Star Wars 10 Moments That Showed Just How OP Darth Vaders Force Skills Are

Star Wars: 10 Moments That Showed Just How OP Darth Vader’s Force Skills Are

In the world of Star Wars, Darth Vader is a phenomenon in himself. His power with the Force is unparalleled, as revealed in these moments.

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Star Wars 10 Moments That Showed Just How OP Darth Vaders Force Skills Are

As perhaps the most iconic villain in cinematic history, the Skywalker saga’s central character, and one of the best characters in all of Star Wars, Darth Vader is a phenomenon in himself. Through three movies, a three-movie backstory, a slew of brilliant comics, novels, video games, and TV shows, he has proven himself as one of the most powerful and badass characters in the Galaxy far, far away.

Time and time again, Vader pops on screen or on the page to induce fear in other characters and make audiences jaw drop with not only his story and narrative value, but his power with the Force, something he displays time and time again in the canon.

10 Flying A Ship Into The Sun With A Jedi Mind Trick

Star Wars 10 Moments That Showed Just How OP Darth Vaders Force Skills Are

The entire Cylo vs. Vader saga in the Darth Vader comic run brought about many insane Vader moments, from fending off multiple opponents at once to just straight up showing his tactical genius and raw strength.

In terms of overpowered Force moments, one of the best comes in the very final issue. Since Cylo used half-sentient ships, Vader realized he could command them using Jedi Mind Tricks, something he could not do to Cylo. He flew Cylo and his ship into the sun, ending that rivalry promptly.

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9 Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars 10 Moments That Showed Just How OP Darth Vaders Force Skills Are

Jedi: Fallen Order is perhaps the best game of the EA era of Star Wars video games, and it definitely did not need Vader to be great; however, he certainly never hurt the game with his inclusion in its finale.

While Vader does not kill Cal Kestis, he uses the Force in such an incredible way. Vader is so powerful that the game does not give the player a choice; they must run away. He brings down the entire environment around Cal and shows incredible menace and power throughout the chase, with Kestis only surviving due to luck, speed, and some good distractions.

8 Taking Out Phoenix Squadron

Star Wars 10 Moments That Showed Just How OP Darth Vaders Force Skills Are

Like Fallen Order, Rebels is great without Vader, but he makes the show so much better during the second season. In one of his best moments, he displays his insane ability as a pilot.

While this is not a quintessential Force power moment, Vader manages to take out the entirety of one of the rebel’s best squadrons all on his own, in a single starfighter. He undoubtedly tunes into the Force for instinct like Luke in A New Hope and does it to perfection.

7 Flooding A City & Crushing A Jedi

Star Wars 10 Moments That Showed Just How OP Darth Vaders Force Skills Are

In the Darth Vader: Dark Lord Of The Sith comic run, fans get a chance to see Vader hunting and facing off against a Jedi survivor in the form of Kirak Infil’a, which had disastrous results for the Jedi and the river moon of Al’doleem.

As the two fight, Vader taps into a Jedi’s empathy and uses the Force to take out a water tank under the dam upon which they are fighting. Infil’a then uses up his energy to stop the water from drowning his people, with Vader taking that opportunity to Force choke him while simultaneously destroying more water tanks, flooding the city, and killing Infil’a.

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6 Killing The Ender

Star Wars 10 Moments That Showed Just How OP Darth Vaders Force Skills Are

Sticking with the slew of phenomenal Darth Vader comics out there, this entry is arguably one of the most heroic things Vader ever did, even if he did not necessarily seek out being the savior of a species.

The Ender was a colossal creature that lived on Cianap and drove the native species underground. Vader arrived on the planet from a nearby battle and awoke the beast, eventually killing it with his power. This beast was capable of destroying cities and was immense in size with a shark-like presence, and Vader was strong enough to take it out single-handedly.

5 Stopping An AT-AT

Star Wars 10 Moments That Showed Just How OP Darth Vaders Force Skills Are

Darth Vader is nearly crushed by an AT-AT walker twice that we know of in Star Wars canon, one time in Rebels and the other in the comic Star Wars Vol. 2 #2.

In the comic, Han Solo and Leia attempt to crush Vader by walking over him with the Imperial walker, with Vader simply stopping the machine with the Force, much to the heroes’ shock. In Rebels, it is very similar, except an entire walker falls on Vader, which he catches with one hand, stands up, and drops it behind him like it was nothing.

4 Killing Sidious

Star Wars 10 Moments That Showed Just How OP Darth Vaders Force Skills Are

To many of the more casual fans who just enjoy Star Wars and do not spend much time thinking about its intricacies, Vader’s killing of Sidious in Return Of The Jedi may have seemed pretty easy. It, in fact, was not.

Sidious was, of course, not expecting Vader’s betrayal and was solely focused on killing Luke at that moment. However, when Vader grabs him and lifts him over his head, he is doing so despite being hurt by Luke and despite Sidious’s barrage of Force lightning, which killed Vader. Vader’s power and attunement to the Force allowed him to take out the Emperor, and become a Force spirit in the few moments after his death, another example highlighting his incredible abilities.

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3 The Rogue One Hallway Scene

Star Wars 10 Moments That Showed Just How OP Darth Vaders Force Skills Are

If Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will be remembered for anything for generations of fans to come, it will be its epic Darth Vader hallway scene which, to many, is the best film display of Vader’s power to date.

It is terrifying seeing Vader’s lightsaber bask the hallway in a red glow as he takes out multiple rebels at the same time with Force chokes, pushes, and lightsaber strikes, throwing them around like ragdolls, meanwhile deflecting blaster fire and coming out unscathed.

2 Killing A Cybernetic Rancor

Star Wars 10 Moments That Showed Just How OP Darth Vaders Force Skills Are

Returning to the comics and to the Cylo vs. Vader saga, as mentioned before, many examples could be plucked out that aptly display Vader’s abilities from that run, but it is hard to find one better than this.

In Return Of The Jedi, Luke took out a regular Rancor, an impressive feat. In his comic run, Vader took out a cybernetically enhanced Rancor who did not feel pain and was more powerful. While Vader used his lightsaber to sever the Rancor’s CyberLink allowing him to kill it, it takes either a sincerely powerful Force user or the most powerful non-Force user you have ever seen to tackle such an obstacle.

1 “All I Am Surrounded By Is Fear & Dead Men”

There are many iconic Darth Vader comic moments that, had they been on screen, would blow fan’s minds. Not all of these involve the Force or strength, but the best does.

“All I am surrounded by is fear and dead men.” may be the greatest quote in the new Star Wars canon thus far coming in Vader Down; it is incredible. It also precedes Vader taking out not one, not two, but three entire Rebel squadrons after getting stranded and surrounded by them. An insane amount of destruction, all at the hands of Star Wars’ biggest badass.

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