BoJack Horsemans 10 Most Hilarious Supporting Characters Ranked

BoJack Horseman’s 10 Most Hilarious Supporting Characters, Ranked

Netflix’s BoJack Horseman was an animated series like no other. Equal parts humor and existential dread, these supporting players made the show shine.

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BoJack Horsemans 10 Most Hilarious Supporting Characters Ranked

Netflix’s BoJack Horseman wrapped up its six-season run with an immensely satisfying finale episode earlier this year. The series can now be rewatched as a complete work, and it really holds up. What made the show so unique was its underlying tragedy, succeeding as a drama as much as a comedy. But it was a comedy above all, and like any comedy series, its supporting cast was filled with hilarious characters.

Although fans were emotionally invested in the main cast of BoJack, Todd, Princess Carolyn, Diane, and Mr. Peanutbutter, they still enjoyed the antics of the secondary players surrounding them.

10 Pinky Penguin

BoJack Horsemans 10 Most Hilarious Supporting Characters Ranked

Introduced when Diane was writing BoJack’s memoirs for him in season 1, Pinky Penguin is an Emperor penguin who works at Penguin Publishing — the first of the show’s many animal puns.

Patton Oswalt is hysterical as usual in the role, exemplifying the existential terror of working in a dying industry — in Pinky’s case, print media — as well as being generally flustered all the time, in direct contrast with BoJack’s laid-back attitude.

9 Joey Pogo

BoJack Horsemans 10 Most Hilarious Supporting Characters Ranked

Introduced in the final season, Joey Pogo is a spot-on lampoon of pop stars like Justin Bieber, who represent Generation Z with an entitled demeanor, a massive social media presence, and a litany of tattoos.

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Hilary Swank was definitely an outside-the-box casting choice for the role, but she ended up being the perfect choice, bringing a delightful degree of nuance to the part.

8 Ana Spanakopita

BoJack Horsemans 10 Most Hilarious Supporting Characters Ranked

Angela Bassett is one of the most iconic actors ever to appear on the silver screen, so it was hardly surprising when her BoJack Horseman character turned out to be one of the show’s best.

Ana Spanakopita is a publicist wiz who is known for running successful Oscar campaigns, earning her the nickname “The Oscar Whisperer.” The way that Ana cuts through all the bells and whistles of the Hollywood awards season was always a joy to watch.

7 Vincent Adultman

BoJack Horsemans 10 Most Hilarious Supporting Characters Ranked

Vincent Adultman is the source of one of the show’s most hilarious running jokes. He’s pretty obviously three kids stacked on top of each other wearing a giant trench coat, but no one besides BoJack seems to notice this. Even more hysterically, the show never confirmed that Vincent Adultman wasn’t actually the adult man he claimed to be.

The jig was almost up when Princess Carolyn met a kid who appeared to be the top kid under the trench coat, but he convinced her he was Vincent’s son.

6 Sextina Aquafina

BoJack Horsemans 10 Most Hilarious Supporting Characters Ranked

A dolphin pop sensation voiced by Aisha Tyler in the first two seasons (then by Daniele Gaither in the third), Sextina Aquafina is introduced into the BoJack ensemble when she considers Diane to ghost-write her social media.

5 Flip McVicker

BoJack Horsemans 10 Most Hilarious Supporting Characters Ranked

BoJack’s detective series Philbert was created by Flip McVicker, a human writer who thinks he’s a precocious artistic genius, but secretly has deep insecurities about his abilities.

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Rami Malek gave a brilliant vocal performance as Flip, seemingly playing him as a biting send-up of his own brooding acting style, which won him an Oscar last year.

4 Judah

BoJack Horsemans 10 Most Hilarious Supporting Characters Ranked

What makes Judah funny is that he doesn’t understand what’s funny; he doesn’t get humor and he can’t pick up on sarcasm. Voice actor Diedrich Bader’s deadpan line delivery made the character an icon among BoJack fans. He was incredibly loyal to Princess Carolyn as her assistant, and later became the co-owner of her agency and, more importantly, her husband.

Even Judah’s name is a joke. His full name is Judah Mannowdog, a play on the meme community You’re The Man Now Dog, taken from Sean Connery’s line in Finding Forrester.

3 Sarah Lynn

BoJack Horsemans 10 Most Hilarious Supporting Characters Ranked

Although her character arc came to a tragic conclusion in the show’s third season, Sarah Lynn was always one of the funniest supporting characters. Her trajectory from child sitcom actor to drug-addled pop star is sadly realistic, but her over-the-top sexualized songs make for the kind of biting humor BoJack is known for.

Sarah Lynn’s profane lyrics never fails to raise a chuckle, while Kristen Schaal’s voice acting is always on point, as it is in Bob’s Burgers.

2 Lenny Turteltaub

BoJack Horsemans 10 Most Hilarious Supporting Characters Ranked

Voiced by the legendary J.K. Simmons, Lenny Turteltaub is BoJack Horseman’s stand-in for every veteran producer in Hollywood. He knows the business inside and out and he has a laundry list of Tinseltown anecdotes.

In a fun reference to the long lifespan of actual turtles, Lenny is super old, having worked with Lionel Barrymore, Ed Begley, Sr., Buster Keaton, and Edwin S. Porter when they were just starting out.

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1 Character Actress Margo Martindale

Throughout BoJack Horseman’s six seasons, the title character occasionally butted heads with a BoJack-ized version of Margo Martindale, always referred to as “Character Actress Margo Martindale,” playing herself.

The real Martindale is nowhere near as dangerously insane as the character, but she is just as esteemed and able to play as diverse a range of roles as her fictionalized counterpart.

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