Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

Marvel: 25 Superpowers Spider-Man Has That Are Kept Secret

Spider-Man has a lot of tricks up his sleeve that most fans don’t know about. Marvel has given him some powerful moves.

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Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

Infinity War is upon us. Thanos will soon be upon the Marvel Cinematic Universe and he will bring with him destruction like we’ve never seen. But, moviegoers will say, do you really think they’ll let the heroes lose? Shouldn’t Thor be ready to unleash the full force of his god powers? Aren’t the Guardians of The Galaxy there to help the Avengers in the most awesome of team-ups? Don’t they have a Hulk? The answer to all of that is yes, but Thanos will probably still crush them anyway. Instead, our heroes should be looking to the newbies to save the day. Dr. Strange, Black Panther, and, saving the best for last, Spider-Man.

A lot of people sleep on Spider-Man because his powers don’t seem too impressive. Sure, he’s strong, but he’s not Hulk strong. Sure he’s smart, but not Tony Stark smart. And how are webs going to stop an all-powerful alien tyrant? But the truth is, Spidey is a lot more mighty than his simple powers and average joe persona would have you believe. Did you know that he once fought the Phoenix from X-Men? Or that he is the mystical spider totem? And what about Spider Fu?

Here is a list of all the things Spidey can do that you might not know about. Powers that defy expectations and get just plain weird. Still, after reading this, you’ll know why Thanos should really be afraid of Peter Parker.

25 Spider-Strength

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

You might be thinking “but I already know Spider-Man is super strong!” You might even be typing a comment right now to tell me how stupid I am. Well, yes, you’re right. The thing is, he’s even stronger than he lets on. In times of extreme stress like the boat scene in Homecoming or the train scene in Spider-Man 2, we catch a glimpse of how much strength he can tap into in desperate situations.

But if he can hold two halves of a sinking boat together, than couldn’t he just punch the bad guys’ heads off?

It turns out he can, and constantly holds back in battle because of it. When Doctor Octopus possesses Spidey’s body in the comics, becoming Spider-Man in his place, he unwittingly punches Scorpion’s jaw clean off. Ock is shocked at the strength Peter had been keeping secret for years. Even Hulk and Thor were surprised.

24 Super Healing

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

Spidey can recover from injuries far faster than normal humans can. While he can’t grow back limbs like Wolverine, he has been shown to sleep it off after a brutal battle, emerging with only a few bruises. This power does make its way into the movies, but with a subtle twist. After all, sleeping off a concussion or walking away after being caught up in an explosion is pretty par for the course in action movies. So to show how Peter’s body is in peak, superhuman condition, the movies focused on his eyesight. Before the spider bite, Peter needed glasses. After, shown in the Tobey Maguire that became a meme, he had perfect eyesight. Apparently getting bit by a spider also comes with free Lasik.

23 Biological Webbing

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

This one is actually quite controversial among Spidey fans. Since day one in the comics, Spider-Man had his web shooters. These devices attach to his wrists and shoot out a web-like adhesive that Peter made himself. Web shooters show Peter’s resourcefulness and genius, what with him being a teenager that created a brand new super strong chemical compound. However, in the Raimi movies, Peter just grew web glands as part of the spider bite. Web shooting was a power, not a gadget. Around the time of the Raimi movies, the comics were actually changed to give Spidey biological webs. Under the genetic tampering of the Spider Queen, Peter developed web glands in his wrists which let him make webbing organically. Fans went nuts, and web shooters were eventually restored. Perhaps Spider-Man’s greatest power is inspiring really, really passionate fans.

22 Psychic Connection To Spiders

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

The Queen didn’t just give Spidey super controversial web powers. She also enhanced Peter’s Spider-Sense to the point that he could sense spiders and arthropods around him. He could even empathize with them and encourage them to help him out. Does that sound pretty much exactly like what Ant-Man can do? That’s because it pretty much is, albeit a weaker version. Peter couldn’t control an army of spiders. In fact, all he really did do with the ability was use the insects around the city to help pinpoint a bomb and defuse it. It was actually his clone, Kaine, that made greater use of the power. After his stint as a villain, Kaine became a good guy and even took on the power of the Other, giving him the same connection to spiders. As for what the Other is, that’s for a different entry…

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21 The Other

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

This one is going to get a little crazy for the movie fans, but just bear with me. What if Spider-Man wasn’t just an accident? A product of science gone right and curiosity gone wrong? The comics explore this, delving deep into the idea of mystical animal totems.

It turns out that Peter Parker is the spider totem of his world, a role he was destined for instead of just randomly achieved by a spider bite.

To go along with this new, more magical outlook on his powers, Peter was given a mystical upgrade by embracing the more spidery parts of himself. This increased his regular spider powers exponentially and gave him new abilities like night vision and the ability to sense movement via the hair on his body. This storyline was called “The Other” because it explored Peter’s connection to the Great Web of Destiny, and also brought into play an Other to oppose him.

20 Exceptional Stamina

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

While maybe not as overt as Captain “I can do this all day” America, Spider-Man has shown levels of endurance that surpass what average humans are capable of. For instance, he can hold his breath underwater for a very long time. Part of it is his super-powered body, and part of it is just Peter having great willpower. Many scenes have showcased this. In Homecoming, he lifts the building rubble off of himself in a feat of both amazing strength and stunning endurance.

