SpiderMan No Way Homes Main Characters Ranked By Bravery

Spider-Man: No Way Home’s Main Characters, Ranked By Bravery

Spider-Man: No Way Home features a cast of daring characters that stand out because of their bravery in the most dangerous circumstances.

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SpiderMan No Way Homes Main Characters Ranked By Bravery

Warning: This article contains heavy SPOILERS for Spider-Man: No Way Home

After months of anxious expectation, Spider-Man: No Way Home finally premiered, earning universal acclaim from critics and fans alike. The movie features an impressive ensemble of characters, and each of them gets an unforgettable moment in the spotlight.

It could be easy to assume Peter Parker is the bravest character in the story; he is the protagonist, after all. However, there are numerous ways a person can demonstrate their courage, and the characters in No Way Home get the chance to prove that everyone can be a hero, even without a Peter-tingle.

10 Wong

SpiderMan No Way Homes Main Characters Ranked By Bravery

One of No Way Home’s most shocking surprises came early in the film when Doctor Strange confesses he isn’t the Sorcerer Supreme because he got blipped. Instead, Wong took on the title, creating obvious tension between the two Masters of the Mystic Arts.

Wong is one of the MCU’s most underrated supporting characters, so it’s always great to see him in the movies. However, his appearance in No Way Home was short and somewhat unflattering. Wong knew Strange’s spell was potentially dangerous and still chose to look the other way. Not only did Wong not live up to his role as Sorcerer Supreme, but he also demonstrated his unwillingness to stand up to Strange.

9 Happy Hogan

SpiderMan No Way Homes Main Characters Ranked By Bravery

For a guy with zero powers whatsoever, Happy Hogan is incredibly daring. He is always willing to help his friends and allies, no matter the risk. Because of his long-time infatuation with May Parker and his friendship with Tony Stark, Happy feels very protective of Peter, and he keeps finding new ways to show it.

Happy once again show his devotion to Peter in No Way Home. He welcomes May and the young hero into his home; later, after the villains go rogue and attack Peter, Happy surrenders to the police to give him enough time to escape. Had he not forgotten who Peter was, Happy would’ve certainly offered to care for him after May’s death.

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8 Ned Leeds

SpiderMan No Way Homes Main Characters Ranked By Bravery

Comic book fans know Ned Leeds has a very different background on paper than on screen. In stark contrast to his antagonistic role in the comics, he is Peter’s best friend in the MCU. Ned is a somewhat divisive character; his loyalty to Peter is evident, but his clumsy and gullible behavior can sometimes become annoying.

Still, Ned will do anything for Peter, including risking his life. As the self-appointed “guy in the chair,” Ned has helped Peter in all of his adventures. In No Way Home, he’s responsible for reuniting all three Peters and plays a crucial role in the movie’s final battle. Ned might sometimes be more of a nuisance than a useful ally, but there’s no denying he’s very brave.

7 Doctor Strange

SpiderMan No Way Homes Main Characters Ranked By Bravery

As one of Marvel’s most powerful magic users, Doctor Strange has considerable influence in the universe. He might no longer be Sorcerer Supreme or have the Time Stone, but he’s still capable of performing massive feats of magic. However, he remains egotistical as ever and perhaps a tad selfish.

Strange is still a hero, ready to perform his duties at a moment’s notice. He is also willing to own up to his mistake and fix it by sending everyone back to their respective universes. Strange might not be the kindest or most empathetic of heroes, but he’s still valorous enough to earn the title.

6 MJ Watson

SpiderMan No Way Homes Main Characters Ranked By Bravery

Spider-Man has had many love interests in the comics, but the movies usually present him as a one-woman man. Still, the role of “Spider-Man’s girlfriend” is often a thankless one. They are usually kidnapped by the villain and used as bait to lure the web crawler into battle. Fortunately, the MCU’s take on MJ Watson avoids these issues for the most part, mainly thanks to Zendaya’s strength as a performer.

