Stranger Things 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Eleven

Stranger Things: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Eleven

Though fans have learned some things about Eleven on Stranger Things, there are still lots of questions that remain unanswered. Here are ten big ones.

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Stranger Things 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Eleven

Eleven, or El Hopper is no longer the hospital robed bald preteen viewers fell in love with in season one of the Netflix hit Stranger Things. We know a little bit more about where she came from, who her mom was, and what she did during her years living in a science lab.

But that doesn’t mean that her story has been completely told and, for the most part, Eleven is still one of the show’s greatest mysteries, even after the completion of season three. With the recent release of a teaser for season four showing us a (SPOILER ALERT) imprisoned but alive Hopper, it’s about time we went back and revisited the questions we all still have about the Stranger Things star character.

10 Where did Eleven Go?

Stranger Things 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Eleven

With the supposed loss of her single parental figure, Eleven got in the Byers car, with Joyce, Jonathan, and Will at the end of season three and drove off into the great unknown.

Can the show, and Eleven, really exist outside of Hawkins? We will all have to wait and see. But we’ve been given very few clues about just where in America (although that’s just an assumption that they will all stay in the country) the family and Eleven were headed. So much for settling down and building a normal life.

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9 Can the Upside Down Follow Eleven?

Stranger Things 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Eleven

Like the town of Hawkins itself, the Upside Down has also been particularly tightly tied to the character of Eleven herself. Eleven’s contact with the Demogorgon through her psychic powers in season one seemingly opened the wider connection between that world and the “real” world of Hawkins.

Is that world more connected to the place where it first opened or to the person who first opened it? That remains to be seen and may become much clearer once viewers find out where Eleven and Will (who also has a major connection to the Upside Down) end up geographically.

8 Are Eleven’s Powers Gone?

Stranger Things 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Eleven

It took everything Eleven had in season one and season two to save Hawkins and (most of) her friends but, after having been attacked by the Mind Flayer, Eleven’s superpowers have seemed to disappear.

She has no psychic connections, no telekinesis, and her guilt over losing her powers and not being able to help/save Hopper are probably eating her up inside. But will this be a new and permanent state for El? Or will her powers return so she can play the hero once again? It’s another mystery in a very mysterious show.

7 How Did Eleven Lose Her Powers?

Stranger Things 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Eleven

In Stranger Things season three Eleven’s powers disappeared after she faced the Mind Flayer and was injured, a piece of the monster embedding itself in her leg. After using her telekinesis to remove the monster flesh from within her own she was no longer able to use telekinesis of any kind (even the smash a soda can).

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Is she still injured? Or sick? Did the piece of the Mind Flayer take her powers with it when it was removed? It was then squashed by Hopper so, does that mean, the powers were also eliminated from the world entirely? It’s not clear, but it’s a question that will certainly matter immediately when season four premieres.

6 Will Eleven Connect with Her Mother?

Stranger Things 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Eleven

Eleven’s biological mother, Terry, made an appearance in seasons one and two of Stranger Things. In season one Joyce and Hopper went to visit her (though she is in a catatonic state) and in season two it was Eleven herself who made the trip, connecting with her mother through her psychic abilities.

While Terry was missing from season three, the question remains whether Eleven will further connect with or save the woman who gave birth to her, since Eleven knows that, despite her inability to communicate, her mother is still very much alive within her own head.

5 Will Eleven Connect with the Other Lab Kids

Stranger Things 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Eleven

Eleven’s biological mother, Terry, was not the only person from her past that Eleven met in season two. After running away from Hawkins Eleven also met a number of other “powerful” children and teens with a history with Dr. Brenner’s lab. As Eleven and the Byers family move beyond Hawkins in season four will this bring them back into contact with the other superpowered youngsters?

Will they perhaps be able to assist Eleven in regaining the powers stolen from her by the Mind Flayer?

4 Are Eleven and the Mind Flayer Connected?

Stranger Things 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Eleven

The connections Eleven has to certain places, people, and monsters, remain a mystery overall. Just as viewers are unaware of how and where Eleven can connect to the Upside Down, it’s also unclear whether or not she has a deeper connection or psychic link to the Mind Flayer of season three.

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She fought the monster, but a piece of it was also inside of her, and possibly took her powers with it. Can Eleven really be a normal teenager? Or are the beasts she battles with always with her?

3 What Other Abilities Does Eleven Have?

Stranger Things 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Eleven

Assuming her powers return Eleven has already displayed psychic abilities and incredible telekinetic powers. What other powers might she possess or develope as she grows, matures, and learns more about the world around her? Flight maybe?

What else does Superman possess that would be fun for Eleven to try? What is clear is Eleven has developed far more than Dr. Brenner ever predicted.

2 Does Eleven Know Hopper Gave Her Away?

Stranger Things 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Eleven

Before Eleven and Hopper were the adorable thrown together family of season three, Hopper was no more than the chief of police and dear friend of Nancy Byers.

In season one, upon meeting Dr. Brenner himself, Hopper gave up the location of Eleven so that he and Joyce would be given the change to enter the Upside Down and search for Will. Does Eleven know about this unfortunate past even? Would she forgive Hopper if she knew? Will it matter now that she thinks she’s lost him?

1 Are There Labs for Eleven Outside Hawkins?

We have seen Dr. Brenner’s lab. We have seen his work. We have explored a dubious connection with Russian functionaries. But do other labs exist? In other parts of America? In Russia?

In another part of the world? Could Eleven be picked up and returned to a testing facility that’s nowhere near Hawkins? It’s certainly possible.

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