New World Players Are Using Scams To Get Large Amounts Of Gold

New World Players Are Using Scams To Get Large Amounts Of Gold

A number of New World players are apparently scamming their companies and factions out of large sums of gold before defecting to an opposing faction.

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A number of New World players are apparently using scams to accumulate large amounts of gold. Amazon Games’ new MMORPG finally released at the end of September, and its launch saw over half a million players jumping into the new game on its first day. During its first weekend, New World went on to topping Steam’s concurrent player count.

When players reach a certain level in New World, they’re given a choice of joining one of three factions that available in the game. The three groups – the Marauders, the Covenant, and the Syndicate – are at constant war with each other for control of the game’s numerous zones. These factions are then further subdivided into companies – essentially the game’s version of guilds – that attempt to claim settlements and their surrounding areas for the benefit of their New World faction. Once a zone is claimed by a company, another guild from an opposing faction is presented the opportunity to take control of it by going to war.

A New World player named Paradoggs (via PC Gamer) recently shared their experience getting scammed in-game. According to Paradoggs – who is from the Heracleion server – their guild leader lost a recent war with an opposing faction and was also unable to gather enough gold to buy the last remaining unclaimed settlement on the map. Following this, Paradoggs’ guild leader began asking other in the rest of the faction (the Syndicate faction) to purchase the aforementioned zone. Unfortunately, after more than 200 people collectively donated around 60,000 gold “to the cause,” the guild leader and their friends siphoned all the money to new characters and switched New World factions – effectively abandoning not only their guild, but the rest of the Syndicate faction on the server.

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According to some of the comments on Paradoggs’ post, similar incidents have been happening on other servers as well. One of these shared stories even involves the use of inside players to sabotage their faction’s war efforts, thus allowing the opposing company to easily take over a settlement. The frequency of these incidents have turned some players away from their company or faction. Some are instead focusing on other aspects of the game, such as New World’s leveling and completing quests; as well as gathering and crafting, among others.

While the way the game is set up doesn’t directly outlaw this sort of behavior, it likely ruins the experience for those who are left without territory, a company, and gold. However, New World is understandably still in its infancy and, in time, more upstanding and powerful companies may emerge across its different factions, of which will hopefully reduce the occurrences of these unfortunate incidents and create a better experience for all on the server.

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