Thors Best Supporting Characters In The Movies Ranked By Importance

Thor’s Best Supporting Characters In The Movies, Ranked By Importance

Thor has appeared in three movies of his own and through them, some great supporting characters grew into their own.

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Thors Best Supporting Characters In The Movies Ranked By Importance

No character changed as much through their solo Marvel movies than Thor. The God of Thunder started off in a movie that was almost Shakespearian, with a supporting cast of gods and mortals, and then moved on to one of the most critically despised movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Then, in Thor: Ragnarok, everything changed and the movie felt like nothing that came before.

What resulted were three movies that were all different from each other in tone, with a few important supporting characters playing important roles in Thor’s journey from a spoiled prince to a true hero. By Thor: Ragnarok, the Asgardian prince’s most important supporting characters led him to greatness, proving their worth to his hero’s tale.

10 Warriors Three

Thors Best Supporting Characters In The Movies Ranked By Importance

In the first Thor movie, it seemed that the Warriors Three would become some of the greatest supporting characters in the movies. They were three of Thor’s best friends and all arrived on Earth to help him in his battle with the Destroyer. they proved to be funny, brave, and heroic.

They also had a great small role at the start of Thor: The Dark World, although they ended up disappearing after that opening. The fact that they all died in their only scene in Thor: Ragnarok, and their deaths weren’t even that great, keeps them below almost all Thor’s main supporting characters.

9 Darcy Lewis

Thors Best Supporting Characters In The Movies Ranked By Importance

Darcy Lewis was in the first two Thor movies and then showed how great she really was in the Disney+ series WandaVision. While her MVP performance was in WandaVision, that doesn’t discount her worth in the Thor solo movies.

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In the first movie, she kept her sense of humor and helped keep Thor and Jane Foster level headed even when they faced great odds. Her attitude also kept the heroes grounded amidst the sibling strife and tragic Shakespearian story. In the second movie, she was back, and in both movies, Darcy helped out whenever she could.

8 Sif

Thors Best Supporting Characters In The Movies Ranked By Importance

Sif is a more important member of Thor’s supporting characters that her fellow allies in the Warriors Three, despite appearing in one less movie than the three male gods. Sif was very essential in the first Thor movie and it almost seemed like she could have been Thor’s love interest instead of Jane.

In the second movie, she was in the same battles as the Warriors Three, helping battle to save the Nine Realms. Unlike the Warriors Three, she didn’t die and is still out there, rumored to be returning in Thor: Love & Thunder, the fourth movie in his franchise, keeping her on a level of importance above the other gods.

7 Frigga

Thors Best Supporting Characters In The Movies Ranked By Importance

Frigga is Thor’s mother and she appeared in the first two Thor movies. While she died in Thor: The Dark World, she was still a very important supporting character, more so than Thor’s allies the Warriors Three and Sif.

It was Frigga that instilled the little morality that Loki possessed and she was there to serve as Thor’s one parent who actually showed him love. When she died, it broke Thor and Loki and it was that loss that allowed them to finally unite as brothers in arms, proving her importance to both brothers.

6 Erik Selvig

Thors Best Supporting Characters In The Movies Ranked By Importance

Erik Selvig was one of Thor’s earthbound allies. He appeared in the first two Thor movies and was someone who was instrumental in Thor figuring out how to get Mjolnir back and figure out how to beat both the Destroyer in the first movie and Malekith in the second.

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Erik is a genius and he was there as both a mentor in the ways of science to Jane Foster and an ally to Thor when he needed to go to a dark place to find himself. Erik was also important when it came to beating Loki when he tried to take over the Earth, providing the science that helped stop him.

5 Valkyrie

Thors Best Supporting Characters In The Movies Ranked By Importance

Valkyrie showed up for the first time in Thor: Ragnarok. She instantly became an important part of his life and ended up becoming more than just a supporting character. Valkyrie became the new King of Asgard.

Valkyrie was always one of the Thor trilogy’s greatest fighters, but when Hela destroyed her sisters, she went into hiding and gave up on her life. Once she regained her warrior mentality, she became one of Thor’s strongest and most important allies and will be back for Thor: Love & Thunder.

4 Jane Foster

Thors Best Supporting Characters In The Movies Ranked By Importance

Jane Foster was the most important supporting character in the first two Thor movies, but she fell out of favor in Thor: Ragnarok. In the first movie, she was mostly a love interest who helped Thor in his battle with Loki and the Destroyer.

In the second movie, she actually tasted godhood when she was imbued with the Aether, which was the Reality Stone. Not appearing at all in Thor: Ragnarok made her less important than others, but when she returns in Thor: Love & Thunder and becomes Lady Thor, she could skyrocket to the most important supporting character once again.

3 Heimdall

Thors Best Supporting Characters In The Movies Ranked By Importance

Heimdall has appeared in more MCU movies that any Marvel god outside of Thor and Loki. He was the almighty guardian of the Bifrost in the first movie and was clearly one of the most powerful gods on Asgard. In the second movie, he was a warrior above all others as he stood and defended Asgard.

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However, Heimdall proved his worth as one of the most powerful characters in Thor: Ragnarok when he led a rebellion against Hela when she took over and fought to protect all the Asgardians by himself. Sadly, Thanos ended his life in Avengers: Infinity War, but Heimdall proved himself again by saving Hulk, seeing the future needed him, and showed how important he was in Thor’s life.

2 Odin

Thors Best Supporting Characters In The Movies Ranked By Importance

Odin, the Allfather and Thor’s dad, had more to do with his son becoming a great hero than anyone. In the first movie, it was Odin that forced Thor to grow up and become a man when he banished the God of Thunder to Earth and then made him prove himself before he could regain Mjolnir.

Odin ended up as a fighting king in Thor: The Dark World and then he suffered the ultimate defeat after that when Loki banished him to Earth and took his place on the throne. In the Thor movies, Odin remains one of the important characters, as he made Thor a hero, pushed Loki into becoming a villain, and pulled all the strings that eventually led to Asgard’s downfall.

1 Loki

The most important supporting character in Thor movies was Loki, and no one else came even close. Loki was, from the start, Thor’s beloved brother, but one that he knew he could never trust. In the first movie, Loki was the villain behind the scenes, and that continued on to The Avengers.

By the second Thor movie, Loki ended up as a reluctant hero, helping Thor after the death of their mother – the only person who openly showed love to Loki. By the time Thor: Ragnarok rolled around, Loki was a hero in the end, and he even sacrificed his own life to try to stop Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. No one meant more to Thor than Loki.

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