Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

Star Wars: The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

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As one of the most iconic villains of all time, Star Wars’ Darth Vader has spoken a lot of famous lines. But what are the best Darth Vader quotes?

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Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

The Star Wars galaxy didn’t call him the Scourge of the Jedi for nothing. Darth Vader remains the most iconic cinematic bad guy in movie history, and not even the mass-murdering Thanos has been able to dethrone him. That suit, his imposing power, and a unique (and chilling) breathing sound could strike fear into even the most grizzled of intergalactic scoundrels and villains.

When Vader wasn’t Force-choking his way through his staff, and carving up his enemies with a lightsaber, he found time to frighten everyone with some truly intimidating quotes. Few Sith Lords in existence held the kind of presence that Vader did, and sometimes his words were much worse than his punishments.

Updated on December 14th, 2021 by Derek Draven: Vader had plenty to say in the first three films, but ancillary material also touched upon his character, giving him a chance to expand on his own script. From the moment Vader was created to the last breath he took, he epitomized fear and terror. Only at the end did he redeem himself, come back to the light, and show the man he used to be before tragedy struck him.

Anakin Deals In Absolutes

“If You’re Not With Me, Then You’re My Enemy!”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

A number of factors led to Anakin Skywalker falling to the dark side and pledging allegiance to Darth Sidious. Fear, anger, resentment, impatience, and most of all, a lust for power, all contributed to the twisted physical and psychological form that was Darth Vader.

When Obi-Wan Kenobi confronted him with one last-ditch effort to pull him back from the precipice, Vader responded with this quote before the two engaged in a fierce battle that left him permanently scarred and disfigured. Vader would continue to go through life under a suit of armor inspired by ancient Sith designs.

Anakin Is No More

“Anakin Skywalker Was Weak. I Destroyed Him.”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

Vader had not yet fulfilled his mission to eliminate all the remaining Jedi when he was confronted by his old apprentice, the heroic Ahsoka Tano. In the days before the Battle of Yavin and the destruction of the first Death Star, Tano aided the Rebels as a secret informant in opposition to the Empire.

While the battle for galactic control continued to rage, the Jedi and Sith were still locked in a spiritual battle of their own. The site of a long-lost Sith Temple would serve as a battleground for Ahsoka and Vader to lock horns, especially after Vader uttered this quote designed to quash all doubts that Anakin Skywalker could be redeemed.

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Vader Threatens Director Krennic

“Be Careful Not To Choke On Your Aspirations, Director!”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

Director Krennic might have been in charge of the Death Star’s development and construction, but it was only a matter of time before he would be replaced by Grand Moff Tarkin, a man who had courted the Emperor’s favor long before. Krennic’s intentions were noble enough from an Imperial perspective, but his ambition got the best of him.

Krennic wanted nothing more than an audience with the Emperor in order to further his own career, but Darth Vader put him in check during a clandestine meeting, by force-choking him. It helped remind Krennic what his place was, and the thin ice he had been treading due to complications with the Death Star’s development.

Vader Never Doubted The Power Of The Force

“I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing.”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

This is the quote that launched thousands of memes and suffered abuse at the hand of Star Wars fans seeking to one-up Trekkers in a debate. When Admiral Motti began insulting the ways of the Force while touting the power of the first Death Star, Vader gave him a quick lesson involving a Force choke and a little humility.

It proved to be enough to shut the arrogant Admiral up and give him pause to consider whether his “technological terror” was truly more powerful than the mystic abilities of the Force. It was also a reminder that overconfidence was a weakness; something Luke warned Palpatine about later on in Return of the Jedi.

Vader Comes Full Circle With Obi-Wan

“When I Left You, I Was But The Learner. Now, I Am The Master.”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

This quote has become more relevant of late, given the announcement of the Obi-Wan live-action series debuting on Disney+. When exactly Vader left his master, and how this plays out in events yet to come, has yet to be revealed. However, it’s still one of Vader’s most powerful quotes.

The full weight of the line wasn’t realized until Vader’s reveal in The Empire Strikes Back, which meant that it was a kind of foreshadowing. It also introduced audiences to the concept of a lightsaber battle and the nature of Jedi and Sith training.

Vader Has Luke In His Sights

“I Have You Now!”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

Vader was imposing enough as a political and military figure, not to mention a lightsaber combatant. He was also one of the greatest starfighter pilots in the galaxy, having cut his teeth on Podracing as a young boy, and later during the Clone Wars.

