24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

Disney characters are supposed to be innocent and whimsical. These 25 fan artists put a rather dark spin on our favorite Disney icons!

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24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

The name Disney is likely to resonate with a large number of people. After all, most of us grew up watching a few movies created by the company and are no doubt familiar with the large strides in the field of animation that they have made over the years. It wasn’t easy for Walt Disney when he started out, but what he set out to create turned into something that even I think he didn’t dream of. For all intents and purposes, Disney became the barometer to which every animation studio would be measured. Animation studios both inside the United States and elsewhere strived to become the next Disney. They pushed the field of animation farther than it had ever been pushed before and they still continue to do so to this day.

Their level of innovation didn’t just inspire animation studios across the world to do better; it spawned a new generation of artist and animators that would propel the field toward a brighter future. They would bring into it a new set of skills and a newfound perspective and this would help to create some rather unique animated films. Having grown up watching the same films that we did and still do today, artists take their love for all things Disney and try their hand at creating some pretty incredible pieces of fan art. They are vastly different from anything Disney created, but at the same time, they have elements that stay true to the original design.

24 What’s Really Under The Sea

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

While we might not have been aware of it as children, a lot of the stories that Disney chose to make into films were rather dark. There was the case of one of Cinderella’s sisters cutting off a part of her foot to try to fit into the slipper. Add to that the fact that Ariel was in constant pain once she actually got her legs and you begin to see a terrifying pattern.

To Disney’s credit, while they did lighten the stories up a bit so that they were suitable for younger audiences there were still a lot of dark elements to the stories left in. It is this new found knowledge about the true nature of these same stories that is perhaps the driving force behind renditions like the one done by Kasami-Sensei that we see here.

23 A Realistic Interpretation

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

Lilo and Stitch is one Disney movie that I am not likely to forget anytime soon. Not just because of its interesting story-line, but also because Stitch was the first character voice that I could match. It’s what got me into doing impressions and I’ve been doing them ever since. It was a truly unique film and it showed the world that Disney could create any story into a full length animated film with fantastic results.

While we do get glimpses of Stitch’s character changing appearance a bit in the film, it isn’t anything like we see here in this drawing done by angieness. In truth, this particular portrayal of Stitch seems a lot closer to how I would actually imagine him to be. It appears that both Lilo and Stitch are grown up here and I feel that the artists did a good job of depicting them at an older age the way I would imagine them.

22 Taming The Beast

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

As much success as the animated film of Beauty and the Beast had, it pales in comparison to the Earth-shattering success that the live adaptation of its namesake would have some twenty-six years later. Though there were a good amount of depictions of the two characters before then, the introduction of the live action movie on helped to increase them.

It showed that Disney was committed to creating live actions for all of their films.

This particular rendition of them is unlike anything I have seen before. We see a totally different scenario being depicted here by Freeman and it shows Belle in control of the beast.

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21 Overcome With Darkness

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

Aladdin isn’t likely to slip my mind anytime in the near future. Though the story might not have been as strong as some other Disney films by comparison, its incredible cast of characters helped to make up for it. Perhaps no character more then the genie portrayed by Robin Williams. His version of the genie was so good in fact that a teaser with a few of his scenes from the movie instantly green lit the project.

It was a movie filmed with fantastic one liners and a whole host of characters that you could identify with. Though the second installment didn’t do as well, it still had it’s fair share of great moments too. Knowing how cunning a character Jafar is I think the choice of depicting him as a snake like jbballaran did here is only fitting.

20 Down On Hard Times

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

With the introduction of Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, the animation world was changed forever. For the first time, animation studios had a real chance of winning awards like the same blockbuster movies before them and it showed the level of success that could be achieved through careful crafting of a story. It helped to put American animation on the map and helped create a bright future for the industry.

Disney pulled out all the stops for the film and even used real makeup for skin tone.

This Snow White fan art by Dokinana, shows a darker image than we normally associate with this story, but we love different takes and that’s why we love fan art!

19 Blizzard

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

It seems like no matter what Disney is able to accomplish there is always some doubt as to whether they can break free of their tried and true methods. With a large discussion about linear characters and predictable outcome, Disney decided to try something new. When they introduced Frozen to the world it changed everything and flipped the predictable characters and outcome on its head. It had characters comment on the absurdity of quick marriage and resulted in a new found respect for the company.

