Star Wars Reveals Plagueis Tried To Create A Force Dyad With Palpatine

Star Wars Reveals Plagueis Tried To Create A Force Dyad With Palpatine

Star Wars has revealed Darth Plagueis attempted to create a Force Dyad with his apprentice, Palpatine – but the Sith never managed to create it.

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Star Wars Reveals Plagueis Tried To Create A Force Dyad With Palpatine

A Star Wars tie-in has revealed Darth Plagueis attempted to create a Force Dyad with Palpatine. The dark side may not be stronger than the light, but it has always been the more intriguing for viewers. In large part that’s because the Sith are secretive, operating in the shadows, hoarding knowledge rather than revealing it; thus there are so many mysteries to be explored. Recognizing interest in the dark side of the Force, Lucasfilm has published a book called Secrets of the Sith that purports to be a collection of notes from Emperor Palpatine himself.

Naturally, Secrets of the Sith also reveals a great deal about Palpatine’s own master, Darth Plagueis. Plagueis was previously mentioned in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, when Palpatine attempted to seduce Anakin Skywalker to the dark side. “Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life,” Palpatine told the Jedi. “He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.” It seems Darth Sidious wasn’t lying to Anakin about Darth Plagueis; he really had learned how to prevent another person dying, and years later the Emperor would expand upon this technique to master the art of Essence Transfer, allowing Palpatine’s spirit to endure after his own body had been destroyed.

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It seems Darth Plagueis was particularly interested in the legend of the Force Dyad, which he believed to be a source of power greater than life itself. “My master, Darth Plagueis, attempted to forge such a bond with me,” Palpatine records. “Though he was wise in the ways of the Force, he proved unworthy of the task. I, too, attempted to facilitate such a connection with my apprentice Anakin Skywalker. Yet even with the so-called Chosen One at my side, the balance we shared pulled against the perfection of the dyad.” It is ironic that, toward the end of his life, Emperor Palpatine would finally encounter the phenomenon the Sith had coveted so.

The Sith Rule of Two is related to the Dyad, and it is likely every Sith Lord attempted to create such a bond with their apprentice. They failed, likely because the novelization of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker suggests a Dyad can only be created by the will of the Force, and it requires the presence of both the light and dark sides of the Force. According to that book, the connection between Rey and Kylo Ren had been “refined in the fire of mutual searching, shared grief, rage and hate, but also of compassion and empathy.” Many of these are things the Sith reject, meaning they would never have been able to create a Force Dyad, however much they coveted it.

Darth Plagueis may well have been particularly interested in the Force Dyad. Given the techniques he mastered, he seems to have been obsessed with the idea of immortality; and he would have been aware members of a Force Dyad were possessed of a distinctive Force Heal power, the one used by Rey and Kylo Ren during Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Truly the Dyad was indeed a power greater than life itself – even if it was inaccessible to Star Wars’ Sith.

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