When the Rebellion launched its attack on the first Death Star, Vader stepped in to even the odds by obliterating several pilots before they had a chance to strike the Death Star’s exhaust port. Luke Skywalker was the only one left to make the run, but Vader was ready to take him down. He uttered this quote before Han Solo swept in at the last moment to put a dent in Vader’s plans.

Vader Gives A Promotion

“Don’t Fail Me Again…Admiral!”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

During his pursuit of the ever-elusive Millennium Falcon, Vader pulled out all the stops by initiating TIE pursuits, hiring bounty hunters, and forcing his Star Destroyers to suicide their way through an asteroid field. His subordinates would be expected to tag along for the ride, even at the risk of their own lives.

Newly christened Admiral Piett got the unenviable duty of chasing down the Falcon after his predecessor pushed his luck too far with Vader. Further compounding the stress was the Sith Lord breathing down his neck, sticking to the premise that the guy in charge gets the blame if things go pear-shaped.

Nothing Will Stop Vader In His Pursuit

“Asteroids Do Not Concern Me, Admiral. I Want That Ship, Not Excuses!”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

Vader was so intent on capturing Luke Skywalker that he would go to any lengths necessary to procure the elements needed to lure him in. When his intention to catch him on Hoth failed, he switched tactics, and went after Han, Leia, Chewie, and Threepio, instead.

When the Millennium Falcon hit out inside a dangerous asteroid field, Vader ordered a pursuit. The fleet took heavy casualties from the asteroids, but none of that concerned Vader. The losses were acceptable both to him and undoubtedly Emperor Palpatine, who was quite interested in procuring a new apprentice.

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Vader Wants To Turn Luke To The Dark Side

“He Will Join Us Or Die, Master!”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

After the destruction of the first Death Star, the Empire reigned hellfire down on the Rebellion, chasing them to the ends of the galaxy. By this time, both Vader and Darth Sidious realized that they had a new enemy on their hands – one who could destroy them both.

While the Emperor wanted Skywalker killed, Vader suggested turning him to the Dark Side instead. In truth, both had ulterior motives. Sidious would have had a powerful new apprentice to replace Vader, and Vader would have had the apprentice he needed to overthrow his master and claim the Empire as his own.

Never Deal With Vader

“I Am Altering The Deal. Pray I Don’t Alter It Any Further!”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

A deal with Darth Vader was like a deal with the Devil, with the other side never getting what they bargained for in the first place. Lando Calrissian figured this out after begrudgingly betraying Han, Leia, and Chewie to the Empire – a plan hatched by Vader.

When Calrissian began protesting Vader’s overbearing abuse of their deal, Vader responded in an unapologetic fashion by using his strength and stature to intimidate him into backing down. He had the full might of the Empire behind him, and Calrissian knew it was a no-win situation.

Vader Knows A Thing Or Two About Destiny

“Your Destiny Lies With Me, Skywalker! Obi-Wan Knew This To Be True.”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

Luke Skywalker’s first battle against Darth Vader began with the Sith Lord testing his son’s fledgling abilities. As the fight grew more intense, Vader began to push the envelope to see just how powerful the Emperor had envisioned Skywalker to be.

Vader ramped up psychological attacks by playing on Luke’s doubt and isolation, forcing proclamations of a dark destiny on the boy while secretly preparing him for carbon freeze. It was enough to catch him off guard for a moment, but not enough to put him down permanently.

There’s No Escaping Vader

“There Is No Escape! Don’t Make Me Destroy You!”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

Luke Skywalker foolishly thought he was ready to take down Darth Vader in a lightsaber duel, despite not being able to balance two rocks on top of one another. Though the Force was unnaturally strong in him, he still had a long way to go if he wanted to overcome the sheer might of the uber-powerful Sith Lord.

After thrashing Luke within the bowels of Cloud City, Vader ended the duel by slicing Luke’s hand off at the wrist and robbing him of Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber. With nowhere to run, Vader drove home Luke’s unfortunate plight, warning him not to continue.

Vader Drops The Ultimate Bombshell

“No! I… Am Your Father!”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

With Luke incapacitated, the time had finally come for Vader to make his pitch to the young boy. Rather than slay him, he offered him the chance to join the Dark Lord, and overthrow the Emperor as master and apprentice. Luke wasn’t interested in joining the man who killed his father, but he had yet to learn the terrible truth.

