WandaVision Episode 3 Ending Explained Geraldine Soldiers & Magic Bubble

WandaVision Episode 3 Ending Explained: Geraldine, Soldiers & Magic Bubble

The ending of WandaVision episode 3 reveals the mysterious organization monitoring Scarlet Witch, but who are they and who is Geraldine really?

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WandaVision Episode 3 Ending Explained Geraldine Soldiers & Magic Bubble

Warning: This post contains WandaVision episode 3 spoilers.

The ending of WandaVision episode 3 sees Geraldine thrown out of Scarlet Witch’s fake sitcom world and surrounded by soldiers pointing guns at her, but what does it all mean? The change in aspect ratio at the episode’s climax isn’t the only marked change as (aside for the brief glimpse at a mysterious on-looker watching WandaVision on a television) this is the first time the show has left Westview. As Dr. Nielson stated, some small towns are difficult places to get away from.

WandaVision’s intrigue has so far been very closely tied to the show’s protection of its secrets. Part of the reason the weekly episodic release on Disney+ works so well for Scarlet Witch’s show is that it allows for a slower drip of spoilers and encouragement of fan discussion on what’s really going on. Even with the endings of episodes 2 and 3 hinting more overtly at that answer, there is still a lot of room for speculation. Who is really in control? Is Wanda being manipulated herself to misuse her powers? Can any of the fake world of Westview continue to exist after WandaVision ends? Everything is poised to lead into an explosive ending.

The ending of WandaVision episode 3 itself is the most intriguing part of the show so far – even more so than the ending of episode 2 changing to from black and white to color. The revelation that Geraldine isn’t a Westview resident – and that both Agnes and Herb know she’s not – led to the most significant expansion of the show’s universe to date as the outside world was shown for the first time. And after the first two episodes established that someone – probably S.W.O.R.D. given the Easter eggs – was trying to get through to Wanda, episode 3 confirmed the existence of such a group. Assuming they are the same. Here’s what the strange ending of WandaVision episode 3 really meant.

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Why Geraldine’s Ultron Mention And Necklace Disturb Wanda

WandaVision Episode 3 Ending Explained Geraldine Soldiers & Magic Bubble

Though there have been several hints that Wanda retains some memories of her past – including being from Sokovia – the gimmick of including commercials linked to significant events in her life suggest she’s working hard to suppress everything. The first episode, which is confirmed to follow Avengers: Endgame directly, established that Wanda had no memory of even arriving in Westview, presumably as her means to hide Vision’s death from her conscious mind. When the beekeeper invaded at the end of episode 2 of WandaVision, the threat to that suppression led to Wanda changing reality once more and episode 3 saw Scarlet Witch introduce a “glitch” to turn back time and stop Vision questioning the reality too. When she’s directly challenged to remember the death of Pietro, when Geraldine talks about Ultron killing him, Wanda reacts defensively, confirming she is wilfully suppressing her traumatic memories. She is no prisoner to the reality and discovering that Geraldine knows more than she should proves the catalyst for her to be banished. The S.W.O.R.D. logo hanging around her neck – rather conspicuously giving her game away – confirms in Wanda’s mind that she too belongs to whatever invading force the beekeeper came from. That’s why she’s thrown out, with Scarlet Witch’s tell-tale magic swirling around her.

Westview’s Magic Force Field Challenges Scarlet Witch’s Control

WandaVision Episode 3 Ending Explained Geraldine Soldiers & Magic Bubble

Wanda is almost certainly in control of the reality within Westview, because she not only sends Geraldine outside the wire, but also uses the glitch to stop Vision’s line of questioning on what is wrong with their new home. Whether she is in complete control is a different debate and there are hints that she may not be the only powerful entity using magic on Westview. Firstly, Agnes seeming to know the secret of Geraldine’s identity puts her in line for more suspicion and then there’s the question of the inconsistency of the the magic “bubble” around the town. Typically, Wanda’s magical powers manifest with some form of red special effects, as the incident with the stork proved significantly, but the magical bubble appeared to have more of a multicolored aesthetic. In fact, it’s the same effect as from the WandaVision posters. Could it be that Wanda is shaping the reality within the bubble, but she’s unwittingly captive to someone else’s magical powers? Or could the magic be a containment field set up by someone seeking to stop Wanda’s reality destroying the outside world?

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Westview Is A Real Place (Are The Residents Wanda’s Captives?)

WandaVision Episode 3 Ending Explained Geraldine Soldiers & Magic Bubble

The other big revelation of the end of WandaVision’s episode 3 is that Westview is indeed a real place in the MCU and Wanda’s fake reality seems to have been projected on top of it. The biggest suggestion from that confirmation is that the residents who interact with Wanda and Vizh are captives themselves, which would fit the logic of why she is insistent on them not discovering the former Avengers’ secret. That also fits with Dr. Nielson’s sad note on small towns being “so hard to… escape”. Not leave. Escape.

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This could also be the cause for concern that has brought S.W.O.R.D. into play after it almost debuted in Thor and why Westview appears to be being defended like a prison would be. Containment implies threat and if Scarlet Witch’s powers in the comics are any indication, the concern would be that her projections could permanently change reality in a destructive way. The fact that Wanda was seemingly unable to vanish the stork suggests already that her powers are getting beyond her, as the unconscious reactions to her contractions also seemed to hint. If that proves to be a threat to the outside world, then a force looking to control it and to save Westview from Wanda’s imprisonment would make sense. And so too would Doctor Strange’s involvement, given his duty is to protect the Earth (and eventually universe) from magical and mystical threats.

Who Are The Soldiers At The End Of WandaVision Episode 3?

The containment unit troops set up outside of Westview are evidently not the antagonists some theories suggested they were when the S.W.O.R.D. beekeeper first appeared in WandaVision episode 2. And while they do seem to threaten Geraldine when she’s thrown out of Westview, the soldiers are S.W.O.R.D. just as Geraldine’s necklace indicates that she too is affiliated with the new MCU organization. They have the same logo emblazoned on the doors of their SUVs, so quite why they react to Geraldine as they do is initially unclear until you consider what threat they see from Wanda.

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When she’s in Westview, Geraldine appears to be under the control of Wanda as much as all of the other residents, only remembering her “name” when she touches Wanda and then remembering Pietro when Wanda prompts her accidentally. The fear for S.W.O.R.D. would presumably be that she had been enchanted and they couldn’t be sure she too wasn’t a threat to the outside world. That doubles down on the idea that S.W.O.R.D.’s primary concern is stopping Wanda’s magic from having a permanent impact on the world outside the bubble around WandaVision’s fake sitcom world. And the scrambled response suggests it’s a particularly pressing concern.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wandavision-ending-explained-episode-3-geraldine-soldiers-magic-bubble/

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