The 10 Saddest South Park Moments Ranked

The 10 Saddest South Park Moments, Ranked

South Park has some surprisingly sad moments for such a crude comedy… and these are the most heartbreaking.

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Who knew that a show as funny as South Park could have such sad moments? After all, one would think a show involving abuse, broken families, cancer, death, and debilitating loneliness might be a little happier. Matt Stone and Trey Parker have used their masterpiece to offend viewers to the point of utter hilarity, but they have also made more than a few tear jerkers for fans. After all, the bleak setting of a certain small town in Colorado would probably leave more than a few people feeling depressed in real life as in the show. Beware of spoilers and grab your tissues. Let’s see how these masters of comedy made us cry.

10 Butters Gets Dumped

The 10 Saddest South Park Moments Ranked

A show known for its crude humor can surprisingly contain touchingly sweet and insightful moments. One such moment comes at the end of Raisins, which follows Stan and his descent into deep depression after Wendy dumps him. He responds to this by looking for kindred spirits in the Goth Kids.

Meanwhile, Butters is also dumped by a Raisins girl, who he finds out only pretended to like him so she could squeeze more money out of him at the restaurant. But when the Goth Kids try to recruit him in his heartbroken state as they did Stan, he declines. After all, his feelings not only remind him that he is human, but means he got to experience something great before.

9 The Death Of Chef

The 10 Saddest South Park Moments Ranked

When Isaac Hayes, the voice of Chef, left South Park after taking issue with its mockery of the Church of Scientology, Parker and Stone didn’t just write his character out of the show.

In The Return of Chef, the boys learn that a cult of pedophiles called the Super Adventure Club have recruited and brainwashed Chef. They nearly succeed in rescuing him, but as he wrestles with his brainwashing, the rope bridge he is standing on is struck by lightning. The bridge collapses and Chef falls into the ravine, is impaled on a branch, and is eaten alive by a grizzly bear and a mountain lion. His slow death is done in visceral detail as he screams in agony all the while.

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8 Stanley’s Cup

The 10 Saddest South Park Moments Ranked

This whole episode qualifies. Stan finds himself coaching a kindergarten hockey team, and a player named Nelson Brown has terminal cancer. Nelson is hospitalized and his fate hangs on whether or not his team will win. Eventually, the team gets to play against the Detroit Red Wings, but are beaten as senselessly as any adult players in the resulting game. Nelson passes as he watches the loss on television. His last words? “No hope.” The delivery hits especially hard when voice actor Dante Alexander’s delivery sounds like he thought he was in a serious drama instead of a bleak episode played for laughs. Hence why the whole episode’s a tear jerker; Nelson’s every line of dialogue will start the waterworks.

The poor kid just wanted to see his team win. And the last thing he ever saw was his team losing brutally. “No hope” indeed.

7 The Death of the Mountain Lion

The 10 Saddest South Park Moments Ranked

Meet “Woodland Critter Christmas”, possibly the worst Christmas special to watch with the kids. After all, what says family-friendly Christmas themes like abortion, orgies, sacrifices, and satanic cults? Becoming the unwitting pawn to a cult of Devil-worshiping Christmas critters, Stan sets out to kill the mountain lion who has repeatedly thwarted their attempts to give birth to the Antichrist. After Stan successfully kills the lion, a trio of cubs come out of hiding to find their mother dead. They sob uncontrollably over the corpse of their mother as Stan looks on in horror at the family he has broken.

6 Wendy Gives Up

The 10 Saddest South Park Moments Ranked

Throughout the show, Wendy has fought with a passion for many causes and taken a stand on many issues. Most of the time she succeeds and her voice is heard. This time marks a tragic subversion of her traditional winning streak.

Aiming to put a stop to the trend of unrealistic body image in the media, Wendy’s attempts to expose the usage of Photoshop only result in multiple fourth graders jumping on the bandwagon. With the boys completely fooled, Wendy finds herself increasingly ostracized by her peers until one last straw breaks the camel’s back. Wendy is guilt-tripped by Kanye West and gives up her crusade. She doctors a picture of herself to look like a bombshell and sends it out to the whole school, crying as she does.

