Can Boruto Become More Powerful Than Naruto

Can Boruto Become More Powerful Than Naruto?

Is Boruto a chip off the old block, or will he one day be more powerful than his ridiculously powerful father, the Seventh Hokage, Naruto?

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Can Boruto Become More Powerful Than Naruto

In his prime, few could claim to be more powerful the Naruto. However, soon after the birth of his son Boruto, the inevitable question of which Uzumaki is the most powerful began to surface. As in many superhero father-son comparisons, the answer is less about pure power levels and more about the experience of using power.

To understand whether Boruto can become more powerful than his father, some background is necessary. Naruto’s rise to become the Seventh Hokage of Konohagakure Village was nothing short of impressive. One of the key reasons for this was that he is a jinchuriki or one who is possessed with the spirit and energy of a “tails beast.” This gives Naruto an immense amount of chakra, the energy force ninjas need to perform the most advanced forms of fighting techniques known as jutsu. Orphaned and shunned by others as a child, Naruto had to learn how to use his abilities on his own until was accepted into the village’s prestigious ninja Academy. His success at the Academy, despite his lowly status, demonstrated his immense willpower to succeed, in the face of such high barriers to success.

Comparatively, Boruto’s upbringing was much more comfortable but guided than his father’s. First, there is the fact that his parents were alive and intimately involved during his upbringing. There is also the fact that his father was the leader of the village and widely considered the most powerful ninja of his generation. Naturally, unlike his father, he was sought after rather than shunned. Second, as his parents were highly skilled ninjas themselves, from an early age, Borutu was taught about his skills, and trained in how to use them. For his entry into the Academy, he did not need to prove he should be accepted, his acceptance was a forgone conclusion. Moreover, at the Academy, he has access to the most skilled teacher such as his mentor Sasuke Uchiha, the one ninja believed to be equal to or better than his father. Perhaps most importantly, Boruto had the wisdom of his elders. Whether provided directly, as in through his father’s advice or indirectly by just being able near to ninja excellence daily gave him a deeper understanding of how to use his power to maximum effect.

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As to power levels, each has a skill set that makes them comparable to one another. While both are above average ninja fighters. Their secret weapons are their chakra-based skills. Naruto’s powers are enhanced by the tails beast within is unstoppable in the power augmenting sage mode. While Boruto is not possessed by a “tails beast,” he did inherit the unique DNA mutation of his mother’s Hyuga Clan. This allows him to manifest special Dojutsu skills, including the all-powerful Jogan and, potentially, the X-ray vision like Byakugan. Moreover, while attempting to save his father, a special Kama seal was etched onto his palm. This gives him the ability to siphon the chakra from anyone he touches.

So, can Boruta become more powerful than Naruto? The answer is most likely yes. Power-wise, the two stack up comparably, with a slight edge going to Naruto. The difference is in the unique environment that Boruto grew up in. This has allowed him to become a more cerebral, grounded, and mentally tough warrior than his father. Combined with his other abilities, the question is not can, but rather, when will Boruto become more powerful than Naruto.

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