To All The Boys Ive Loved 2 5 Things We Want To See (& 5 We Dont)

To All The Boys I’ve Loved 2: 5 Things We Want To See (& 5 We Don’t)

To All The Boys I’ve Loved 2 is on its way, and there are a few things we really want to see, and a few that we would rather not.

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To All The Boys Ive Loved 2 5 Things We Want To See (& 5 We Dont)

To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before seemed like just another teen romance movie on Netflix. But either people were really bored in summer 2018, or it proved to actually be an above-average teen romance (we believe the latter)!

The sequel, P.S. I Still Love You, is just around the corner and we can’t wait. Here are a few things we are hoping to see and some things we would rather not.

10 Do: Cool Dad Dr. Covey

To All The Boys Ive Loved 2 5 Things We Want To See (& 5 We Dont)

One substantial difference between the book and the film is that Dr. Covey is much more chill in the film than he is in the book. That’s not to say that Dr. Covey in the book is a bad dad; he’s still a kind-hearted single dad. But John Corbett’s take on the character makes him the kind of dad we all wish we had in high school (props to you if you did!).

Dr. Covey in the book is anxious talking about menstrual periods and sex with his girls. John Corbett’s Dr. Covey corrects Kitty when it comes to her understanding of menstrual periods and is more comfortable talking about sex with Lara Jean than she is. He doesn’t need to have an expanded role per se, but we hope he isn’t left in a corner.

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9 Don’t: Genevieve

To All The Boys Ive Loved 2 5 Things We Want To See (& 5 We Dont)

Of all the mean girls we’ve encountered in teen romances, Gen isn’t the worst, but she isn’t the best either. She serves as a foil to Lara Jean and provides plenty of catty drama to deal with.

Given that the upcoming film will deal more with John McClaren than it seems the book did, we don’t need to bring Gen back into the thick of things. We hope that Peter and Lara Jean will have enough to worry about without bringing Gen to the forefront again.

8 Do: More Kitty

To All The Boys Ive Loved 2 5 Things We Want To See (& 5 We Dont)

Katherine Song Covey, or Kitty as she’s best known, may have dethroned Amy March for worst thing a sister has ever done to another sister’s writings, but without her, there would be no books or movies! Yes, many of us would want to do terrible things to a sibling who does stuff like that, but Kitty genuinely didn’t mean to do Lara Jean any harm.

Kitty is still well behind Margot and Lara Jean and, as such, retains much of that innocence. She also gets some of the best lines. We’re hoping she has more than just the one scene we came across in the trailer.

7 Don’t: Pool Drama

To All The Boys Ive Loved 2 5 Things We Want To See (& 5 We Dont)

One of the biggest moments of To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before is when a video of Lara Jean and Peter in the hot tub on the ski trip is leaked on Instagram. Naturally, it becomes fodder for the school gossip and makes things even more difficult between Lara Jean and Peter. Though it is seemingly put to bed by the conclusion of the film, it takes up a fair amount of space for at least the first third of the book P.S. I Still Love You.

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There is a good reason for this as the author Jenny Han used it as an opportunity to examine the ridiculous standards young women are held to in high school that young men are not. But the movie doesn’t need to retread this ground. If they want to examine the same issues, we’re hoping that it’s done with a different inciting event.

6 Do: Plenty Of Stormy

To All The Boys Ive Loved 2 5 Things We Want To See (& 5 We Dont)

One of the best parts of the book P.S. I Still Love You is John McClaren’s grandmother, Stormy, who Lara Jean spends a lot of time within a nursing home.

From the looks of the trailer, it appears that she will be in a different residence (or an incredibly swankified nursing home!) perhaps so we don’t get distracted by other people that aren’t really central to Lara Jean’s story.

5 Don’t: Too Much Josh

To All The Boys Ive Loved 2 5 Things We Want To See (& 5 We Dont)

Josh serves as a good sounding board for Lara Jean and still a friend by the end of the movie. But between Peter and John McClaren, we’ve now got our hands full of romantic pursuits.

Josh means well, but there are plenty of other people that Lara Jean can confide in without potentially becoming romantically interested in. If he does play a significant role this time around, we’re hoping it stays platonic.

4 Do: John McClaren Getting A Fair Shake

To All The Boys Ive Loved 2 5 Things We Want To See (& 5 We Dont)

With the ongoing drama from the Instagram post in the book P.S. I Still Love You, you might be inclined to argue that John McClaren doesn’t get enough facetime with Lara Jean in the book.

Much of the driving plot is keeping Lara Jean and Peter together at all costs. We aren’t taking sides here, but knowing that Lara Jean will eventually have to choose between Peter and Josh (unless there’s a major twist and she starts dating both), we don’t want the odds to be too stacked against him. Give him a chance to do more than show off his U.N. Club skills!

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3 Don’t: Erasure Of Margot

To All The Boys Ive Loved 2 5 Things We Want To See (& 5 We Dont)

Margot may not have a huge role in Lara Jean’s life anymore with her being gone off in Scotland a lot, but she still offers Lara Jean a lot of insight.

She was noticeably absent from the trailers we’ve seen so far, but Janel Parrish is still credited with playing her on IMDb for the movie. We’re hoping that even if she doesn’t have that much time onscreen it will still be meaningful.

2 Do: Lara Jean Driving Confidently

To All The Boys Ive Loved 2 5 Things We Want To See (& 5 We Dont)

This may seem like a goofy thing to include, but it speaks to Lara Jean’s character. For the entirety of the film, Lara Jean is overly anxious when she drives, almost injuring Peter at one point. Kitty doesn’t let her off easy, either. By the conclusion of the movie, she is seen driving to Peter’s soccer practice determined to make her feelings known to him. She even begins their conversation awkwardly by stating she drove to the field on her own.

This was an improvement from where she began in the movie and we hope that she keeps that determination going forward. Lara Jean is a strong girl in her own right. We don’t need to make her backslide in this regard for laughs.

1 Don’t: Lara Jean As Just “Covey”

Throughout the movie and the books, Peter almost always refers to Lara Jean as “Covey”. This is a very common thing for high school boys to do as they often refer to each other like they’re perpetually stuck in a locker room or on a playing field of some sort.

Before the end of P.S. I Still Love You, we want Peter to just refer to Lara Jean as such. She is not just another guy friend; she’s his girlfriend! Come on, Peter. Treat her right!

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