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5 “Butters’ Very Own Episode”

The 10 Saddest South Park Moments Ranked

Butters embodies the innocent naivete of a child in contrast to his progressively more jaded peers. But his seemingly permanent optimism can surprise a viewer who witnesses his tragic homelife, including a gay father still trapped in the closet and an increasingly unhinged mother. How unhinged? Well, in this episode she apparently drowns him.

And the rest of the episode involves his parents trying to cover up the act until he finds his way home. Though their (warped) love for their child is clear throughout other points in the series, this is one episode that undercuts Butters’ eternal cheer and reveals the tragedy of the character.

4 Officer Barbrady Fired

The 10 Saddest South Park Moments Ranked

In “Naughty Ninjas,” Officer Barbrady finds himself sacked for accidentally shooting a Latino-American child in the shoulder, all because PC Principal called the police over a whispering student. It turns out he lives alone in a dark, tiny studio apartment with his aging dog who needs medicine to survive. He and his pet are evicted after Barbrady fails to get a new job, leaving them desperate and homeless.

Eventually, he is given back his job so he can get rid of the kids playing ninja, but when Randy tackles him while he’s trying to plead with the children, his gun fires and Daveed is wounded. Barbrady is fired a second time, despite the fact that it was all Randy and the Mayor’s idea.

When a now jobless Barbrady returns to his apartment, he makes caring for his dog is his only priority. His voice is broken and solemn, enough to let anyone watching know this is his life. An exception in the town’s otherwise questionable Police Department, he just wants to help.

3 Kenny The Big Brother

The 10 Saddest South Park Moments Ranked

Viewers see less of Kenny’s home life than any role he plays other than dying. It’s a sad thing, because the McCormicks put their kids below methamphetamine on their list of priorities. Eventually, the children go to a foster home. Kenny’s younger sister Karen suffers the most, experiencing bullying at school and neglect at home.

Kenny dons his guise as Mysterion to become her guardian angel in “The Poor Kid.” He also works at City Wok just to buy Karen a doll in “The City Part of Town”. This is after their parents bluntly tell her they can’t buy her anything because of how poor they are. Mr. McCormick even rubs it in Kenny’s face that his getting a job doesn’t matter because of the pitiful wage.

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2 Stan’s Depression

The 10 Saddest South Park Moments Ranked

“You’re Getting Old” is easily one of the most depressing episodes of the show. It starts off well enough, with Stan celebrating his 10th birthday party with friends and family. Kyle gives him a CD that his mother disapproves of and takes away (because the music “sounds like crap”). However, Stan has the music on his iPod, and begins listening to it. He speaks to Kyle after hearing only feces, with his friend hearing the music perfectly and suggesting seeing a doctor. The doctor concludes that he’s developing cynicism because of his age. Thus, he will hear and view things that once seemed great as a child, as crap.

Stan continues through life as more things become crap to him and Stan’s friends eventually alienate him because of his attitude, while Randy and Sharon begin to argue and realize that neither of them is happy with their wedded lives anymore. The episode concludes with Stan seeing everything in his life as crap, even his former best friend Kyle, while Randy and Sharon begin to sell their house and divide their belongings in preparation for their divorce.

1 Kenny Dies

Kenny has met the Reaper enough times to make game material, but he’s never gone out like this. Parker and Stone were looking to kill off a major character. And when the writers realized they were out of original ideas for killing Kenny, he went to the chopping block. The result was an episode that very realistically tackled the effect of losing a close friend, especially on children.

As Kenny succumbs to his illness, Stan becomes too upset to visit him anymore. He eventually came around and brought him a present, but not in time. Stan ended up too late, only hearing his final words through Kyle: “Where’s Stan?”

The boy in the orange hoodie seemingly died good and would only return in the finale of the following season. While he would grace the screen again, until then, fans everywhere shed a tear when the show killed Kenny.

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