25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Netflix has slowly transformed the world into an army of binge-watching television fanatics. Only dedicated Netflix-ers will understand these memes!

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25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand


The name alone is enough to gain anyone’s attention, isn’t it? I think if we were to take a Twitter poll asking how many of you guys planned on staying home and binge watching a Netflix show, about 90% of you guys would all agree with that statement. Netflix is the largest streaming service in the world right now. Leading the charge ahead of Hulu and Amazon, the service is dedicated to online streaming of television and movies. The service allows anyone with an internet connection and a subscription to stream their favorite shows and films on devices such as your smartphone, smart television, and even devices like an Amazon Fire Stick. If we look back on the world of entertainment, never before has a company built an instantaneous catalog of properties to be watched in the blink of an eye.

Yet, despite all of the streaming service’s popularity, there are still aspects of the app that shock us and make us laugh out loud. From the way one person will pay for several people to use the same account, to the way Netflix has become an integral part of our culture’s dating scene and much, much more. Whether you love it or hate it, there’s no doubt that the internet has integrated Netflix so much into our daily lives that any memes created about the service register an instant laugh out loud moment from us. That’s why today we are going to be exploring the twenty-five funniest Netflix memes on the internet!

25 The Dark Side Of Streaming

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

For any experienced Netflix users, it’s no shock that some people will lose considerable amounts of time and energy to the streaming service. You go to the app to watch one episode of Jessica Jones, and you end up watching the season finale thirteen hours later. The power and addiction that comes with being able to stream multiple episodes at once is mostly overwhelming to people.

It’s no wonder that people end up losing sleep as a result, getting little to no sleep as they stay up to watch their favorite shows and movies.

That’s why this meme is so hilarious, as you see the evil Kermit the Frog from one of the newer Muppets movies telling Kermit that sleep is for the weak, (a play on weak-willed), indicating that Kermit should forget about sleep altogether and enjoy the sweet, never-ending bliss of the Netflix streaming service. The evil Kermit is made to look like the sinister and evil Emperor Palpatine from the Star Wars franchise, trying to lure the innocent Netflix viewer to stay up and watch the service, thereby turning to “the dark side” of the force. It’s too funny not to include in this article.

24 Desperate Times…

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Breaking up with a person you love or care about is not easy. While you two may have had your issues and you weren’t compatible, the feelings you shared don’t dissolve once the relationship ends. It takes time, and in that time there’s a small part of you that hopes things will work out and you two can find a way back to one another. It’s a sad aspect of the breakup that never gets any easier, and is something one has to endure until they finally reach that point where they can move on. This is a normal aspect of any relationship, but the invention of Netflix has changed that process greatly.

You see, much like a couch or pet, Netflix is something that becomes a shared activity or object that is suddenly fought over in a breakup. Although you may have been paying for the account, your significant other may still use the subscription service, keeping a bond or tie to you inadvertently that only makes the separation harder. This meme hilariously shows the lighter-side of this breakup, however, when one clever person used the multiple profiles on their account to ask their girlfriend to return home and give them another chance.

23 Are You There?

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

In the very long course of binge-watching on the Netflix subscription service, time can get away from the best of us. Binge watching has gotten to the point where Netflix now asks you as the consumer if you are still watching the show you are on. After about three to five episodes of a show, (depending on the length of each episode), the service stops the stream and checks in with you to see if you’re still watching or if perhaps you fell asleep in the middle of a Friends marathon. Now, while this can be good for those who don’t want their televisions playing past an episode when you’ve fallen asleep, it can get pretty annoying to those who are in the middle of a good binge watch and have their flow stopped by this pop-up.

This meme does a hilarious job of pointing out this annoying feature using a scene from the popular grown-up animated show, King of the Hill. In this meme, we see son Bobby Hill telling someone off-screen that he’ll tell him when he’s done, bringing all of our frustrations with the annoying feature and the hilarity of the show to the forefront of our minds.

