Pokémon Best MiniGames Of The Main Series

Pokémon: Best Mini-Games Of The Main Series

The Pokémon series has added different styles of mini-games to each generation, and several stand out as more enjoyable compared to others.

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Pokémon Best MiniGames Of The Main Series

Over each generation in the series, Pokémon has added new bonus tasks for players to engage in. These mini-games have changed over the years, and some have been switched out for new ideas in order to include & show off updates of various gaming platforms. This has left players who enjoyed these mini-games wishing they were still in newer titles. The games range from simple click mechanics to complex bonus content requiring players to create special teams of Pokémon to engage in them.

In the newer Pokémon titles, these mini-games have become more complex, with some doing better than others. An example of this is the Pokémon-Amie in X & Y. The Poké-Amie was designed as a way for fans to better bond with the Pokémon on their team. It allowed players to interact with their Pokémon by feeding them and playing with them. They could also collect items to decorate their Amie screen, and toys they could watch their Pokémon sprites play with. Players could use the Amie to affect their Pokémon’s affection stats, but the process was time-consuming and difficult to understand.

One of the most frustrating things about Pokémon’s mini-games however, is that they are constantly taken out and replaced with something new in future generations, even if players liked the mechanics and enjoyed playing them. Rather than working on the mini-games and improving them in future installments for the series, a new experimental Pokémon mini-game would find its way into the next generation. It has often been a gamble in each game to see if the new mini-games included will be a fun extra or a tedious roadblock. Below are some of the best mini-games that did it right through the series, and why players should check them out.

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Pokémon’s Best Mini-Game: Slot Machine

Pokémon Best MiniGames Of The Main Series

Starting in the Kanto region in Generation I with Red, Green, Blue & Yellow, players could find the Slot Machine at the Game Corner in Celadon City. The Slot Machine actually stuck around for several generations, and was included in the FireRed & LeafGreen remakes, with its final appearance in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.

To engage in the game, players entered the Game Corner and interacted with the slot machines, betting with coins in hopes of winning more. The coins could be exchanged for prizes like Pokémon, TMs, and, in later generations, various items. The Slot Machine is an addictive mini-game that players could easily sink hours into, and it was unfortunate that the Game Corner was removed in later titles.

Pokémon’s Best Mini-Games: PokéBlock Berry Blenders

Pokémon Best MiniGames Of The Main Series

One of the best parts of berry farming in Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire was getting to use the Berry Blender. While not nearly as much fun in the Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire remakes, the original berry blenders from the older games made hoarding berries a competitive sport. The blenders could be found inside the contest halls, and allowed players to team up with NPCs or friends via a Game Link Cable to create Pokéblocks. Each person added one berry to the blender, and then the mini-game would start.

Players had to hit their ‘A’ button at the right time following an arrow that spun at the center of the blender. The accuracy of the button pressing, and the types of berries added, determined the resulting Pokéblock. This simple mini-game was a delight to play, and it was unfortunate that the original idea was removed for a simplified version in the remakes.

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Pokémon’s Best Mini-Games: Contests

Pokémon Best MiniGames Of The Main Series

After blending all those berries into Pokéblocks, there was no better way to use them than in Pokémon Contests. Players could feed their Pokémon Pokéblocks to raise stats for their beauty, toughness, cuteness, cleverness, and coolness. Players could then enter their Pokémon into a contest with a specific theme for the stat they had been raising. During the contest they could have their Pokémon demonstrate moves that were given categories based on the five stats. For winning, according to Serebii, players collected ribbons and a title for the competing Pokémon. The original Pokémon Contests were available in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald, and gave players a whole new way to raise their Pokémon team.

Pokémon’s Best Mini-Games: Curry

Introduced in Pokémon Sword & Shield, making curry has been a very popular way for fans to spend time with their Pokémon team. After wandering the Wild Area and collecting various berries, as well as buying or finding ingredients like Food Tins and Packs of Potatoes, players can set up their campsite and get cooking. Players will fan their fires, stir their pots, and add a pinch of love to get a final product, Depending on the ingredients and the dedication to the cooking mini-game mechanics, the quality of curry will be announced. Players can achieve a Koffing Class, Wobbuffet Class, Milcery Class, Copperajah Class, or Charizard Class. The goal is to get between Milcery and Charizard Class for the most friendliness and HP gained for the Pokémon eating it. This cute camping mini-game makes exploring the Wild Area even more fun for players.

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Many of the Mini-games that came out for the Pokémon series reflect which console the game was being played on. Berry Blending in Ruby, Sapphire, & Emerald was an opportunity for players to use the Game Link Cable to do something more than just battle a friend. The Poké-Amie was a way for players to try out what the 3DS could do both on the touch screen and with sound response. Cooking curry in Pokémon Sword & Shield allows players to see how much more complex mini-games can be using motion controls on the Nintendo Switch. In a way, each mini-game is a reflection of the technology available at the release of the game.

Adding mini-games into the main series has given players more to do when they are working through each game. It helps players slow down and enjoy the region, instead of rushing through to tackle Pokémon’s Elite Four. It fills out the repetitive nature of a narrative based on catching, battling, getting badges, and repeating the process town after town. While it’s unfortunate that the Pokémon series continues to remove mini-games players have enjoyed, there is hope that some of these popular favorites might make a reappearance in future Pokémon titles, allowing everyone to explore them with updated graphics and consoles.

See more : PokemonWe

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