Due to its resounding success it is no surprise that you can find an endless supply of fan arts and fan fictions related to it. There are a lot of fantastic depictions of Elsa out there, but we chose the one done by Enveniya because it was truly unique and different. It is both equal parts terrifying and mesmerizing all at the same time.

18 The Darkness Of Wonderland

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

Some of the very best fan art that is out there as it relates to Disney is associated with Alice in Wonderland. It’s a story that provides artists with a lot of room to create and even the most outlandish of renditions seem to fit right at home within the context of the film. While you will find many different art styles being implemented, those that resemble the pages within comic books are most common.

Our next artist, like many on this list, has a wealth of experience and he even moonlights as a freelance artist for Marvel Comics from time to time. David Nakayama, or DNA-1 as he’s better known on DeviantArt, creates some pretty incredible depictions of our favorite characters. I love the concept he chose he Mad Hatter and he does a terrific job of adding even the smallest of details to each character.

17 Some New Additions

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

If we were to have a discussion about Peter Pan and its characters you are likely to think of Tinker Bell almost instantly. After all, she was revolutionary for her time in the field of animation as every other depiction of her was simply a speck of light. Disney stepped outside of the box and created a full-fledged character that had emotion and personality to match.

It was hailed as one of the greatest animation achievements of that time.

Artist jeftoon01 regularly interacts with his fans and updates them constantly on his current endeavors as well as giving them detailed step by step rundowns of the characters that he creates. He is known for putting a new spin on some rather famous Disney characters and his steampunk like Tinker Bell rendition is no exception.

16 Bring Her In

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

Many of you might be wondering if Goldilocks should be here. Well, as it turns out, some of the first films related to her were done by Disney.

Disney planned another animated film but canceled it before production was completed.

Many wonder why Goldilocks and the Three Bears hasn’t become a Disney full-length film yet, but with the current running of the Disney animated series Goldie & Bear that may soon change. She’s already made her way onto this list, but TeeLamb does such a great job of depicting Goldilocks that I couldn’t help but add it to our list. I like that they incorporated key items that are associated with the character’s story as well.

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15 In Deep Despair

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

If you were to ask critics they would probably tell you that the Disney film Hercules was a failure. It didn’t live up to the expectations and though it did fairly well at the box office it didn’t derive the kind of story that many had hoped for. Sure you could argue that it wasn’t Disney’s best work, but it was far from the bad film that many made it out to be.

The animators studied Greek architecture and matched it to a tee.

It wasn’t easy to condense such a story in the way that they did and if they had a chance to do it all over again I have no doubt that they would do a better job. One of the first things you will notice about the artwork done by kalisami is that she creates some incredible custom backgrounds for all her characters. Her illustration does a great job of capturing the sad emotion of Hercules.

14 Looking For An Escape

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

By all intents and purposes, Cinderella is a rather dark and dreary tale. That being said, it is perhaps one of the best known fairly tales of all time and one that isn’t likely to be forgotten anytime soon given that more films of its likeness continue to be released. As has been the case as of late with other animated films, Disney released a live action of the story with great success.

LiaSelina’s rendition is much less vibrant in comparison to the original and many others out there, but her use of different colored hues on the characters for lighting really helps to bring everything together.

13 Searching The Jungle

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

When Disney created The Jungle Book it was a master class in animation. They were able to create a lot of complexity into a single frame without sacrificing the smoothness of the animation and it was truly something to behold. The level of skill within the animation was so great in fact that Disney was able to repurpose whole frames for later films like Robin Hood and pull it off without a hitch.

Of course, people would find out about this later on, but it showed the creativity of Disney to be able to incorporate these same movements into an entirely different film and make them appear as if they belonged. OmegaLioness takes elements of the characters and uses them to create a realistic rendition.

12 A Meeting Of The Minds

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

When it comes to fan art related to Disney films there is perhaps no story that garners as much attention as Alice in Wonderland. This is hardly a surprise though given the fact that it is placed into a world that allows artists a lot of room for interpretation and exploration. They can come up with some pretty interesting renditions as a result and be able to place them easily within the environment.

To think, it all started as a commentary on the current state of math.

Charles Dodgson, better known by his pen name of Lewis Carroll, was a mathematician who wrote The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland in response to his displeasure at the direction that mathematics was headed. Aspay likes to share all of his line work for each piece that he does. His Alice in Wonderland rendition really shows his skill in that area as well as his understanding of color pallets and blending.