22 Too Many Choices

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

One thing that Netflix does have that not all streaming services can offer is a very large catalog of shows and films. One of the largest on the market, in fact. Both original programming and popular existing properties make up the service’s catalog, and the time it takes to curate all of these properties is exhaustive. Not only that, but the catalog is always adding and taking away properties, keeping it in a constant state of fluctuation. It’s quite an amazing feat for one company to have come up with, but as a consumer, the process of determining which movies and shows to watch can be frustrating.

The pressure of having to choose just one thing to watch out of thousands upon thousands of choices is quite head-pounding. In the next meme, we see one of the funniest graphs/memes we’ve ever seen. It’s a pie chart showing off the amount of time it takes to actually pick out a movie or show to watch, as opposed to the much smaller amount of time it takes to actually watch the programs. It’s one of those funny because it’s true moments, as we’ve all been in this scenario at one point or another.

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21 Netflix MVP

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Most of us who use the internet and streaming services are always clamoring to get onto Netflix and stream some shows and movies. Netflix is the top of the streaming service industry, and one of the services provided by the company is allowing multiple people to have profiles on one account. This means that when people sign up for Netflix, three to five other people can create their own profiles on the service and watch their own programs without interfering with the other’s watch times.

It’s quite an innovative feature, allowing multiple people to use the same profile without having to pay for each person.

The thing people don’t always stop to think about however is how amazing it is for the one person who is paying for the account to bring you into the fold so to speak and give you access to free video streaming. This is the person who takes the financial hit of paying for Netflix for multiple people to use and does it without so much as a thank you. He is the real MVP and hero of the day, and in this meme, we see the hilarious comparison to a real-life athletic MVP.

20 The Couch Condition

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

While Netflix boasts about being able to watch their shows and films on any mobile device and even being able to download your favorite films to your viewing device, the place where people watch Netflix the most has to be on the couch or chair in their living room. It’s the most relaxing place in a person’s home, usually, and makes for the best viewing room for any Netflix binge-watching session.

The way we get invested in our shows and movies on Netflix and the hours spent watching these series always amazes me, and watching the way our bodies react to the long hours of binge-watching is even more fascinating to see. The hours spent on the couch watching Netflix often results in our bodies not moving for hours. The body gets put in second place as your mind becomes part of the Netflix viewing you are watching, and as a result, you end up sore and feeling achy after you are finished with your viewing or binge watching. This meme hilariously showcases what I like to call the Couch Condition, where you spend so long on a couch watching Netflix that your body begins to mold itself into the couch, as if you are a symbiote becoming one with its host.

19 Binge Marathons

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

A popular form of both exercise and charity events has to be the marathon. Marathons are events throughout the world where people can walk or run a certain distance in order to either raise money for charity or simply for sport. It’s a competition based on distance and completing the event, not time or scores of any kind. Marathons are one of the highest levels of athleticism, showcasing an ability to complete long treks around specified areas, whether it’s a few city blocks or an entire city’s length. Those who are able to participate and make it to the finish line are celebrated and feel a great sense of accomplishment.

Yet, not everyone is able to or even wants to compete in these marathons.

Sometimes people decide to participate in marathons that are a little less strenuous on the body and a little less athletic in the first place. In this next meme, we see a very funny outlook on one person’s idea of a marathon, and that involves Netflix. You see, binge-watching a show can feel like a person’s own idea of a marathon, for it takes considerable time out of your day and you must trek through hours upon hours of television. I guess that’s all the exercise some people need.

18 Not An Original

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

The struggle for Netflix to gain access to the licensing for film franchises is real, guys. Dealing with individual studios and film rights owners in order to bring fan-favorite franchises to the big screen can be a lot of work, and sometimes a film franchise can have a first film that is way pricier than it’s sequel. This frustrating reality sometimes leads to Netflix only bringing a film’s sequel to their streaming service, leaving the original in the dust.

