Pokemon GO Reveals Galarian Pokemon Release Date

Pokemon GO Reveals Galarian Pokemon Release Date

In its announcement about the massive Pokemon GO Throwback Challenge 2020 event, Niantic reveals the release date for Galarian Pokemon.

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Category : Pokemon

Pokemon GO is set to host the biggest event in the history of the game in the form of the Throwback Challenge 2020. It will give Pokemon GO players the chance to better-complete their Pokedex, offering ultra-rare Pokemon like Mewtwo and Genesect to the masses. There’s so much going on in the Pokemon GO Throwback Challenge 2020 that some of the event’s bonuses are being overlooked, such as the fact that it will also see the debut of Galarian Pokemon to the game.

Starting June 3 at 1:00pm local time, Pokemon GO players will be able to catch Galarian Pokemon in the game for the first time. Anyone that manages to complete all of the Pokemon GO Throwback Challenge 2020 Timed Research tasks will also unlock Special Research that will revolve around the new Galarian Pokemon. Galarian Pokemon confirmed so far include Galarian Darumaka, Galarian Meowth, Galarian Stunfisk, and Galarian Zigzagoon. Of course, all of their evolved forms will be available in Pokemon GO from that point forward as well.

There will be different ways that Pokemon GO players will be able to add these Galarian Pokemon to their game. For example, Galarian Stunfisk will be available in the wild and in raids, but those watching to get the others will want to focus on hatching 7km eggs. The Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 Special Research will include some encounters with Galarian Pokemon as well, including Galarian Meowth and Galarian Stunfisk.

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It will be plenty exciting for fans to catch their very first Galarian Pokemon in Pokemon GO, but they will also have the chance to catch more Unova region Pokemon as well. Furthermore, there will be a chance to encounter the legendary Pokemon Genesect by completing the Throwback Challenge 2020 Special Research, so it’s definitely going to be an exciting event in Pokemon GO, to say the least.

The event will include on June 8 at 1:00pm. Even so, Galarian Pokemon should still be available in Pokemon GO from that point forward, so fans should have future opportunities to add them to their collection if they miss out while the event is live.

Throughout the summer, Pokemon GO fans can expect Niantic to host even more events, all of which will likely be completely doable from the safety of one’s home. For now, though, fans can prepare themselves for the massive Pokemon GO Throwback Challenge 2020 event that’s right around the corner.

Pokemon GO is out now for iOS and Android mobile devices.

See more : PokemonWe

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