Vader finally revealed that he himself was Luke’s father – Anakin Skywalker, the one said to have been murdered by the Sith Lord, according to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Later, Kenobi would explain his reasons for remaining cryptic, but the damage was done. Luke was forced to deal with the horrific reality of his own bloodline.

Vader Is All Business

“You May Dispense With The Pleasantries, Commander. I’m Here To Put You Back On Schedule.”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

When Vader shows up to put someone back on schedule, they have reason to fear. That’s precisely what happened to Commander Jerjerrod when his construction crew started falling behind on the construction of the second Death Star over the forest moon of Endor.

The quote summed up Vader’s personality quite well. There was no sucking up to the Sith Lord, and trying to get on his friends list was a futile exercise. Vader was a bulldog sent by the Emperor to put people back in line, and get things moving. Those who couldn’t toe the line tended to die in short order.

In The Empire, It Gets Even Worse Than Vader

“The Emperor Is Not As Forgiving As I Am.”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

Vader was tasked to pick up the pace in preparation for the Empire’s trap to catch and destroy the Rebellion. Rather than rely on Force chokes, he instead tried a different tactic by telling Jerjerrod that the Emperor was soon to arrive. It was enough to scare the pants off the Commander, especially when Vader hinted that the Emperor was a far worse person to disappoint.

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Of course, this was true, especially in the latter days of the Empire. With the Galactic Senate dissolved in A New Hope, Palpatine had finally amassed total control over the galaxy. There was no need to put on a pleasant face for the cameras. The totalitarian dictator was out, and operating in the open.

Vader Appeals To Luke’s Inner Dark Side

“You Don’t Know The Power Of The Dark Side!”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

With the heat of conflict brewing within Vader’s soul, Luke believed he found the proper conduit to tap into in order to turn his father away from evil. He offered Vader a simple path – to come with him, leave the Empire behind, and turn back from his ways.

To Luke, it seemed easy enough, but Vader stressed just how powerful the Dark Side of the Force really was, and how all-consuming it could be. Unable to break devotion from the powerful Darth Sidious, Vader ignored Luke’s passionate pleas and prepared him to meet the Sith Master, face to face.

Vader Prepares Luke For The Emperor

“The Emperor Will Show You The True Nature Of The Force. He Is Your Master Now.”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

Vader’s first confrontation with his son came after their intense battle on Cloud City. Both were left shaken by the ordeal, with Luke battered, and Vader struggling with newfound feelings he thought he was long since incapable of. When they finally reunited on Endor, Luke hoped the ordeal would serve as a conduit through which to change his feelings.

Luke tried to argue passionately against the nature of the dark side while giving Vader an alternative to the path he was on. Believing himself incapable, he squashed the idea before uttering this quote which left Luke feeling far less confident than he did when he surrendered himself to the Imperials.

Vader Gives Luke A Fighting Lesson

“You Are Unwise To Lower Your Defenses!”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

Even with the knowledge that Luke was alive and trained in the ways of the Jedi arts, it seemed nothing could sway Vader’s mind. While the Rebellion battled desperately against the fierce onslaught of an Imperial trap, Luke and Vader battled it out in the Emperor’s chambers for the fate of the Force, itself.

After demonstrating vastly improved skills in comparison to their initial encounter, Luke was able to gain an advantage long enough to start chipping away at Vader’s psyche. Sheathing his lightsaber, he took the passive road, but Vader would have none of it.

Vader Taunts Luke

“If You Will Not Turn To The Dark Side, Then Perhaps She Will!”

Star Wars The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader both played a long game; the goal to turn the other back to their respective side. As the Emperor watched the two fight, so too did he pay close attention to the emotional battle going on underneath the surface.

After failing to tempt Luke to the Dark Side of the Force, Vader began using Force powers to dive deeper into Luke’s mind, eventually finding the image of Leia buried within. It was the ace in the hole he needed to provoke Luke into a fit of pure hatred and rage, forcing him to tap into the Dark Side and feel the power of raw emotion for the first time.

Vader Says Goodbye To Luke

“You Were Right. You Were Right About Me. Tell Your Sister… You Were Right.”

Vader spent the first three Star Wars films being a complete and utter villain, through and through. His words were menacing, his actions brutal, and his resolve unchallenged. When he turned back to the light at the end of Return of the Jedi, audiences caught a glimpse of a much different Darth Vader.

In a brief but tender moment, Vader looked upon Luke without his mask on and told him that he was right about the goodness still inside of him. He wanted both Luke and Leia to understand just how important that was to him. Luke silently nodded, agreeing to share it with Leia when the time was right.

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