented through Lucifer for more than five years. Lucifer initially began on FOX for the first three seasons until the network canceled it, which lead to Netflix picking it up. Thanks to the global streaming service, the Vertigo drama was able to extend its longevity. Lucifer season 5 was originally going to be the final one for Netflix as they had announced that the series was ready to conclude.

But in an unexpected turnaround, Warner Bros. TV and Netflix had a change of heart as Lucifer season 6 is officially happening, this time as its proper final season. While the drama has focused heavily on Lucifer Morningstar aiding Detective Chloe Decker in solving crimes, the show went into the comic book character’s more supernatural/religious aspects. Even though the crime-solving has continued to be a central part of Lucifer, the recent seasons have explored Hell in-depth, as well as the titular character’s celestial family. The fifth season saw the introduction of Lucifer’s twin brother Michael, who became the main villain.

Lucifer season 5 ended with the Devil officially becoming the new God as his Father had decided to retire. However, having Michael as his rival for a whole season allowed the show to demonstrate more of Lucifer’s abilities, both physically and spiritually. Even though the Vertigo show has already presented a dozen of Lucifer’s powers, it feels safe to say that they have probably not shown all of them. Given that Lucifer is one of the oldest but most powerful beings in the universe, and also now the new God, there are probably skill sets that the show hasn’t featured. Even after the final season has been released, there may be some abilities that fans will never see or know of, as there is only so much they have time to tell and show.


Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

Getting into a fight with Lucifer has never been a good idea, which the show has demonstrated repeatedly. Lucifer has shown that he is so strong that all it takes for him to hurt someone is a simple push. Even when Lucifer is holding back, he can do something as simple as softly pushing someone into the air or fall through a wall, which is obviously hurtful to an average human. Lucifer’s super-strength also allows him to lift heavy objects with ease, whether it is holding on to the back of a car or throwing tires at a running suspect.


Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

As God used his powers to create Lucifer and all the other angels, they are all immortal as they can’t die, nor can they age. While Lucifer’s exact age has never been specified on the show, he would have to be at least a billion years old since he was born at the dawn of time. Lucifer may look like a gentleman in his 30s, but instead, he is Los Angeles’ oldest resident.

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Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

Since Lucifer is an angel, he is naturally invulnerable to anything on Earth and can’t be killed. Although, whenever Chloe was around him, it would make Lucifer vulnerable, making it possible to hurt and kill him. But as Lucifer and Chloe’s romantic story has progressed, that weakness has disappeared as his love for her stabilized. Although Mazikeen’s demon blades can kill him, Lucifer has still shown that it is easier said than done, as he is a very skilled combat fighter. Besides that, Lucifer is invulnerable to pretty much everything on Earth.

Angelic Healing Factor

Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

While other angels and celestial beings can hurt Lucifer, he has the power to heal very fast. Whether it is scratches, bruises, or other injuries, it is hard to keep Lucifer down for long as he heals rapidly. When Lucifer was vulnerable whenever Chloe was close to him, he could be hurt. But even then, Lucifer would be able to recover within a short period of time.

Traveling Between Dimensions

Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

Lucifer has shown that he can travel between dimensions, specifically from and to Lucifer’s domain of Hell. By being the Devil, Lucifer has been able to visit Hell whenever he pleases, despite having made it clear that he wants nothing to do with it throughout the series. But regardless of that, Lucifer is also able to take various passengers with him.

Desire Exhibition

Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

One of Lucifer’s most used powers, if not the most used one of them all, is his ability to get people to tell him what they truly desire. That is what led Lucifer to become a consultant for the LAPD as he worked alongside Chloe to get suspects to tell them their deepest desires. Sometimes, when he would use his “mojo” (as partially referred to), Lucifer wouldn’t always be prepared for the person’s answer, allowing some comedic moments to occur. The only person who was immune to Lucifer’s mojo was Chloe, probably because God created her as a “gift” for him.


Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

As much as he hated them initially, Lucifer’s angel wings allowed him to fly and take him wherever he wanted to go. When the show first started, it was established that Lucifer had cut off his wings thanks to Maze’s demon daggers that were forged in Hell. But in Lucifer season 3, he got his wings back, whether he wanted to or not, and eventually came to accept them. Whenever Lucifer uses his wings to fly, it allows him to go from one place to another incredibly fast.

Devil Form

Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

While Lucifer mostly looks like any other human, underneath his disguise lies his true form as the Devil. In the first couple of seasons, the show mostly showed just his Devil face, which Lucifer would bring out whenever he wanted to punish a criminal that had angered him. Sometimes all Lucifer had to do to strike the fear of Hell into a human was to bring out his Devil eyes, which alone have been able to horrify individuals. In Lucifer Season 4, Lucifer’s entire Devil form was revealed to long-time viewers, which also included his angelic wings to turn into red-demonic wings.