Imagine watching Scream 2 without ever having seen Scream 1. All of the inside jokes and interactions with Sidney, Gale, and Dewey, would be completely lost on us, as would the whole reasoning behind the Ghost Face criminal. Watching sequels without seeing the original can really ruin a movie’s magic, and leads to some very frustrating nights trying to piece together what is happening in a film. That’s what leads to this next meme, where we get to see one of our favorite bits from the hit show Family Guy.

In it, we see the segment Grind My Gears, where Peter goes on a tangent about what grinds his gears on the news. This week’s episode, Peter really hates when Netflix puts a sequel up without the original film in the series. We feel you, Peter. We feel the same way.

17 Skipping Ahead

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

One thing that always amazes me in this day and age is how modern technology infiltrates modern relationships. For instance, with Netflix, there are so many couples who choose to watch certain programs together. They take the time to binge watch a long-running show and fall in love with the ritual of spending time together in front of their television screens.

However, as with anything in life, things can often get in the way of one person’s viewing of Netflix. One part of a couple can get trapped at work, stuck in traffic, or go on a trip with some family or friends. It’s all part of a person’s everyday life, and yet, in this modern age, we see arguments crop up because the other part of a relationship decided to go ahead and watch the show you two have been watching together without you. That’s right, the precious show you have dedicated so much time to and bonded over was watched without you, giving your significant other knowledge of the show that you don’t possess. This meme hilariously shows the reaction of the guilty party as you learn the truth, and it showcases just how much Netflix is ingrained in our personal lives.

16 Lie Detector

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Some of Netflix’s biggest binge watching victims are students. Whether it’s high schoolers failing to study for their SAT’s, young children failing to do simple math homework because they’re watching episode upon episode of their favorite show, or college students missing out on their English papers because the new season of Marvel’s Daredevil just premiered, the streaming service has spent years taking the time and energy away from students and causing them to fail to do the work and learn the material needed to move on with their educational careers. How often have parents in this day and age come to find their children binge-watching a show rather than working on their History homework?

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It’s part of the journey into the modern age, with students and parents alike having to learn how to properly balance work and entertainment.

However, this next meme does a wonderful job of showing the humor of it all, with a scene out of one of the United States most popular daytime television shows, Maury. Here there is often quite a lot of drama amongst ordinary people, getting lie detection results about cheating spouses. In this meme, we see the students are the cheaters who are cheating on their homework with Netflix. It’s quite hilarious.

15 No Shame

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Staying home and watching Netflix is quickly becoming the new form of going out to the club. Rather than going out on Saturday night’s, a good majority of people are opting to stay home, get into comfortable clothes, and start watching Netflix. People of all ages are opting to stay home for a number of reasons. It’s more affordable to stay home, eat your own food, and watching a streaming service than it is to go out to the movies, out to dinner or even out dancing. It’s also more comfortable, less stressful, and for those who are socially anxious, it means fewer interactions with strangers.

The reasons are endless, and while for a number of years and even to this day this option is considered by some to be sad and a sign of depression, this next meme showcases that it’s nothing to be ashamed of. As the mother of dragons herself, Khaleesi, shows us in this meme, staying home and watching Netflix is the most logical and normal thing in the world. Khaleesi of Game of Thrones notoriety is, of course, one of the strongest and most powerful players in Westeros so if she’s staying home watching Netflix, then we all are.

14 Show Withdrawal

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

While there are a lot of fun things about binge-watching, there are also a ton of pitfalls as well. Take for instance the classic case of show withdrawal. Netflix has some of the best shows on their service.

For this example let’s take the show Breaking Bad.

The show is easily considered one of the best shows to ever exist. Fans at the beginning had to watch the show one episode a week on AMC until the show’s finale. However, now that it’s on Netflix, the show is easily accessible and can be watched all at once. That’s about six or seven seasons of the show, thirteen episodes a season. People can get so into this that they binge-watch the whole series in a matter of a couple days. Can you imagine taking that much time to watch a beloved show like that?