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MJ is curious, brilliant, and willing to do everything to help Peter. She has no powers but is smart enough to know when to assist and when to stay out of the confrontation. She isn’t afraid to face danger but doesn’t pursue it unnecessarily.

5 Doctor Otto Octavius

SpiderMan No Way Homes Main Characters Ranked By Bravery

Otto Octavious is arguably the most complex villain in any Spider-Man movie. Otto represents humanity’s ambition for knowledge: dangerous when uncontrolled but still undeniably necessary for progress. He is not evil per se, and if the movie was ever going to redeem any villain, it was always him.

In No Way Home, Otto still wants his machine upon arriving at the MCU. Once Peter fixes his chip, granting him control of the mechanical arms again, Otto becomes a valuable ally. He subdues a fully-powered Electro, allowing the Peters to drain the villain’s electricity. Otto is also stout enough to recognize his mistakes, setting him apart from other villains.

4 May Parker

SpiderMan No Way Homes Main Characters Ranked By Bravery

Marisa Tomei’s Aunt May spent the first two movies as a glorified cameo. No Way Home finally changes that by putting her front and center as Peter’s moral compass. She is kind and strong because she understands that being a hero means more than punching bad guys.

May’s death effectively turns her into the MCU’s Uncle Ben. She even delivers the now-iconic “With great power, there must also come great responsibility” line. May is willing to risk her life to help Peter cure the villains because she understands she isn’t just aiding the bad guys, but she’s also rescuing Peter’s very soul. It’s a beautiful arc that finally puts some respect on May Parker’s name.

3 Peter 2

SpiderMan No Way Homes Main Characters Ranked By Bravery

Peter Parker is indeed the bravest character in No Way Home; however, the question is, which Peter is the most courageous? Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker will always be the best Spider-Man in the eyes of many fans, and his appearance in No Way Home proves he still has a deep connection with the character. He appears as a more put-together and mature man, a seasoned player who understands the dangers and sacrifices of being in the game.

Maguire’s Peter gets to play mentor to the other two Peters. He helps Peter 1 deal with May’s death and offers wise words to encourage Peter 3 out of his bitter state. As the most experienced hero of the three, Peter 2 has the attitude of a bonafide hero and all the fearlessness that comes with it; he even gets stabbed but literally walks it off. Peter 2 proves that there are always new ways to show grit and that a hero never stops learning or growing.

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2 Peter 3

SpiderMan No Way Homes Main Characters Ranked By Bravery

Andrew Garfield’s take on Peter Parker was divisive at the time because many fans considered him too “cool.” Over the years, reception to his portrayal of the friendly neighborhood Spidey became more positive, culminating with a return to the character in No Way Home that’s being met with overwhelming acclaim from critics and fans.

Peter 3 is the most jaded of the trio, still haunted by his failure to save Gwen Stacy. However, he still finds a way to move forward and deal with the pain, even if he can’t shake it off. In the film’s final battle, he gets to save MJ from falling, finally earning some redemption for his past. Peter 3 bravely faces his villains, doing everything he can to aid Peter 1 and prevent him from suffering a fate similar to his. Peter 3’s storyline is one of the movie’s most impactful, proving that sometimes, the bravest thing to do is forgive oneself.

1 Peter Parker

Tom Holland had the daunting task of going head-to-head with not only a group of revered actors playing formidable villains, but with the two previous versions of a well-beloved character. Alas, he lived up to the hype and delivered his finest turn as the web crawler.

Holand’s Peter Parker proves himself as one of the most courageous characters in the MCU by never backing down, even in the face of certain danger. He keeps believing, no matter how bleak the situation looks, and has enough valor to see the potential for redemption in each villain. By the end, Peter understands that he’ll most likely never get rewarded for doing the right thing, but that’s okay because that’s what true heroes do.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/spider-man-no-way-homes-main-characters-ranked-by-bravery/

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