In the comics, he once took on two Phoenix-enhanced X-Men by himself.

This mostly consisted of him talking smack while taking repeated beatings from Colossus, but it’s a testament to his endurance that he could even stay conscious after going hand-to-hand with a Phoenix incarnation. So when Thanos shows up in Infinity War, expect our boy to put up a fight.

19 Equilibrium

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

He can jump and climb, but did you know Spider-Man has near-perfect balance? It’s not just that he sticks to things. His body just naturally adjusts at all times, keeping him upright on even the most narrow or oddly-angled surfaces. This might not seem like the mightiest of superpowers, but it no doubt helps when he’s traveling between buildings at very high speeds. On a side note, did you know that Spidey used to have little web wings as part of his costume? You can see them pictured here. They didn’t help him glide like in Spider-Man Homecoming, they were just an aesthetic thing. It’s also a neat little bit of ’60s/’70s comic history to look back on.

18 Create Clothing

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

Spider-Man has changed forms and gotten new powers so many times throughout his career. But perhaps the most famous upgrade he ever got was the Symbiote. A living costume made of black alien matter, Peter wore this suit before casting it off and creating Venom. When wearing the Symbiote costume, Peter found all of his usual powers to be upgraded.

He also discovered that the Symbiote costume could turn into street clothes to disguise itself.

While that doesn’t seem like a mighty power, it did help Peter hide his identity better and be able to turn into Spidey quicker. It was certainly more convenient than putting his costume on under his clothes. Just imagine how uncomfortable that must be during the summer.

17 Captain Universe

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

The Uni-Power is a special force in the Marvel Universe that hops from host to host, turning the host into Captain Universe during times of great crisis. The original idea was to have a Captain Universe comic that depicted what happened when ordinary individuals were turned into Captain Universe, how they use the powers and change their lives. The series didn’t last long, so the Uni-Power just sort of started coming along more rarely and whenever the storyline demanded it. One such story saw Spider-Man become Captain Universe. This enhanced his strength and senses, but also gave him the ability to fly, shoot energy, and turn things into other things by changing them at the molecular level. it also gave him the most ridiculous but somehow awesome costume I’ve ever seen.

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16 Web Cocoon

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

Peter actually met his end during his Other phase. However, due to his connection to the Great Web, he was able to tap into never-before-seen abilities. One such power was a web cocoon that actually resurrected him. While healing inside the cocoon, Peter had a vision of a giant spider that offered him his place if he just embraced his spider side. Peter agreed, anything to live, and burst from the cocoon a new man. Quite literally. He got new powers and a more animalistic nature. He even shed his old skin, which was used as a host for the Other when she came to Earth to oppose Peter’s resurrection. He has since lost these abilities, and they transferred to his clone Kaine when he went into a web cocoon.

15 Stingers And Fangs

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

After emerging from the web cocoon, Spidey saw some remarkable changes occur within his body. He got retractable stingers and fangs that let him fight in a more feral manner. He took advantage of them to fight the Other, but he eventually found this new fierce aspect of himself to be too much. Giving up his human side to be more of a spider was more than he could bear. So he stopped using these abilities and they transferred to Kaine, Peter’s clone that was a bit more willing to embrace his dark side. These abilities also manifest in Miguel O’Hara, the Spider-Man of the year 2099. Although in Miguel’s case, they aren’t the work of mysticism. Miguel got stingers and fangs by fusing his DNA with a spider’s.

14 Chemical Resistance

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

Don’t bother getting out the Raid, because this is one spider you can’t spray away. Due to his enhanced body, Spidey has been known to be resistant to poison and other harmful chemicals. And…that’s about it.

Not every superpower can be epic and flashy, after all.

In a way, that’s kind of what makes Spider-Man great. He doesn’t have an army of armors, a physics-defying shield, a magic hammer, or ridiculous rage. He’s just a nerd with webs that’s trying to do the right thing. Still, when push comes to shove, he always steps up. He’s taken on the Phoenix, lead a Fantastic Four team, and even been a main Avenger. There’s a reason Marvel invests so heavily in Spider-Man. He might just be the brand’s greatest hero.

13 Intelligence

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

We know Peter Parker is a science nerd, but as he constantly underestimates himself, we rarely see the full extent of his intellect. In truth, he can hold his own with the likes of Tony Stark. He was even hired by Tony for a time. But as this was adult Peter, it wasn’t the father/son dynamic we see in Homecoming. Instead, they were collaborators, and Peter was even given a home in Stark Tower along with MJ and Aunt May. In a What If? story, Peter actually turns his knowledge against Tony by dismantling his Iron Man armor based on a schematic he saw in passing. He also discovered his own particle that he dubbed the “Parker Particle,” which led to the creation of Omega-level superhero Alpha. Peter is definitely one of the smartest heroes, we just don’t see it because Marvel wants him to have that everyman appeal.