Now imagine doing this, falling in love with the show quickly, and then having to say goodbye to that show two days later. You watch the show so much that it’s over as quickly as it began, and there are no new episodes to look forward to. That’s what makes this meme so hilarious, as we’ve all been in a binge-watching withdrawal at one point or another in our Netflix careers.

13 Technology Fail

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

One of the things that’s been the most difficult for Netflix is to be able to garner a large older audience. While some members of the senior citizen variety are able to adapt to technology, I know from personal experience that not everyone in this category does. There are some people who get older and just can’t figure out how new technology works. They work their minds trying to figure out the secret that will unlock Netflix, giving them the ability to watch the shows they grew up loving.

I mean, Netflix is the perfect thing for retired people. For those looking to fill the hours they had spent working in the past, what’s better than being able to binge watch the shows you couldn’t watch before because you were too busy earning a living? The hard reality though is that as perfect a service this is in theory for senior citizens and retirees, the truth of the matter is some people are just not good with technology. This meme hilariously shows one such member of the elderly variety confused on how to use Netflix, thinking it’s a channel on TV rather than it’s own app and service accessible only by the internet.

12 Netflix And Sleep

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

The cycle of watching Netflix can be a vicious one. While considered an entertainment app, it’s quickly become more of a way of life for a lot of people. It’s what brings some families and couples together. It’s what some use as an excuse not to do what they’re supposed to be doing. It’s a reason to put off living your life for a little while longer. Yet, one of the things that becomes severely affected by the Netflix cycle is your very own sleep cycle. That’s right, you as a person fail to get the necessary sleep you need in order for your body to rest because your mind is fully invested in the show or film you cannot peel your eyes away from on Netflix.

That’s why I call it the Netflix cycle, because you fail to get any rest while watching Netflix, and in turn, Netflix can get so tiring that you feel like you need about a week’s worth of sleep.

In this hilarious meme, we see this sentiment come to life fully with an image from Austin Powers second film, in which a…shall we say a larger man who is not a gentleman (you Austin Powers fans know who I’m talking about), goes on a rant about the very same subject.

11 A Particular Set Of Skills

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Watching Netflix is quite an art form in itself. Think about it, curating a specific list of shows and films is a major task. Organizing everything in the order you want to watch them and by how important they are to you can be time-consuming, and taking that many hours out of your day to watch these programs can be quite tiring.

In this Netflix cycle we have going on in our lives, we can become very attached to specific movies or shows.

When those properties are unlicensed by the Netflix corporation and are forced to leave the streaming service, the fan outrage can be very dramatic. I still remember the frustration I felt when the streaming service failed to renew the licensing for The X-Files, one of my favorite shows of all time. If I wasn’t so rational minded I would think it was a conspiracy even Fox Mulder couldn’t crack open.

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In this meme, we see a very funny representation of this frustration, as Liam Neeson sees his film Taken has been left out of the service. Taking a line from the film, he promises to find the people responsible for this disservice, and end their lives. Quite a harsh reaction but real nonetheless.

10 Can’t. Stop. Streaming.

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

Netflix has risen to power very quickly in our world. So much so that its services have become something of an addiction for its users. Think about it. How many times have you heard of kids in college missing classes because they fell in a binge-watching session of Luke Cage? How many people have taken days off work in order to finish season six of AMC’s Mad Men? How many times have people stayed up into the early morning hours of the next day because they had to see the season four finale of Grace and Frankie?

It’s amazing to me to see just how much the service has captured the attention of so many people around the world.

It’s become so popular that entire families get to a certain point in their nightly routine where they ask one another, “What’re we watching on Netflix tonight?” Netflix is the new primetime television, and it’s creating an entire society addicted to streaming services. That’s why this meme made me laugh so much. It shows that after four seasons of a popular show, we all get like Dave Chappelle’s popular addict character, hoping to find more episodes of the show lurking around somewhere.