11 A New Transformation

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

Beauty and the Beast was one of Disney’s most successful films to date in terms of overall money spent compared to the amount of money that was earned. Initially, during its production, Disney was a bit uneasy about the story-line and they weren’t sure that they would be able to pull it off. There were a lot of hurdles that they had to overcome and they had to find the perfect balance for creating the beast character.

Each initial rendition of the beast can be found on the walls inside the castle.

Even with the final rendition, Disney was afraid it was too terrifying for children, but in the end, his appearance was well received by audiences. I imagine that if they did another animated film that they might gravitate toward something like this drawing done by JohnathanSung. His level of detail on the hair of the beast is simply impressive.

10 Everlasting Love

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

At first glance you might be wondering what in the world The Nightmare Before Christmas is doing on this list. Don’t worry, because until I crafted this list I had no idea that Disney owned one of the production companies associated with it. It is one of my all time favorite animated films and I can remember watching it many times as a kid. Just like with Roger Rabbit, Disney decided not to place their name onto the film because they had been labeled as a company that only created movies tailored toward kids.

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KiraiRei plays around with different textures and color pallets on this one and we love their rendition of Sally. It’s not easy to add depth with colors like white and blue, but he manages to do so while creating a simple background to boot.

9 Surrounded By Darkness

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

When it comes to great singing numbers The Little Mermaid was filled with them. Even now, I am sure that you remember a song or two from the film that you otherwise thought that you had forgotten. The presence of such songs is a bit of a contract to the actual dark nature that surrounds the true story of The Little Mermaid. In the end, it is a lot darker then what we are presented within the rendition done by Disney.

Just a quick glance of this fan art done by dotsweare and your mind probably jolts back to that interaction between Ursula and Ariel. While the original interaction wasn’t exactly a happy one, it was nothing like what is being shown to us here. The presence of blood and fire really helps to underscore the evil nature of the whole deal in a new way.

8 A Tangled Mess

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

Art doesn’t just allow you to express yourself in many ways; it allows you to tell your viewer a story. Sure, we can all visualize a story in our own way when we read it, but it is something else entirely when we go about creating artwork related to it. It’s why in the field of animation it is so important to give characters life like emotions and mannerisms.

This rendition of Rapunzel has a color pallet and style that reflects her current mood.

Our next artist Jeftoon01 not only loves to share the many steps to his process, but he also likes to add a story to help to explain his artwork. It allows his viewers to immerse themselves in the particular situation being portrayed and helps them to see what he is trying to convey.

7 Standing Her Ground

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

Though I’ve watched it my fair share of times now, Alice in Wonderland never seems boring. The characters are well rounded and they have extremely unique personalities that aren’t likely to be replicated very easily. It brought our wildest dreams into reality and despite its clear popularity among artists you might be shocked to learn that it didn’t do that well in theaters.

Another interesting tidbit about it is that Disney had originally wanted it to be a mixture of live action and animation. Though we didn’t see that happen as kids, we at least got a taste of what it might have looked like thanks to the 2010 release. This depiction of the court scene is something to behold and Andrew Bayliss does a fantastic job of mimicking the this scene.

6 Letting Her Hair Fall

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

I often wonder if Disney expected the kind of success that they would achieve when they went out to create a film related to the story of Rapunzel. After all, it hadn’t been done many times before and it would require Disney to break new ground into many areas that they had never ventured into before. Despite all of the hurdles they decided to push forward and went on to invest more in Tangled then in any other animated film prior.

They not only created breathtaking backgrounds that were unlike anything they had ever done before, but they also showcased some new animation techniques that would help to revolutionize the industry. Art comes in many forms and for suntwirl it involves taking pieces of pictures and painting over them to create some truly remarkable illustrations. She is able to make each part of her Rapunzel depiction to a red hue perfectly.

5 Surrounded By Evil

24 Inspiring Fan Art Pictures Of Disney Kids Characters That Are Very Cool

Though Disney had been in business for nearly fifteen years prior and had success with multiple films, Walt Disney was still unsure about investing heavily into a project. He wasn’t alone though as many within the industry at the time thought it a great risk to do so. Even so, the amount of money that was set aside for the film was much higher than was the norm in those days.

Talented Artist and animators crafted a masterpiece that would win many awards.

It went on to be a major box office success, making it one of the highest grossing animated films of all time. It placed Disney on the map and helped to propel them into the animation giant we know today. This particular rendition done by Maymay K. is quite eerie in nature and we love it.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/24-inspiring-fan-art-pictures-disney-kids-characters-cool/

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