Seinfeld Elaines 10 Funniest Storylines Ranked

Seinfeld: Elaine’s 10 Funniest Storylines, Ranked

Elaine Benes is one of the most hilarious characters on Seinfeld. From her career to her romantic life, her plots are always memorable on the sitcom.

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Seinfeld Elaines 10 Funniest Storylines Ranked

Elaine Benes didn’t appear in the pilot episode of Seinfeld. She was added at the behest of network executives, who wanted the sitcom to have a woman in the main cast to appeal to female viewers. Now that she’s become a TV icon, it’s impossible to imagine the show without her. The pitch-perfect line delivery and hysterical physicality that Julia Louis-Dreyfus brought to the role made her an integral part of the ensemble.

Originally inspired by a variety of Seinfeld writers, comedians, and ex-girlfriends of Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David, Elaine was at the center of a lot of the show’s funniest storylines.

10 The Sniffing Accountant

Seinfeld Elaines 10 Funniest Storylines Ranked

While the A-plot of “The Sniffing Accountant” revolves around a cocaine-using accountant that Elaine recommended to Jerry and Kramer, the B-plot revolves around her love of exclamation points.

Her author boyfriend, whose new novel she’s editing, takes a message from Elaine’s pregnant friend who just had her baby. Elaine feels that he should’ve used an exclamation point to punctuate the message, but he disagrees. Out of spite, she fill his manuscript with exclamation points.

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9 The Big Salad

Seinfeld Elaines 10 Funniest Storylines Ranked

“But you had to have the bi-i-i-i-ig salad!!” When George is headed to Monk’s with his new girlfriend, Elaine asks him to bring her back a “big salad.” He pays for the salad, but his girlfriend is the one who hands it to Elaine. Elaine thanks her, and she accepts the thanks.

Appalled by this, George tells Elaine in a cab that he was actually the one who paid for the big salad. She indirectly tells George’s girlfriend about this, and she confronts him about it.

8 The Pen

Seinfeld Elaines 10 Funniest Storylines Ranked

When Jerry flies down to Florida to attend a party in his father’s honor, Elaine comes with him to check out the local tourist spots. However, after spending a night on Morty and Helen’s hellishly uncomfortable sofa bed, she can hardly move.

She can’t do any of the things she wanted to. She gets a hold of some strong painkillers before the party and takes far too many of them. She cries out, “STELLA!!!,” through the whole event.

7 The Soup Nazi

Seinfeld Elaines 10 Funniest Storylines Ranked

Everyone in Seinfeld’s main quartet besides Kramer butt heads with the titular soup vendor in the classic season 7 episode “The Soup Nazi,” but Elaine is the only one who won’t stand for his abuse.

When she finds all his soup recipes, she marches into his store and proudly tells the Soup Nazi that she’s going to put him out of business.

6 The Little Kicks

Seinfeld Elaines 10 Funniest Storylines Ranked

In season 8’s “The Little Kicks,” Seinfeld fans were introduced to Elaine’s awful dance moves at a J. Peterman company shindig. After Peterman left for Burma, Elaine took over the company.

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Unfortunately, her terrible dancing cost her the respect of all her employees. The ridicule goes city-wide when she tapes herself dancing over a popular bootleg that Kramer’s friend distributed.

5 The Stall

Seinfeld Elaines 10 Funniest Storylines Ranked

Elaine finds herself with no toilet paper in a movie theater restroom in “The Stall,” and the woman in the next stall refuses to give her even one square of her own toilet paper, claiming she can’t spare it.

This woman turns out to be Jerry’s new girlfriend, and Elaine gets her back by raiding all the toilet paper from the women’s bathroom in Monk’s before she uses it.

4 The Bizarro Jerry

Seinfeld Elaines 10 Funniest Storylines Ranked

Season 8’s “The Bizarro Jerry” is one of the best episodes from the self-aware post-Larry David seasons of Seinfeld. Elaine decides to remain friends with her ex-boyfriend Kevin, and realizes he is Jerry’s complete opposite — like Superman’s opposite from the Bizarro World.

The similarities become eerier and eerier as Kevin’s friends include opposites for George, Kramer, and Newman, and his apartment is a reverse version of Jerry’s.

3 The Couch

Seinfeld Elaines 10 Funniest Storylines Ranked

Elaine always stands up for her convictions, even if it creates a scene. When Kramer scores a dinner reservation for Elaine and Jerry to try Poppie’s duck, Poppie comes over to the table and reveals that he’s pro-life. A staunch pro-choicer, Elaine contests Poppie’s beliefs.

Poppie asks, “What gives you the right to do that?,” and Elaine replies, “The Supreme Court gives me the right to do that!” Elaine marches out of the restaurant in protest, and a number of other diners follow suit.

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2 The Mango

Seinfeld Elaines 10 Funniest Storylines Ranked

In the season 5 premiere “The Mango,” as George is worried that his new girlfriend is faking her orgasms, Elaine reveals that she faked most of hers during her relationship with Jerry.

Jerry begins to doubt his abilities, calling all his ex-girlfriends to see if they faked it, and eventually asks Elaine to give him another chance. She does, but he buckles under the pressure.

1 The Sponge

It wasn’t common for mainstream TV series to openly discuss birth control in the ‘90s, but in the Seinfeld episode “The Sponge,” Elaine’s favorite contraceptive gets discontinued and she scours the city for the last remaining stock of it. She buys as many boxes as she can, then finds herself with a limited supply.

She has to be careful to only sleep with guys who are worth using one of the sponges on. This is where the classic Seinfeldian term “sponge-worthy” came from.

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