9 Great Expectations

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

One of the most popular memes going around on the internet today is the expectation vs. reality memes. These memes have become a huge part of social media as of late. Let’s give a few examples just in case you are unfamiliar with this meme. One could feature a person hiking up a mountain with the word expectation plastered under the image, with the second image showing a person hunched over in the parking lot of a store with the word reality hanging out underneath that image. The same thing can be shown for a picture of an NBA player slam dunking a ball and another picture of an average guy missing the hoop by a mile.

It’s these stark differences between what we imagine we are capable of doing versus what we actually end up doing that make us laugh out loud with these memes. However, this next meme takes this joke and flips it on its head when it introduces Netflix into the equation. In this meme, we see the expectation of watching Netflix meeting the reality of actually watching it. This shows that when it comes to Netflix, the expectation is always going to meet the reality.

8 Relationship Goals

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

One of the most popular films in the world back in the 2000’s was none other than the hit indie film, Napoleon Dynamite. The film followed an average town where a somewhat nerdy social outcast by the same name as the film befriended a kid named Pedro, became oblivious to the romantic interest of a girl named Deb, and dealt with his scam artist Uncle Rico. It was a hilarious, dry, yet witty comedy that swept the world, putting star Jon Heder on the Hollywood map.

The film itself is the perfect mix of pop culture iconography and teenage humor.

It’s also the perfect film to pair with the relationship goals that come with sharing a Netflix account. The moment when a person feels comfortable enough to share their Netflix password with their significant other is a major milestone in the modern day romantic relationship. It shows not only a level of trust but allows you to bond over the same movies and shows while giving the other person the freedom to choose what they watch on their own. This meme showcasing supporting cast member Kip from the film talking about how serious he and his online girlfriend are once he shares his Netflix password is hilarious to watch unfold.

7 User Overload

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

We’ve talked briefly about the true Netflix MVP, the person who pays for the account. He or she pays each month to allow several other people to build profiles on their account and watch their own shows without their list interfering with anyone else’s list. It’s a wonderful thing for a person to do, and you’d think they would be shown consideration for their efforts to help their friends and family out with their Netflix needs. Yet you’d be surprised how many times these MVP account owners have sacrificed their Netflix watching time for the good of the rest of the account profiles.

The complex reality is that Netflix’s systems only have the ability to stream a certain number of profiles per account.

Their servers are constantly full and adding more to their processors from certain accounts would only serve to damage the system as a whole. That’s why this next upcoming meme is so funny. You see, in the meme above, you are treated to the sight of everyone’s least favorite shoe salesman, Al Bundy. Star of the hit comedy Married…with Children, the meme shows Al in a state of hopelessness as he can’t get onto Netflix thanks to his greedy family. We’ve all been there, haven’t we Al?

6 Dawn Breaker

25 Hilarious Netflix Memes Only True Fans Will Understand

As we’ve touched upon several times in this article, Netflix is a time-consuming app. Rarely does a person go on the service and watch just one episode of a show or one movie. No, more often than not the person ends up staying on the app for hours, perhaps even into the early morning of the next day. Whether done on purpose or accidentally, the struggle to leave the television screen and say goodbye to that twelfth episode of a show is very real for true and hardcore Netflix users.

Time can become really murky when dealing with the video streaming app. Users can lose so much time and energy that they end up missing key events in their lives, or even forget where they were to begin with. That’s why when this next meme came up on our list, we couldn’t help but laugh at the absurd yet true reality of the situation being portrayed. You see, in this meme, we see a scene from Comedy Central’s South Park. The animated hit show is being used her to illustrate how lost we as consumers get in the Netflix game, ending up looking around and realizing it’s morning by the time the show’s over.

Anthony Avina is an author, a blogger and an avid gamer, and not in that particular order.

Link Source : https://www.thegamer.com/netflix-memes-hilarious-true-fans-understand-funny/

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