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Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

While limited, Lucifer is able to bring people back from the dead, but to an extent. Even though Lucifer can get souls back from Hell, it is out of his control what body that soul goes into, which is why he has to be careful. Whenever Lucifer resurrects a soul, it will go into the nearest and most recently deceased body, which is why a hospital or morgue is not the best place for him to return to after returning quickly to Hell. When Lucifer helped Cain get his brother Abel’s soul out of Hell, he accidentally had the soul go into a room where there were two recently deceased people. Rather than fall into the older man, Abel was resurrected in a young woman’s body.

Rapid Metabolism

Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

There are many reasons why Lucifer is known in LA as one of the biggest party people of all time, and one of them has to do with his angelic abilities. One of the many things Lucifer has come to love about Earth is alcohol, hence why he is running an exclusive club such as LUX. While humans have to suffer from hangovers, that concept doesn’t really exist in Lucifer’s world since he has rapid metabolism. That doesn’t mean Lucifer can’t get drunk because he can, but it doesn’t affect him as deeply as it does for regular humans who get wasted. Even during times when Lucifer wants to avoid feeling pain, drugs and alcohol only last for a certain period due to his metabolism burning through it.

Angelic Irresistibility

Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

As much as Lucifer loves to party and giving favors to people, that isn’t the only aspect he is known for in LA. Thanks to him being an angel, Lucifer is able to make himself irresistible to men and women, hence why he was very sexually active. Obviously, that is no longer the case as Chloe and Lucifer are now in a committed relationship. But looking back at the past five seasons, several dozen women and men have been drawn to Lucifer because of this particular super-power.


Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

While Lucifer is definitely faster these days because his angel wings are back, even without them, he is still quicker than humans, as that is another one of his powers. In multiple scenarios, Lucifer has been able to get away without anyone seeing him take off quickly. Even if he isn’t as quick as someone like The Flash, Lucifer is definitely someone that can get from one place to another very fast.


Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

Even though Lucifer has, on multiple occasions, proven that he can easily get distracted, he still has angelic reflexes that mostly don’t fail him. He could be focused on flirting with someone but still avoid getting hit by someone or something that comes his way. That’s why, despite Maze having weapons that could either hurt or end his life, Lucifer is difficult to defeat even when there is something that can take him down.

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Manipulate The Hell Loop

Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

As Hell’s original ruler, it gives Lucifer another set of abilities, including the concept of controlling Hell loops as well as make demons obey him. Whenever a soul comes to Hell, they are put into a Hell loop where they relive something extremely painful to them over and over again as their punishment. But since Lucifer ruled Hell, he could simply end or restart a loop, as well as create new ones entirely.


Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

One of Lucifer’s abilities that the show doesn’t show as much of anymore these days is his telekinetic power. Lucifer would be seen playing with his pentecostal coin in the earlier seasons, as he would use his power to make it levitate or spin. Although it is rare, Lucifer has been spotted using his telekinesis to turn things on.

Communicating With Celestials & Spirits

Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

As an angel, Lucifer is able to communicate with the deceased or his massive angelic family. Whenever Lucifer has needed to summon Amenadiel, he simply prays to get his brother to show up, no matter what. Although whatever it is that Amenadiel or any of their siblings hear on their end has never been clarified.


Lucifer Every Power & Ability Hes Had In The Show

Another tool in Lucifer’s toolbox is that he can speak every language that exists in the whole universe. Throughout Lucifer’s run, Lucifer has, with ease, slipped into speaking in other languages fluently. Mandarin Chinese is one of them, although it can be debated whether or not angels were born with this power or if it was something they had to learn over time. It wouldn’t be shocking if God created angels to be able to understand all human languages that exist on Earth.

Powers Of God

As powerful as Lucifer has made it clear throughout the last five seasons, he is about to get even stronger now that he is God. The Lucifer season 5 finale ended with his angelic siblings recognizing him as their new God, even Michael. But since the episode ended on a cliffhanger, it will be up to Lucifer season 6 to reveal what else he will be able to do now that he is the new Almighty Father. Since his Father saw and heard all, that is two additions to Lucifer’s arsenal. Who knows, maybe Lucifer will take a page of the former God’s book and make everyone sing like in the musical episode.

There is still much that is unknown about Lucifer’s new role as God because things could turn out differently than they did for his Father. Perhaps he won’t have the exact same powers as the previous God did before he retired. By being God, does it mean that Lucifer’s certain abilities that specifically had to do with being the Devil will disappear, or does he get to keep all of them? God did truly work in His mysterious ways before he decided to retire and reunite with his ex-wife in her universe. But that is a big question Lucifer season 6 will have to make crystal clear whenever the show comes back for its final season on Netflix.

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