How Game of Thrones Could Have Fixed Bran Becoming King

How Game of Thrones Could Have Fixed Bran Becoming King

It’s widely accepted that Game of Thrones’ controversial ending would’ve been better with more time. So how could Bran becoming king have been fixed?

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How Game of Thrones Could Have Fixed Bran Becoming King

How could Bran’s Game of Thrones arc have been altered to fix his confusing ascension to the Iron Throne? Game of Thrones season 8 was controversial for plenty of reasons, but one particularly sore point is the character who ultimately ended up winning the titular game – the unassuming Bran Stark. In many ways, Bran as King of Westeros makes sense. His Three-Eyed Raven abilities are incredibly powerful and allow a certain amount of foresight into the future. Following his transformation, Bran is also more or less devoid of all emotion, and doesn’t have the same greed, rage or lust for power that have corrupted previous rulers. From a storytelling perspective, Bran’s coronation symbolizes a victory for the protagonist Stark family, who were continuously wronged throughout the series.

On the other hand, Bran never expressed interest or intention to become king, and was missing for large chunks of the story. Having been a supporting character with no connection to King’s Landing for so long, his rise to power felt like a deliberately subversive curveball. However, this aspect of the finale was decided upon George R.R. Martin himself, so there must be method to the madness? Like many problems with Game of Thrones’ finale, the King Bran ending needed more time to develop, and even Martin has acknowledged that he expected the show to run longer. But what could’ve happened during these extra episodes to set up Bran as the next ruler of Westeros?

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Bran’s story between Game of Thrones seasons 1-4 is one of a young boy robbed of the ability to walk, experiencing dreams and discovering his growing power. Thanks to the Reed siblings and more foreboding visions, Bran accepts his destiny to become the Three-Eyed Raven, and the character’s absence in season 5 is spent learning under the Raven. The problems begin in Game of Thrones season 7 when Bran morphs into the Three-Eyed Raven proper and becomes a distant, unemotional observer, creeping out his sisters and making ominous remarks. Bran refuses the “Lord of Winterfell” title because he’s the Three-Eyed Raven, but there’s no explanation when he later accepts the Iron Throne, other than the vague suggestion of a grand, untold mystic plan. Additionally, Bran’s foresight means he foresaw a lot of death that could’ve been prevented, meaning he arguably killed his way to the top as much as anyone in Game of Thrones, albeit indirectly.

To fix Bran’s ending, 2 things must be established: motivation and morality. Why does Bran decide to become king, and why does he deserve it? If Game of Thrones was afforded an extra 2 years (running to season 10), these questions might’ve been answered. In this alternate HBO reality, Game of Thrones season 8 could’ve picked up the cold, unfeeling Bran who returned to Winterfell and introduced a conflict between his new Three-Eyed Raven persona and his old Bran Stark identity. Bran feels how his family are becoming wary around him and starts to realize many lives now depend on his decisions. As Bran struggles to balance his old, kinder self with his powerful alter ego, he foresees something truly terrifying: Daenerys’ future attack on King’s Landing.

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Game of Thrones season 9 could then focus on Bran’s inner turmoil over this one decision. As the Three-Eyed Raven, he should let Daenerys’ massacre take its natural course, but as Bran Stark, he desperately wants to save the people of King’s Landing. Bran wrestles with the dilemma all the way until Daenerys’ villain turn begins (now much less jarring thanks to the additional seasons). As Daenerys rains down fire, Bran finally manages to balance his old, human personality with the power of the Three-Eyed Raven and moves to stop her. Carried into the burning town by Jon Snow, Bran wargs into Drogon and halts the city’s destruction, fulfilling the Three-Eyed Raven’s prophecy that Bran would “fly” and becoming the savior of King’s Landing in the process.

Once word gets around about Bran’s heroics, he’d naturally be the popular choice for the next monarch, and with his old personality now restored, he’d be more readily accepting for the role than he was back in Winterfell. Any shadiness Bran exhibited in Game of Thrones season 7 would now be redeemed, fixing the question of his morality as well as explaining his motivations.

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