12 The Mark Of Kaine

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

We all know that Spider-Man can climb walls, but did you ever wonder exactly how he does that? Sticky fingers? Little hairs like the Sam Raimi movies say? But why doesn’t he stick to everything he touches like with his school lunch that one time? Well, Spidey can actually control how sticky his hands get, and can do more with them than just climb stuff.

One particularly awesome move is to stick them to a person’s face, ripping them and leaving a painful mark behind.

This technique was created by Spidey’s evil clone Kaine, who lacked the moral compass of the original. Peter has been known to use it in times of extreme anger, but it’s still a very Kaine move, hence the name.

11 Way Of The Spider

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

As a fighter, Spidey has mostly relied on his superior agility and strength to take down foes. Not to mention his Spider-Sense that lets him predict attacks. It also helps that he mostly fights common criminals and mooks in super suits. He has an advantage over most opponents as opposed to, say, Daredevil who often fights elite ninjas. This eventually got Spidey into trouble when he lost his Spider-Sense and realized how untrained he really was. To fix that, he worked with martial arts hero Shang-Chi to develop a fighting style specifically suited to his agility and spider powers. This “Way Of The Spider” helps Spidey to be a more effective combatant, especially during times when his Spider-Sense doesn’t give him a clear advantage.

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10 Having Six Arms

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

Once upon a time, Peter Parker grew four extra arms due to a mutation of his powers. He found a cure pretty quickly, but there was a What If? issue that told the story of what might have happened had Peter been forced to keep the arms. He put himself into exile, never seeing Aunt May, MJ, or anyone ever again.

Six-Armed Spider-Man pretty much became Spidey full time, because he couldn’t be Peter Parker with four extra arms.

He’s quite a tragic figure, and he meets an equally tragic end. As an official part of the multiverse, he joins up the Spider-Army during Spider-Verse. This army of every known Spider-Man ever written fights a godlike race of beings called the Inheritors. Poor six arms ends up a casualty of the war.

9 Bio-Electrickinesis

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

Peter Parker is the most famous Spider-Man, but there are others who deserve mention. Take Miles Morales, the Ultimate Spider-Man, for example. Miles grew up in a world where Peter met his end, and was inspired by his heroism to take on the Spidey mantle. Miles ended up being so popular with fans that he was taken out of the Ultimate universe and put into the “main” universe, where he now gets mentorship by Peter himself. Bit by a copycat spider, Miles shares many of Peter’s powers, but also developed his own. One such power is that Miles can control his body’s natural electricity. He mostly uses it for a so-called “Venom Blast,” channeling it into his hands to deliver a shock that stuns foes.

8 Camouflage

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

Venom Blasts aren’t Miles Morales’ only unique power. Miles can blend into his surroundings, essentially turning invisible. This camouflage actually mimics certain species of spiders that can actively change color to blend in with their surroundings, usually trees. This is because Norman Osborn made more spiders in an attempt to replicate the experiment that gave Peter his powers. But the different spider combined with differences in the experiment resulted in Miles getting new powers like camouflage. This combined with his Venom Blast makes him great at sneak attacks. Not that Miles is lacking in strength. He has the same spider strength and agility Peter does, he just also has these abilities that make him great at stealth. It makes him his own Spider-Man, while still paying homage to what made the original so great.

7 Accelerated Vision

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

There are many different people that have taken the name of Spider-Man over the ages. One such person is Miguel O’Hara, the Spider-Man of the year 2099. His world is an alternate future where cars fly and corporations rule the world. Miguel worked for one such company, Alchemax. During an experiment where Miguel was working on fusing humans with animal DNA, he was given spider powers.

His Spider-Man experiment had the benefit of future technology, giving him upgraded versions of some of Peter’s abilities.

His vision, for instance, goes beyond just not needing glasses. Miguel can see as far as an average person with binoculars would, and can even see in the dark! He uses this to see oncoming threats and react before they arrive, like a more precise version of Peter’s Spider-Sense.

6 Accelerated Decoy

Marvel 25 Superpowers SpiderMan Has That Are Kept Secret

For some reason, Spider-Man 2099’s powers all have the word “accelerated” in front of them. Like this Accelerated Decoy. Since Spidey 2099’s suit is the product of future tech, it further enhances some of his physical abilities.

For instance, it ups his speed to the point that he leaves behind a decoy as he moves, much like an anime character.

This decoy can confuse enemies and even launch an attack of its own. So its sort of like a mix between an after-image, a hologram, and something that’s actually there. I’m not sure what that has to do with spiders, but it’s really cool nonetheless. Gotta love the ’90s version of the future. Even the superheroes get nonsensical but awesome tech upgrades.

Sergio is the Lead News Editor for TheGamer. But usually he asks people to call him “Serg” because he wants to sound cool like the guy from System of a Down. He began as a convention reporter for FLiP Magazine and Albany Radio’s The Shaw Report to get free badges to Comic-Con. Eventually he realized he liked talking to game developers and discovering weird new indie games. Now he brings that love of weird games to TheGamer, where he tries to talk about them in clickable ways so you grow to love them too. When he’s not stressing over how to do that, he’s a DM, Cleric of Bahamut, cosplay boyfriend, and occasional actor.

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