Pokémon 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Notice About Team Plasma In The Games

Pokémon: 10 Hidden Details You Didn’t Notice About Team Plasma In The Games

Team Plasma are a pivotal part of the Pokémon Black & White series. Here are some things you may not know about the group.

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Pokémon 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Notice About Team Plasma In The Games

Team Plasma, the evil team that debuted in Pokémon Black and White, has a long history of being considered one of the more interesting evil teams in the Pokémon series, as they are presented as a somewhat benevolent force in the Unova region in their introduction. This facade quickly falls away to reveal their true intentions, where they become the main antagonists for both of the generation five games.

Although having only appeared in a handful of mainline Pokémon games so far, there is a wealth of information and lore surrounding Team Plasma, particularly in Black 2 and White 2, that can be easily missed if players are only focused on the gameplay.

10 Black & White Knights

Pokémon 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Notice About Team Plasma In The Games

As Team Plasma is presenting themselves to the people of Unova as a force for good, liberation, and freedom, it makes sense that they would dress up like medieval knights. Aside from their dress code, Team Plasma’s crest is also in the shape of a shield rather than a stylized version of the letter P, as has been expected from previous evil teams. Their leadership structure is also rooted in a monarchal system, as they address N as their king on multiple occasions as well as their base being an entire castle that bursts from the ground.

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9 Black 2 & White 2 Pirates

Pokémon 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Notice About Team Plasma In The Games

After the events of Black and White, Team Plasma returns with a very different view on their goals and a new dress code to go along with it. Unlike the original uniform, the new and improved Team Plasma dresses more like pirates than knights, reflecting their constant thievery of Pokémon as well as casting aside their previous code of honor. Their new base, the Plasma Frigate, is also very clearly some kind of flying pirate ship, with Ghetsis’ new cane bearing a strong resemblance to the helm of a ship.

8 N’s Pokémon

Pokémon 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Notice About Team Plasma In The Games

As he genuinely believes in the false goal of Team Plasma, N never uses the same Pokémon twice in battle throughout Black and White, though there are possible exceptions. During his fourth battle in Chargestone Cave, he has a Klink on his team which was befriended in the cave, then later in the final battle with N, he has a Klinklang.

As Klingklang isn’t a Pokémon that can be found in the wild in Black and White, this could mean that he actually held onto one of his previous team members for future use. In Black 2 and White 2, he also uses a Vanilluxe during the Winter rematches, a Pokémon that was also on his final battle team in Black and White.

7 Ghetsis’ Team

Pokémon 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Notice About Team Plasma In The Games

For the most part, evil team leaders will present less of a challenge than the Pokémon League or gym leaders, as they aren’t designed to be the final challenge in the game. Ghetsis seems to have not received this memo, as he is not only the only team leader who uses a full team of six Pokémon, but is also the only team leader to use a pseudo-legendary Pokémon on his team. In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, he only uses a team of five, but makes up for the lack of a team member by using either Zekrom or Reshiram instead, making him one of the only evil team leaders to use a cover legendary as well.

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6 N’s Family Ties

Pokémon 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Notice About Team Plasma In The Games

Throughout Black and White, it is revealed that Ghetsis had adopted N, Anthea, and Concordia, raising them as pawns in his quest for world domination. While players could rightfully assume that he has no direct relation to these characters, N’s design would suggest otherwise. Aside from both N and Ghetsis have the same hair color and similar styles, N is also the only one of his adopted children that Ghetsis places in charge of Team Plasma’s actions in Unova. On top of this, N’s full name is revealed to be Natural Harmonia Gropius, while Ghetsis’ full name is Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius.

5 Pokemon Thieves

Pokémon 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Notice About Team Plasma In The Games

Over the years, there have been many evil teams shown in the Pokémon series, with the vast majority of them having some sort of connection to the cover legendary of their respective titles. Team Plasma is the first evil team since Team Rocket to openly and consistently be shown stealing other trainer’s Pokemon, even if they are doing this under the guise of liberation. Unlike Team Rocket, however, Team Plasma’s goals aren’t centered purely around profits and control over their region, which may be why they were slightly more successful at their jobs.

4 The Former Grunt

Pokémon 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Notice About Team Plasma In The Games

En route to the Pokémon League in Black 2 and White 2, players can encounter a trainer named Backpacker Mae on Victory Road who says she is an ex-Team Plasma grunt, though the fact she uses a Sawsbuck doesn’t quite line up with the usual Pokémon evil team grunts normally use.

After defeating her, she claims that the player character is “Just like that trainer from two years ago”, indicating that she was one of the grunts battled in Black and White, though no Team Plasma Grunt in those games used a Sawsbuck or Deerling.

3 The Zorua Mistake

Pokémon 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Notice About Team Plasma In The Games

In Black 2 and White 2, Rood, one of the former seven sages, gifts the player with N’s Zorua, claiming it was one of the Pokemon he used two years ago in Black and White. However, N never used a Zorua in those games, though he did use a Zoroark in the final battle against him. This could simply be a reference to the flashback of him as a child where he had befriended a Zorua, Darmanitan, and Woobat, though it could also be a reference to the Zoroark from the final battle with him in Black and White.

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2 The Irony of Zinzolin

Pokémon 10 Hidden Details You Didnt Notice About Team Plasma In The Games

In Black and White, players meet Zinzolin for the first time inside the Cold Storage unit, just south of Driftveil City. Here, dressed in his sage uniform, he says “All of you, huddle around me. I can’t take this cold…”, indicating that he isn’t a fan of low temperatures. In Black 2 and White 2, he apparently had a change of heart of the two year time skip, as he now specializes in Ice-type Pokemon, having two Cryogonal and a Weavile by the end of the game. Zinzolin also sports a new outfit that looks substantially warmer than his original sage uniform, as well as helping Ghetsis to cover the Unova region in ice as a part of their end goals.

1 The Sage’s Names

Like the cities in the Kanto region, each of the seven sages of Team Plasma is named after a different color, with the exception of Ghetsis. Zinzolin is a French word for a purple color, Rood is based on a Dutch word for red, Ryoku is a based on a Japanese word for green, Giallo is an Italian word for a yellow color, Gorm is a Gaelic word for a blue color, and Bronius is a reference to brown. Despite their naming conventions, Zinzolin is the only sage to actually wear the color he is named after, though only in Black 2 and White 2.

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